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How to create a CT600 from an Accounting Period

When creating a period for a CT600, you have the option of specifying the period manually or using the existing Accounting Period.

To use the Accounting Period dates:

  1. Open Practice Manager.
  2. Right-click on the client.
  3. Select Open in Tax Return Production.
  4. Click on New Return.
  5. Change the radio button from Create New Period to Use Accounting Period.
  6. Select the accounting period in question.
  7. Click Use.
  8. Click Create.
  9. Go to Accounts and Computations.
  10. Under I am attaching Accounts..., tick Relating to this period.
  11. Select & Import accounts, 
  12. Complete the rest of the return.
  13. Attach the XBRL accounts.

If the accounts are for a long period of account, repeat Step 4 and the second CT period dates will be automatically displayed for you to create.

More information on completing a CT600 for long period of accounts can be found in How do I complete a CT600 for a long period of account