Standard Security Roles

Article ID: 2714
Last updated: 30 Mar, 2023

Practice and CloudConnect versions of TaxCalc support multiple user logins.

These user accounts can have their permission levels set to specific 'user roles', which allows the TaxCalc Administrator (the admin user) greater control over what users can see and are allowed to edit.

By default, TaxCalc has six different types of user role:

User Roles       Administrator Junior Manager Partner Secretary Senior
Create/Edit users X X X
Create/Edit roles X X
Create/Edit offices X X X
Create/Edit report styles X X X
Can make a backup X
Can access application settings X X X
View clients X X X X X X
Create/Edit clients X X X X X
Archive clients X X X
Password protect clients X X
Delete clients X X X
View Consents X X X X X X
Edit Consents X X X X
Delete Consents X X X
View accounts X X X X X X
Create/Edit accounts X X X X X
Lock accounts X X X
Delete accounts X X X
Delete posting batches X X X
Delete Trial Balance Import Templates X X X
View/Create/Edit Individual Returns X X X X View Only X
View/Create/Edit Partnership Returns X X X X View Only X
View/Create/Edit Trust Returns X X X X View Only X
View/Create/Edit Company Returns X X X X View Only X
Lock Tax Returns X X X
Delete Tax Returns X X X
View forms X X X X X X
Create forms X X X X X
Edit forms X X X X X
Lock forms X X X
Delete forms X X X
View VAT Forms X X X X X X
Create VAT Forms X X X X X
Edit VAT Forms X X X X X
Lock VAT Forms X X X
Delete VAT Forms X X X
View Incorporations X X X X X
Create Incorporations X ​​​​​​​X ​​​​​​​X ​​​​​​​X
Edit Incorporations ​​​​​​​X ​​​​​​​X ​​​​​​​X ​​​​​​​X
Lock Incorporations ​​​​​​​X ​​​​​​​X ​​​​​​​X
Delete Incorporations ​​​​​​​X ​​​​​​​X ​​​​​​​X
File incorporations electronically ​​​​​​​X ​​​​​​​X ​​​​​​​X
View Forms ​​​​​​​X ​​​​​​​X ​​​​​​​X ​​​​​​​X ​​​​​​​X
Create Forms ​​​​​​​X ​​​​​​​X ​​​​​​​X ​​​​​​​X
Edit Forms ​​​​​​​X ​​​​​​​X ​​​​​​​X ​​​​​​​X
Lock Forms ​​​​​​​X ​​​​​​​X ​​​​​​​X
Delete Forms ​​​​​​​X ​​​​​​​X ​​​​​​​X
View AML records and attachments ​​​​​​​X ​​​​​​​X ​​​​​​​X ​​​​​​​X
Create AML records and attachments ​​​​​​​X ​​​​​​​X ​​​​​​​X ​​​​​​​X
Edit AML records and attachments ​​​​​​​X ​​​​​​​X ​​​​​​​X ​​​​​​​X
Delete AML records and attachments ​​​​​​​X ​​​​​​​X ​​​​​​​X
Can use online Anti-Money Laundering checks (if purchased) ​​​​​​​X ​​​​​​​X ​​​​​​​X
User can access eSign Centre X
Users can only view envelopes
Users can view, create, edit and delete envelopes X
Users can send envelopes X
User can only view GDPR Centre               X             X              X           X              X                   X
Users can view, create and edit in GDPR Centre X
Users can view, create, edit and delete in GDPR Centre X


Admin users can edit these security roles or create new ones if they wish to. The Knowledge Base article  Setting User Security Roles gives more information on how to do this.

The SimpleStep guide How do I set up a user? will show you how to set up the a user from start to finish.

Article ID: 2714
Last updated: 30 Mar, 2023
Revision: 14
Views: 2022
This article was:  

Also read
item How do I setup a user?
item Setting User Security Roles