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When will Charity Accounts be available in TaxCalc Accounts Production?

TaxCalc Accounts Production does not currently include a format for charities. Whilst there are no immediate plans to introduce this, we are currently conducting research across many different areas including Charities and would greatly value your input. 

As a result, please take the time to answer the current questions by copying and pasting them into an email, and then sending them into our support team. Email address:

**What type of accounts do you cater for? ((Y/N) = Yes/No)

  • Incorporated (Y/N)
  • Un-incorporated (Y/N)
  • Accruals Accounts (Y/N)
  • Receipts and Payments Accounts (Y/N)

Based in E&W or Scotland (or NI), what is your gross income? 

  • 0 - 250,000 (Y/N)
  • 250,001 - 500,000 (Y/N)
  • 500,001 + (Y/N)

Do you file the same set to the Charity Commission and Companies House?

Yes or No

Do you have any Charities that are required to file a Tax Return?

Yes or No

Any other information that you would like to include, please provide below:**