What needs to be disclosed in the Average Number of Employees Note for a Small Company?

Article ID: 3071
Last updated: 11 May, 2023

The Notes to the Financial Statements for a Small company must disclose the average number of persons employed by the company in the financial year.

Only the total average number of employees is required.

Within TaxCalc Accounts Production go to Notes > Edit Notes > Average Number of Employees and enter the total number of employees in the CY field.  The value for PY will pick up from the previous year.

Please note: The total of the values previously entered for any categories will show within the total field(s).

Additional disclosure
Should you wish to provide additional disclosure (which would otherwise be required for those not subject to the small companies regime), the Notes to the Financial Statements could also disclose the average number of persons within each category of persons so employed e.g. Office and admin, Sales and marketing, etc.

To show the categories within TaxCalc Accounts Production go to Notes > Edit Notes > Average Number of Employees, tick the ‘Tick to show categories’ box and complete the displayed fields (or select Add to insert your own categories).

Note: From version 13.5.763 you will only be able to see the Additional Disclosure option if you have purchased an Accounts Production FRS 102 Medium and Large product.

Article ID: 3071
Last updated: 11 May, 2023
Revision: 3
Views: 732
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