How can I use Multiple Dashboards?

Article ID: 3064
Last updated: 09 Mar, 2020

You can create multiple dashboards containing different widgets for Practice Management, Tax Return Production and Accounts Production. You can also set default dashboards that can be shared to individual users as well as groups of users.

Dashboards can be duplicated and customised to suit individual user requirements. This is particularly useful if you want different users to have different dashboard views.

Once you've created your dashboards (see KB3068 How do I create a Dashboard?) you can then switch between them depending on the data you would like to see.

Switching Dashboards:

  1. Select Dashboard from the bottom right-hand side of the TaxCalc homescreen.
  2. From the Settings menu select Switch.
  3. Depending on your access you can choose to select:
  • All - to display all dashboards.
  • Public - to display public dashboards.
  • Private - to display private dashboards.
  1. Select the dashboard to switch to from the Dashboards list.
  2. Click Apply to view the selected dashboard.

If the selected dashboard is no longer available to view the following message is displayed, 'The dashboard is no longer publicly available. Select Switch to pick an alternative dashboard or Cancel to return to a blank dashboard.'

Article ID: 3064
Last updated: 09 Mar, 2020
Revision: 3
Views: 267
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