Companies House #8023 Errors

Article ID: 2738
Last updated: 15 Feb, 2018

In some cases, when checking a submission status with Companies House, an 8023 error is returned when the submission is, in effect, still PENDING.

This generally affects the Incorporation (IN01 and LLIN01) forms as well as the Change of Name forms (NM01 and NM04).

These forms require further checks by Companies House and generation of a Certificate of Incorporation and consequently can take longer than normal to return either a true PENDING, ACCEPTED or REJECTED response.

As above, an 8023 transaction error should be treated as a PENDING submission and users should wait and Check Status of the submission at a later date/time.

In the case of Name Changes this could be several days. In the case of same day requests made after 3pm the request is unlikely to be processed until the following working day.

If the problem persists then please contact TaxCalc Support. 

Article ID: 2738
Last updated: 15 Feb, 2018
Revision: 5
Views: 2874
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