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How do I remove duplicate property pages?

Duplicate property pages may be created if you've imported a return from last year and:

  • you used the joint import to import income from another individual tax return which contains income from the same property.
  • ​you have manually entered details with the same property name.

You can remove duplicate property pages by completing the following steps.

SimpleStep mode

  1. Browse to Other income.
  2. Go to UK Property and Furnished Holiday Lettings in the EEA.
  3. Under this heading you'll see the duplicate Other rental income schedules with the name of the property. Click on one of the duplicates.
  4. Click on Delete schedule at the bottom of the page.
  5. Click on Yes to confirm the deletion.
  6. Repeat steps 3–5 until all of the duplicates have been removed.

HMRC Forms mode

You shouldn't get duplicate pages in this mode. However, if you do want to delete UK or EEA pages on Page 1, click on Delete schedule at the bottom of the page. A pop-up message will confirm the deletion and the page and any entries will be cleared.