How to reset the TaxCalc website password

Article ID: 2676
Last updated: 06 Oct, 2022

If the password you are using to access the TaxCalc website does not allow you to log, in it will need to be reset. To do this, please complete the below steps.

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the Log in button at the top right.

  1. Select the Forgot your password? link.

  1. Enter your registered email address you use to access the website.

    Please note - If you do not have access to the registered email address (to let you reset the password) or cannot remember the email address you registered with, please contact TaxCalc Support for the next steps. You can email Support through the contact form (including as much detail as possible) or call us during support hours.

  1. You will be sent an email that looks like the below. The first step you should try is to click on the link at the top for Click here to reset your website account password.

If you are successful, you should see a page like the below where you can enter a new password and proceed to Save changes. This will then allow you to log in and out of the account with the amended password.

If not, you may have something on your machine causing a redirection of the link, which will then mark the password reset code as used.

In these instances, you will need to request another password reset (as above instructions) and then use the instructions in the bottom half of the email which is:

  1. Open a new browser window
  2. Manually type in the URL of ""
  3. On this screen, you will then be prompted to enter your email address and password reset code 

Once successful you will see the same page shown above to input your new password on screen. 

Article ID: 2676
Last updated: 06 Oct, 2022
Revision: 10
Views: 2335
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item TaxCalc and passwords