How to create additional consent types in Consent Management

Article ID: 2826
Last updated: 04 Apr, 2023

This article will go through step by step on creating additional consent types and methods in Admin.

  1.  Consent Types
  2.  Consent Methods

Consent Types

Step 1: Launch Admin

Step 2: Click on Applications > Select Practice Manager in the table > Customise Practice Manager on the left hand side.

Step 3: Click on Client Consent (GDPR) > then select Consent Types > Create Type.

Step 4: Enter consent name > Save

Consent Methods

Step 1: Launch Admin

Step 2: Click on Applications > Select Practice Manager in the table > Customise Practice Manager on the left hand side.

Step 3: Click on Client Consent (GDPR) > then select consent methods.

Step 4: Enter consent name > Save.

Changes will apply after you click on Finish > Finish and Save > Close Admin > Re-open.

For further information on using consent management and doing a bulk consent, please refer to the Knowledge Base articles below:

How to use the Consent Management feature within Practice Manager

How to use the Bulk Consent Function within Consent Management

Article ID: 2826
Last updated: 04 Apr, 2023
Revision: 5
Views: 336
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