Can I delete a Task associated with a Job?

Article ID: 2994
Last updated: 04 Apr, 2023

You can delete a Task or multiple Tasks linked to a Job without deleting the Job. However, a Job must always have at least one associated Task, therefore you cannot delete all Tasks from a Job.

To delete a Task linked to a Job:

  1. In Practice Manager, select Work Management.
  2. Select the Job from the list.
  3. Select Edit to open the Edit Existing Job dialog.
  4. Navigate to the Tasks tab.
  5. Highlight the Task to be deleted in the Tasks table.
  6. Click Delete.
  7. The following message is displayed, 'Delete Task. Are you sure?'
  8. Click Yes to permanently delete the Task from the Job.
Article ID: 2994
Last updated: 04 Apr, 2023
Revision: 4
Views: 430
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