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How do I import a return from the previous year's tax return? (Individual Users)

Depending on whether you are looking to import a single tax return file or multiple tax return files, the instructions will vary. Below are 2 videos, the first for importing multiple tax returns and the second for single file.

Video 1 - Multiple tax return files

Video 2 - Single tax return file

Please see the written instructions below:

To import your previous year's tax return data into the current year version of TaxCalc, you will need to:

  1. Start the previous year's TaxCalc and click on a file.
  2. Make a note of the file location shown in the File Information (along the bottom of the screen).
    1. If the icon is listed as File Missing, we would recommend following the instructions as per our article for How do I find a missing file? (Individual, Partnership and Limited Company users)
  3. Open TaxCalc and click on the current year option in the menu.
  4. Start TaxCalc and click on Import returns from TaxCalc 20XX.
  5. Click Continue to proceed to the File Selection screen.
  6. Click Browse and navigate to where the previous year's return is stored.

  1. Select and Open the previous return.

  1. Click Continue.
  2. Enter a name for the new return and choose where the new file will be saved.
  3. Click Continue and then Finish.

The current year's return will now be created with the data from the previous year's tax return and you can fill in the return as normal.