Article ID: 2825
Last updated: 31 Oct, 2019
This article will go through the steps on using Consent Management for GDPR. Step 1: Launch Practice Manager Step 2: Select a Client/Contact you have created (Double – click on the client or right click on the client and click on Edit Client/Contacts). Step 3: Select Engagement from the left tree panel. Step 4: Click on Consent Management This screen will have a record of any records you create. Step 5: Click on the New Consent Action Step 6: Select:
Then click on Save. Then Finish > Finish and Save. To edit or delete an action, simply select the row > select the consent type within the drop down within the Consent Management Screen. Then click on Edit or Delete as per the screenshot below depending on what you are wanting to do. For further information on adding additional consent types and using bulk consent, please refer to the Knowledge Base articles below: How to create additional consent types in Consent Management How to use the Bulk Consent Function within Consent Management
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