How do I store tax returns in my own file system?

Article ID: 1245
Last updated: 20 Apr, 2023

By default, TaxCalc stores tax returns in a database. This is the recommended method of storage for reasons of security, but you can save tax returns in a separate location if you prefer.

If you're a Standalone user, or you have multiple machines that aren't connected by a network, you may prefer to have separate database installations but keep the returns in a shared location using the options presented here.

This guide shows you how to:

  • Save a new tax return to your file system instead of to the database.
  • See whether a tax return is saved in your file system or in the database.
  • Link to a tax return on your file system on another machine.
  • Import a tax return from another machine.
  • Move an existing tax return from the database to your file system.

IMPORTANT: If you're using the Network version of TaxCalc (with multiple users), we advise you to keep the tax returns in the database so that all users can access them and TaxCalc can prevent users from overwriting each other’s data.

Save a new return in your file system

  1. When TaxCalc opens, launch Practice Manager from the home screen.
  2. Click on a client.
  3. Select Open in Tax Return Production from the left-hand menu.
  4. The Select Tax Return window will open. If you've imported a return for a previous year, it will be listed here.

  1. Click on New Return... The Create New Individual Tax Return window will open.

  1. Select Type of tax return and Tax year ending from the drop-down menus.
  2. Select Save in your file system.
  3. Click on Create. A standard Save window will open. Name the tax return file and select the location that you want to save it in.

  1. The Select Tax Return window will appear again with an entry for the new tax return. A link next to the tax return denotes that the file is saved in an external file system location.

Viewing where the file is saved​

(Repeat steps 1-3 as above)

  1. The Select Tax Return window will open.

  1. Select a file and click on Properties. The Tax Return Properties window will open, showing the file path leading to its location.

Link to a tax return on another machine – if the client already exists

(Repeat steps 1-3 as shown above)

  1. The Select Tax Return window will open.

  1. Click on Import Return… The Import Tax Return window will open.

  1. Click on Link to File... to locate the return that you saved earlier and link to it from the other machine.

Import a tax return from another machine – if the client doesn't yet exist

  1. When TaxCalc opens, launch Practice Manager from the home screen.
  2. Select Import Client from the left-hand menu.

  1. The Import Client Wizard Introduction page will open.

  1. Click continue to the introduction screen to choose the type of files to import from.

  1. Select the relevant tax return. The client will be created using information from that tax return and the client will be linked to that file. For Corporation Tax, you can use any of the tax years.

  1. Click on Choose... next Select a Single File to import....
  2. Click on Continue.
  3. On the Finish screen, click on Keep in my file system.
  4. Click on Finish.

Move existing returns from the database into your file system

(Repeat steps 1-3 as shown above at the top of the page)

  1. ​The Select Tax Return window will open.

  1. Click on the return you want to move from the database.
  2. Click on Exporting. The Exporting options window will open.

  1. If you want to keep a copy of the return in the database, click on Save a Copy.
  2. Click on Export from Database to move the return file from your database into your file system.
  3. A standard Save window will open. Name the tax return file and select the location that you want to save it in.

  1. Once saved, the file will be removed from the database and will only be located in the chosen location on your file system.
  2. The Select Tax Return window will appear again. A link next to the tax return denotes that the file is saved in an external file system location.

Article ID: 1245
Last updated: 20 Apr, 2023
Revision: 8
Views: 4624
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