E-Sign (Getting Started)

Article ID: 2875
Last updated: 10 Oct, 2023

TaxCalc eSign Centre dramatically reduces the time spent obtaining client approval for tax returns, VAT returns, sets of accounts and any other documents. Simply send over an electronic copy of the documents for the client to check, then once signed, you’ll be notified immediately where you can then complete your workflow and submit the documents straightaway to the relevant body, then store them to your Document Management system.

Using our tried and trusted SimpleStep™ workflow, preparing documents for electronic sign-off couldn’t be easier. Clients can sign on any device - smartphone, tablet, laptop and desktop – from anywhere at any time.

For more information on eSign Centre, please see the Getting Started with eSign Centre guide.


This guide will assume the following:

  1. The client has been created
  2. The relationships table is up to date (excludes individual clients).
  3. An item of work is ready to be sent for approval.

Opening the Envelope:

  • Launch eSign Centre.
  • Select the Create New Envelope option from the left-hand menu.
  • Select the relevant client and click continue

Envelope Details:

  • Give the new envelope a name. This name does not have to be unique.
  • Optional – Give the envelope a description to say what the envelope is going to contain.


Select an action for the recipients displayed in the table from one of the following options:

  • Do not send – This recipient will not receive the envelope to sign.
  • Signer – This will allow the recipient to sign the attached document(s).
  • Watcher – This will enable the recipients to receive the contents of the completed envelope. They will receive a copy once all signers have signed.

You can edit the email addresses listed for any recipient. Only email addresses that have been set to default will be displayed in the recipients table, any changes made in the envelope will be reflected in the Client Record.

To set an auto reminder, select one of the options in the Reminder Options drop down box:

  • Send reminder after 24 hours
  • Send reminder after 7 days
  • Send reminder after specific time – Enter an amount of time in the boxes below Reminder Options

Signing Order:

If there is only one signer, go to the next page (Apply Email Template).

If there is more than one signer in the envelope:

  • Select a Recipient in the Signers table.
  • Use the Move Up or Move Down buttons on the right-hand side of the page to change the order. The signer at the top of the table will receive the envelope first.

Apply Email Template:

To use an existing template, select a template from the “Using Template” box.

  • Edit the message in the white text field if required.

Manage Documents:

  • If you would like to upload your own document, click on Upload Document.
  • To attach a document from TaxCalc, go to the Add TaxCalc Documents button to open the Add TaxCalc Documents Dialog.
  • A list of documents will be presented from all the relevant modules, where you can select the required documents you would like to attach.
  • Click Add Documents.
  • There is a 5mb limit per attachment and 20mb limit for the entire envelope.

Note: The document will take the current Print Preference settings into account when generating the preview.

Manage Documents - Documents Preview:

The documents you have attached will appear under the Manage Documents section, where you will need to do the following:

For each signer set in the Recipients table:

  • Drag and drop the Signature or Date field(s) onto the document preview exactly where you would like the recipient to sign or date.

Note: You may need to expand a menu to find additional signing tags if there is more than one signer.

Check and Finish:

  • Clear any validations that might appear.
  • If there are not validations to clear, the envelope is ready to send.
  • Select Send Envelope and it will be sent to the first recipient.

We would recommend checking the email addresses for recipients on the check and finish screen before sending the envelope.


  1. Each document has a 5mb file size restriction. 
  2. There is a size restriction of 20mb on each envelope.
  3. The current field restrictions is set to 100 characters for envelope name and file names.
  4. We support all PDF version numbers.
  5. We do not allow for Interactive PDF's to be used currently - please email the team via Contact TaxCalc Support.
Article ID: 2875
Last updated: 10 Oct, 2023
Revision: 7
Views: 3495
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