TaxCalc is either ‘fully supported’, ‘partially supported’ or ‘unsupported’ running on the configurations of operating system as listed here. Fully supportedTaxCalc is optimised to work on the specified versions of these operating systems and all releases are tested on them. Please note those marked with a * have additional information below. Microsoft Windows
Note that we do not test our software on Windows Server Please note the computer which holds the server type installation/database is required to be 64-bit. Apple Mac (64-bit only)
Please note M1, M2, M3 and M4 chips issued for new Mac machines are supported for use with the TaxCalc application. Linux
We fully support customers with TaxCalc queries encountered when running on these configurations and we endeavour to correct any issues that emerge. Appropriate hardware is required to run any operating system. Partially supportedPlease note that the operating systems below are no longer supported by Microsoft or Apple. We therefore do not test the application on these operating systems and cannot guarantee that the application is able to run sufficiently and in its full capacity. TaxCalc would strongly recommend upgrading your operating system if you are using one of the following:
UnsupportedFor more information on our unsupported operating systems, please see our Knowledge Base article for Retired Operating SystemsThese operating systems may no longer be supported by their suppliers making them vulnerable to security threats and we strongly recommend that all customers move to a fully supported platform immediately. Program Compatibility
Hosted Environment CompatibilityTaxCalc may work perfectly well in the following environments but we cannot guarantee it:
While releases may be tested on these configurations and we will make reasonable efforts to support customers with queries encountered on them, we may not be able to correct any issues that emerge. These environments are not within TaxCalc’s core operating parameters and planned or emergency updates to TaxCalc may render it unable to run within a given environment, at little or no notice. However, TaxCalc will make efforts to provide an update to remedy such environment-related issues as soon as reasonably possible. Additional Requirements