How to use the Bulk Consent Function within Consent Management

Article ID: 2827
Last updated: 31 Oct, 2019

This article will go through the bulk consent function within the consent management screen. This enables you to add a consent for all of your clients. Please note: At this moment in time, you are unable to choose specific clients/contacts. This functionality will be available in a future release.

Using the bulk consent function

Undo a bulk consent

Using the bulk consent function

Step 1: Launch Admin

Step 2: Click on Applications > Select Practice Manager in the table > Customise Practice Manager on the left hand side.

Step 3: Click on Client Consent (GDPR) > Select Bulk Export > Click Next.

Step 4: Select Next to Apply Bulk Consent.

Step 5: Select Consent Type and Apply to all clients and/or contacts.

Step 6: Apply a default status?

Then click Next

Step 7: Complete the fields based on:

  • Consent type
  • Consent Status
  • Method of consent
  • Date
  • Given/withdrawn by
  • Obtained by
  • Notes

Then click on Next > Finish. Then Finish and Save.

Undo a bulk consent

To undo a bulk consent within the consent management section as above. Click on Undo bulk consent on the right hand side as per the screenshot below:

Select the record you want to remove then click on Undo Consent.

All changes in Admin will be made after clicking on Finish and Save. Then closing Admin and re-opening TaxCalc.

For further information on using consent management or creating additional consent types please refer to the Knowledge Base articles below:

 How to use the Consent Management feature within Practice Manager

How to create additional consent types in Consent Management

Article ID: 2827
Last updated: 31 Oct, 2019
Revision: 6
Views: 437
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folder GDPR Centre