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How do I set a nominal code as a favourite?

TaxCalc has now added the facility to allow users to set favourite account codes. This make it easier and quicker to identify account codes which may be used on a regular basis. In order to set a nominal code as a favourite please follow the instructions below:

  1. Go into Administration
  2. Click on Applications.
  3. Single click on Accounts Production to highlight. 
  4. Click on Customise Accounts.
  5. Click on Chart of Accounts.
  6. Double click on the relevant client type which is being used to create the accounts.
  7. Locate the relevant nominal code from the list.
  8. Tick the box to mark it as a favourite

Once you have saved the changes, re-open the client in Accounts Production and the favourites will be ready for you to use as shown in the below screenshot: