TaxCalc Release Notes 2023
Article ID: 3371
Last updated: 09 Jan, 2025
Below are the Release Notes for TaxCalc 2023 releases. Click to see the Release Notes for 2013-2016 > 2017 > 2018 > 2019 > 2020 > 2021 > 2022 > 2024 > 2025
TaxCalc Product Update - version 14.3.260 - Released on 7th December 2023
Please note:
For Customers who have not already updated to Version 14, this update requires an installer to be run. Please ensure that you have local admin rights before attempting the update.
This release may result in a change to the IR Mark on any existing V3 CT600 returns.
For Customers who have experienced issues with authorising HMRC tokens for Self-Assessment Pre-Population and fetching VAT periods, we would recommend deleting any existing tokens and re-authorising once this release has been installed.
Product summary
Tax Return Production
Provided access to the Client Questionnaire for the year ending 5 April 2024.
Included a new validation for SA100 Individual Tax Returns to support HMRC’s special case (51) relating to employment with payrolled benefits and student/postgraduate loan calculations.
Updated footers for all Tax Return forms to show that they are substitute forms, issued by TaxCalc.
Removed a validation for CT600 Corporation Tax Returns relating to non-trading losses on intangible fixed assets which is no longer relevant.
Fixed a filing issue relating to CT600 Corporation Tax Returns for property companies with disallowable charitable donations.
Fixed an issue relating to the authorisation of HMRC tokens for Self Assessment Pre-Population and fetching of VAT periods. If you have experienced issues in this regard, re-authorisation may be required once more following installation of this release.
VAT Filer
Batch Filer
Accounts Production
General maintenance
Resolved an issue where allocating posting(s) to directors via a Check & Finish hyperlink caused the application to crash.
Statement of cash flows: Foreign exchange gains/(losses) calculation for the cash and cash equivalent at end of year/period have been updated to display correctly.
References to '(Profit)/loss on disposal of tangible assets' will now vary correctly in the Profit reconciliation cash flow note.
The calculations for amounts introduced by directors and amounts withdrawn by directors have been updated when postings have not been allocated to directors.
Changes made to default text for notes via Admin Centre will now be applied to all new accounting periods without resetting the entry.
The content page for companies/LLPs applying FRS 102 will no longer duplicate Income Statement when the company status is dormant.
Companies/LLPs with dormant status have been updated to refer to ‘Dormant Profit and Loss Account’ instead of ‘Dormant Profit and Loss Account Statement’.
Resolved an issue where the Check & Finish was prompting the user to include Auditor’s Remuneration note for audited companies prepared under FRS 102 1A and 105.
Resolved an issue that resulted in delay in creating accounting periods in certain scenarios.
Resolved an issue where the registrar financial statements included Strategic and Director’s report when claiming small companies exemption under FRS 102 (small).
Resolved an issue where the Turnover note format for limited companies had been updated unintentionally for existing periods.
Pension commitment note selection within edit notes will now be retained for accounts prepared under FRS 102.
Finance Leases will now refer to hire purchase and finance leases.
Tax (expense)/credit on components of other comprehensive income have been updated to display (expense)/credit correctly.
The content of the Capital and Reserves and Profit/Loss columns within the subsidiaries note will no longer be brought forward into the next accounting period.
Resolved an issue where opening the political donations and expenditure note immediately after a reset caused a crash within the Member’s report.
The accountant’s report will now be included in the registrar financial statements when selected to be included in Registrar accounts.
The Profit and Loss accounts within lead schedules have been updated to display the Gain/Loss on derivative financial instruments references.
The director's responsibilities note will now retain user edits made for the director’s responsibilities and e-publication note for companies preparing accounts for FRS 102.
The following online filling errors have been resolved and will no longer stop the user filing successfully with HMRC:
· Chris:3312 Trading/non-trading (UK:BUS Entity Trading) is missing
· Chris:3312 Dormant/non-dormant indicator (UK:BUS Entity Dormant) is missing
· Chris:3312 Date of signing Director’s report (uk-direp:DatesigningDirectorsReport) is missing
· Chris:3312 Name of Director signing Directors Report (uk-direp:DirectorsSigningReport) is missing
· Chris:3315 Generic dimension member (bus:Director) has no associated name or description item
Admin Centre has been updated to include the Controlling Parties note for FRS 102 1A with additional disclosures.
Resolved an issue where the Basis of Preparation of Financial Statements note In Admin Centre (Non-resident landlords) contained an incorrect reference to FRS 102 1A for limited companies applying FRS 102.
The total and the sign of the breakdown values will now match with the selected value in the Balance Sheet.
The detailed breakdown window for a single accounting period in the drill-down feature in reports will now display the adjustments in one column rather than two.
When drilling into values that are exclusively calculated from a single entry in Notes > Edit Notes, the cursor will now be positioned correctly in the field corresponding to the selected value in reports.
Resolved an issue where the rule-off around the total in the ‘detailed breakdown’ window for a single accounting period was too big.
Tangible assets: Cost or valuation values for ‘at cost’ will contain the correct hyperlink to the edit notes screens when values include adjustments from those fields.
Resolved an issue so that values for turnover in profit and loss account, turnover by class of business, subsidiaries, directors advances and key management compensation notes within reports, are drillable.
Resolved an issue where drilling into values relating to highest paid director incorrectly opened the director’s remuneration note.
Time tracker includes the ability to pause a time log. This allows a time log to be restarted at a later time and/or a new time log for another item of work to be started.
When attempting to complete a time log generated via the Time tracker, should you change your mind, select Keep Working.
Suspended users have been omitted from selection when creating/editing a new time log. A security permission is available within security roles in Admin Centre to make suspended users visible if required.
General Maintenance
The WIP Overview has been updated to sort by Client A-Z.
The Time Analysis screen has been updated to show time logs in date order.
When editing a time log from within a Timesheet, the log no longer moves to the following day when clicking on the right-hand edge of the log.
The Job/Task link to Time Log option now includes completed tasks without a PM+ Licence.
Practice Manager
The ‘Tasks and Jobs assigned to me’ widgets on the Dashboards have been updated to include:
an icon to indicate that a Note exists for that Job/Task, including a tooltip showing the last note.
an optional ‘Notes’ button that opens the client record on the Notes tab showing the notes for the activity type of the selected Job/Task.
When selecting a client from the client list in Practice Manager, the right-hand panel has been updated to only show the status for the last 2 tax years (all other tax years can be viewed via Set Work Status > Tax Return Production).
The Notifications counter will flash when a new notifications appears or where notifications exist on first opening the application.
General Maintenance
The Confirmation Statement statutory deadline calculation for year of incorporation has been updated to use ‘Confirmation Statement date + 14 days’ (rather than using the Incorporation date).
Within Report Manager, when using a client filer on a duplicated report, a new copy of the filter will be applied to the new report (rather than using the same filter as the original report).
When de-selecting ‘has a portfolio’ from a user, the confirmation dialog has been updated to include a link to see all clients affected (rather than listing them within the dialog itself).
Submitting Tax CT and Tax SA Returns in bulk using Batch Filer will now trigger all set task automation within Jobs.
Communications Centre
Tokens used in the subject line are now correctly populated when using the option to Bulk Send from Message Activity.
Attachments included within an email sent from Communications Centre will now appear when opened on an iPhone/iPad.
The Communications Summary has been updated to exclude Suspended users from the User emails widget.
eSign Centre
General Maintenance
Companies House Sync Wizard
TaxCalc Product Update - version 14.2.200 - Released on 15th November 2023
Please note:
For Customers who have not already updated to Version 14, this update requires an installer to be run. Please ensure that you have local admin rights before attempting the update.
This release may result in a change to the IR Mark on any existing V3 CT600 returns.
Product Summary
Tax Return Production
Practice Manager Plus
Tax Return Production
Fixed an issue that was preventing some of our non-practice users from successfully using a token for self assessment pre-population.
Fixed a display issue relating to the Filing by Internet submission screen that would have affected some customers who save Tax Returns outside of the database (externally).
Practice Manager Plus
TaxCalc Product Update - version 14.1.807 - Released on 9th November 2023
Please note:
For Customers who have not already updated to Version 14, this update requires an installer to be run. Please ensure that you have local admin rights before attempting the update.
This release may result in a change to the IR Mark on any existing V3 CT600 returns.
Product Summary
Tax Return Production
TaxCalc Product Update - version 14.1.800 - Released on 1st November 2023
Please note:
For Customers who have not already updated to Version 14, this update requires an installer to be run. Please ensure that you have local admin rights before attempting the update.
This release may result in a change to the IR Mark on any existing V3 CT600 returns.
Product Summary
Accounts Production
Companies House Forms
Tax Return Production
Practice Management
VAT Filer
eSign Centre
Communications Centre
Batch Filer
AML centre
Accounts Production
Accounts Production – FRS 102 MLA extended to include Medium and Large Limited Liability Partnerships
The FRS 102 MLA add-on will allow for preparation of accounts in accordance with FRS 102 for Medium & Large individual Limited Liability Partnerships. The accounting standards screen will contain a new option to select FRS 102. For any FRS 102 1a client, there is also the option to include options to add any of the disclosures relating to FRS 102.
For FRS 102 LLPs :
A new cash flow statement report, with figures automatically calculated from the trial balance.
Enhancements to the existing FRS 102 1a notes and the following new notes:
Further updates for LLPs for all accounting standards, include:
Additional account codes added to the chart of accounts
3362 – Political expenditure
3618 – Interest payable on other loans
3624 – Interest payable to group undertakings
3646 – Finance charge on provisions
3676 – Interest capitalised
3675 – Gains/losses on derivative financial instruments
Ability to create an Auditor’s address for an LLP.
Within Edit Notes for an LLP:
The ‘Loans and other debts to and from members’ screen has been renamed to ‘Amounts Due to and from Members in respect of Profits’ to represent the details contained within the note, this has been updated for all accounting standards.
The following notes have been re-positioned in the menu tree and will be displayed directly underneath the Reconciliation of Members interests note:
A token to prompt to enter the principal activity ‘(please complete sentence)’ has been removed from the Principal Activity note within the Members' report for Limited Liability Partnerships.
Other updates within Accounts Production
The Edit mode option within the financial statements has been further enhanced to drill-down from figures on the accounts that have been generated from note entries.
Additionally, entries will now:
The capability to drill-down from sub-totals and totals has been removed from the Full and Registrar Financial Statements.
Revised Financial Statements
A Check & Finish has been added if the reason the original accounts did not comply with the Companies Act 2006 text box in Revised Financial Statement note is that it has not been populated.
Default wording has been added for the Emphasis of Matter note as per ISA (UK) 560 Paragraph 16.
A Check & Finish warning has been added where accounts are marked as revised and audited, where a brief summary of emphasis of matter has not been included.
General Maintenance
For sole traders and partnerships, the default wording for the IFA version of the Accountant’s report has been updated as per the guidance.
FRC’s Ethical Standard – Provisions for Small Entities note: the disclosures will be included automatically for a small company applying FRS 102.
To prevent unintended consequences it will not be possible to change the company type without deleting the accounting period and associated relationships that have already been created.
Resolved an occasional issue where a page break was inserted after the General Information note in Notes to Financial Statements.
Investments – subsidiaries note: An option has been added to edit the defaults of the subsidiaries screens within Investments note via Admin Centre.
The Tables icon will always be displayed in the formatting ribbon within Edit Notes for all client types. A warning will be displayed directing the user to purchase/renew the FRS 102 MLA licence when clicking on the Tables icon if there is no licence.
Auditor’s report: Correct spacing has been inserted in the final paragraph of the Other Information note.
Accountant’s report: Default text will be displayed for the Accountant’s report at admin level for limited companies applying FRS 102 1A.
Accountant’s report: The financial statements will now include the customised text for the Accountant’s report for all accounting standards.
Sole trader/Partnerships: The IFA version of the Accountant’s report will now be displayed and rendered correctly when Income & Expenditure Account is selected as the report type.
Resolved an issue where the Profit & Loss Account and alternative reports were omitted from the primary statements token in the Auditor’s report.
Other comprehensive income: Resolved an issue where the values in the ‘Tax expense/credits on components on other comprehensive income' field were displaying inverted.
Resolved an error which affected limited companies and LLPs where the calculation of opening balances brought forward incorrectly handled postings to account code 3675 in the previous accounting period.
Tax on profit/surplus note: Tokens have been updated to correctly refer to profit/loss in limited by shares and surplus/deficit in limited by guarantee.
Resolved an issue where the Breakdown of tax charge had been removed from the Tax on profit note for existing periods.
Resolved an issue where allocating posting(s) to directors via a Check & Finish hyperlink caused the application to crash.
Admin Centre has been updated to include the additional text box within Auditor’s remuneration note for FRS 102 and FRS 102 1a with additional disclosures.
Resolved an issue where individual related party transaction details did not pull through to the report without populating the first narrative box (to provide details of related party transactions).
The financial statements will no longer crash when a related party transaction note is included without the opening text being populated.
Profit reconciliation section of the Tax on Profit note will now save the new rows and values added by the user.
Resolved an issue where the Share Capital note was incorrectly included within the Limited by Guarantee accounts as a result of changing the business type to Limited by guarantee (from Limited by shares).
Other Comprehensive Income note: Resolved an issue where the rows and fields did not match up with the preview mode and report output.
Resolved an issue where the default wording for the Research & Development accounting policy had been inadvertently updated for existing periods.
Tax on Surplus note for Limited by Guarantee: The default wording within Admin Centre has been updated.
Resolved an issue where the [List_Strategic_and_Directors_Report] token was repeating ‘the’ in the Statement of Director’s Responsibilities note when preparing FRS 105 accounts.
Resolved an issue where the Opinion note for limited by shares within the Auditor’s report incorrectly referenced surplus/(deficit) instead of profit/(loss).
Detailed balance sheet for FRS 105 now includes the rows for the fixed investment codes where postings exist.
Fixed asset investments note: iXBRL tagging has been applied to the net book value total column.
Cash Flow Statement: Resolved an issue where foreign exchange gains/(losses) on cash and cash equivalents were not displayed correctly.
Resolved an issue that affected limited companies and LLPs where postings to account code 3675 were shown in the wrong section of the Profit and Loss Lead Schedule.
Provisions for liabilities: Headings for additional provisions will now be displayed in the preview mode and report output.
Audit Information note will now include the content of Emphasis of Matter for FRS 102 1A in the registrar financial statements.
For LLPs
Updated incorrect references to member’s (which should be displayed as members') on the content page and Members' report.
Balance Sheet statement relating to s477 has been updated to refer to LLPs rather than LLP's.
The following online filling errors have been resolved and will now allow the user to file successfully with HMRC:
Error 0: cvc-complex-type.2.4.b: The content of element ‘table’ is not complete.
Error 0: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'frs-core:ShareBasedPaymentsFree-textComment'.
Error 3314: Inconsistent duplicate fact values – (dpl:Non-InterestBanksimilarCharges).
Error #9999 - fatal: Inconsistent duplicates facts are present for “CashCashEquivalentsCashFlowValue'.
Error 0: cvc-complex-type.2.4.b: The content of element ‘table’ is not complete.
CVC attribute 3: the value - cannot resolve ‘core:FurtherSpecificTypeProvisionContingentLiabilityTotalProvisionContingent of attribute 'dimension’ on element is not valid.
UndeclaredPrefix: cannot resolve ‘core:FurtherSpecificTypeProvisionContingentLiabilityTotalProvisionContingent as a QName: the prefix ‘core’ is not declared.
Companies House Forms
Tax Return Production
General Maintenance
Updated the onscreen text for non-practice users on the filing by internet screen relating to test filing.
Updated the onscreen text for non-practice users to provide more information regarding paying tax to HMRC.
Fixed an issue relating to the watermark on Tax Returns where the page was not a standard A4 dimension.
Removed the usage of HMRC’s crown logo for fetched self-assessment data.
Fixed an issue relating to attaching secured PDFs to Tax Returns.
Corrected the time of filing for Tax Returns recorded against the tax work status. In some circumstances it was out by 1 hour.
CT600 Corporation Tax Returns
Updated the mapping from Accounts Production to include Charitable donations in the import.
Provided additional data entry for computation add backs for:
Added the ability to post a tax journal posting to Accounts Production for S455 Tax Charges.
Updated the Corporation Tax computational taxonomy to 2023 and updated the tagging for ceased trading date.
Updated losses to include losses brought forward being surrendered for creative tax credits.
General Maintenance
Updated SimpleStep wording for Exporter information to show the correct description for boxes 616 and 617.
Updated SimpleStep ‘Next Step’ functionality for supplementary pages (CT600I CT600J CT600K CT600M CT600N).
Updated Indexation allowance for November 2018 and excluding a duplicate entry for December 2017.
Improved the display and alignment of columns on the Corporation Tax computation relating to the R&D section.
Fixed an issue to ensure that the preview for patent box calculations is working as expected.
Updated the date on a Structures and buildings allowance validation message to reflect 29 October 2018.
Removed a validation relating to Structures and buildings allowance qualifying start date having to be in CT period.
Removed a duplicate validation relating to box 743 for First Year Allowances.
Fixed an issue relating to a balancing charge being created for assets that had a super-deduction and AIA claim in return with a period end after 31 March 2023, that were created before our last update.
Fixed a rounding issue relating to the general pool super deduction balancing charge.
Updated the Capital Allowances manual grid to take into account full expensing claims on new plant and machinery (from 1 April 2023).
SA100 Individual Tax Returns
NEW Summary to provide the breakdown of net relevant earnings for pension purposes.
NEW Summary showing calculation of Class 2 and Class 4 NIC.
Enhanced the ‘Payments on account' SimpleStep screen to allow multiple entries for 'Other outstanding liabilities'.
Updated the Land & Property Summaries to include a total column where the income is shared and the joint income calculator has been used.
Tax Payment/Repayment summary updated to include overpaid Capital Gains Tax, where appropriate.
Updated import mapping from Accounts Production to self-employment pages so that entertaining costs and late payment tax charges are now included as disallowable expenses.
Enhanced the ‘Collecting tax through PAYE’ SimpleStep screen to show tax liability after payments on account and Class 2 NIC (for the purposes of collecting tax through PAYE).
General Maintenance
Updated validation relating to ‘Tax relief is not available for pension contributions in excess of £3,600...’ to make it clearer when it applies.
Updated the Adjusted Profit Computation to allow for total disallowable expenses being a credit.
Included a new validation if tax from employment is a credit.
Updated the capital gains tax relief section to provide more information on entering share loss relief against income.
Included a new validation relating to the completion of employee’s NIC contributions where the Class 2 maximum charge applies.
Included a new validation relating to HMRC’s Special 50, applicable when no capital gain is arising but real time CGT has been paid.
Updated the self-employment SimpleStep page for other income to remove the reference to SEISS.
Updated the Furnished Holiday Let summary to ensure that any loss to carry forward is being shown.
Fixed an issue where the Structures and Buildings Allowance (SBA) was only calculating one days worth of allowance when the asset was brought forward from a previous year.
Updated the WLTP rate percentages for company cars with emissions under 50g/km.
Corrected the years in the description relating to underpaid tax on SA302 Summary.
Fixed an issue relating to the foreign tax deduction not being included in box FOR30 for the second and subsequent properties.
Ensured that the dividend database only reflects dividends when a company has been selected.
Updated the list of Professional Fees & Subscription bodies.
SA800 Partnership Tax Returns
General Maintenance
Included a new validation where the name of the signatory has not been entered in box 11.3.
Fixed an issue relating to extra trade pages being imported into an individual’s Self Assessment Tax Return.
Updated the footer on the extra trade pages in line with HMRC guidance.
SA900 Trust Tax Returns
Practice Manager
Performance improvements have been made to the client list within Practice Manager (and other locations where a list of clients is used/displayed) to produce the list in a more timely manner where a large number of clients exist.
A new Custom Field type ‘User’ has been provided. This will display a list of users within the practice that can be set against a field on a client's record, ideal for setting which member of staff is responsible for which role against each client.
Added the ability to bulk update custom fields (Type: Users, Dropdown and Tickbox) and the Assigned to Office field set against a client record for multiple clients at the same time.
Client restrictions have been updated to allow use of a dynamic filter (Data Mine), for example, by Office.
Dashboards have been updated to allow ‘Jobs and tasks assigned to me’ widgets to be filtered by Office.
A new filter has been added to Work Management for ‘Office’.
An option has been provided within Work Management and Active Work to delete tasks in bulk.
Added a new condition within Data Mine for ‘Office’ which provides a selection of Offices to choose from. This condition returns all clients set with the selected office.
For improved identification, a newly created Task will be automatically selected within the Work Management and Active Work tables.
General Maintenance
When Tax, VAT and Annual Accounts are submitted, tasks will automatically complete and recur where the automatic task option setting is active.
Performance improvements for large amounts of jobs/tasks have been implemented to Bulk Select in Work Management and Active Work.
The client summary in the Client Record will display custom fields using a drop down field type.
Standalone task widgets will display tasks if the logged in user has the rights to the view the associated client.
The client record fields ‘Assigned the client to an office’, ‘Bookkeeping software’ and ‘Method of payment’ have been updated to make sure the options are ordered correctly.
Practice Manager Plus
Custom fields set as ‘User’ can be set as an assignee on a Job templates. Where a Job is created using that template, this will automatically assign the user set against that client to the relevant job/tasks.
Dashboards have been updated to allow ‘Jobs and tasks assigned to me’ widgets to be filtered by the Custom Fields set as ‘User’.
An new filter has been added to Work Management for any Custom Field set as ‘User’.
An option has been provided within Work Management and Active Work to delete jobs and tasks in bulk.
Bulk Service Wizard has been updated to include the ability to create Annual Accounts and Tax CT work items when creating a job.
For improved identification, a newly created Job will be automatically selected within the Work Management and Active Work tables.
General Maintenance
Performance improvements have been implemented when selecting a large number of jobs/tasks within Work Management and Active Work.
Performance improvements have been implemented when creating a large amounts of jobs/tasks via the Bulk Service Wizard in Work Management and Active Work.
An existing Job Template (Workflow and Checklist mode) can now be assigned to a Team when duplicated or edited.
Mouse scroll has been disabled on the Tasks tab of the Job wizards to prevent mistakenly changing a value.
View History on a Job has been updated to include audit changes made by automation.
Job automation will create a Corporation Tax Return for the April 2024 leap year and leap years going forward.
Job and tasks widgets have been updated to display the job/task if the logged in user has the rights to the view the associated client.
It is possible to activate a service and create a job using checklist mode in all instances, regardless if the service has a template set or not.
VAT Filer
Inclusion of a new VAT Account which connects with HMRC’s new APIs to get the latest surcharge and penalty information.
Moved current functionality relating to Payments & Liabilities from individual VAT Returns to the new VAT Account.
Ability to see which user submitted a VAT Return added.
Updated the text on the VAT Filer opening dialog.
Addressed a couple of UI issues relating to boxes resizing when data has been entered.
eSign Centre
General Maintenance
The signing order can now be updated when new/updated signers are added to an existing envelope.
Updated the Recipients tab so Client Relationships can only be added as document signers once to envelopes.
Communications Centre
An alternative method of authentication (OAuth) is available for Microsoft Outlook.
Custom Fields set as ‘User' can be added as tokens to mail merge and send message (as with all other Custom Field types).
Updated the support of document types to include .doc attachments when sending an email. This will allow any Client Questionnaire (or other Mail Merge documents) to be attached without having to update to .docx.
General Maintenance
Batch Filer
Added the ability to file CT600 Corporation Tax Returns using Batch Filer.
Added the ability to filter clients based on assigned office details.
Added the ability to print/PDF all FBI Receipts for Tax Returns submitted in a batch.
Included the IR mark of the Tax Return in the batch selection windows.
Updated Batch Filer notifications to include the name of the batch.
Add a new Status description for Tax Returns that didn't get filed during a batch submission.
Ensured that the batch name has focus when creating a new batch.
When all submissions in a batch have been made, the main batch filer window is now updated to include the latest batch.
AML Centre
TaxCalc Product Update - version 13.8.831 - Released on 29th September 2023
Please note:
Product Summary
Tax Return Production
Practice Manager
Accounts Production
Tax Return Production
Practice Manager
Accounts Production
The QuickBooks trial balance import has been updated to cater for the latest QuickBooks update, so it will import successfully. The import process for QuickBooks will now divert to the machine's default internet browser for the user to authenticate with their QuickBooks credentials. Future updates are being planned in this area to further improve the import workflow.
TaxCalc Product Update - version 13.7.148 - Released on 1st August 2023
Please note:
Product Summary
Accounts Production
FRC’s ethical standards note – resolved an issue where the note was included in the registrar financial statements when the selection to include the note was turned off.
The following online filling error has been resolved and will now allow the user to file successfully to HMRC:
- Error 0: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'frs-core:Non-bankInterestSimilarCharges'
TaxCalc Product Update - version 13.7.145 - Released on 19th July 2023
Please note:
Product Summary
For TaxCalc versions on SQLITE databases, in certain circumstances where the TaxCalc application was open and left inactive, on returning to the application it was unresponsive - this has been resolved.
TaxCalc Product Update - version 13.7.134 - Released on 10th July 2023
Please note:
For Customers who have not already updated to Version 13, this update requires an installer to be run. Please ensure that you have local admin rights before attempting the update.
This release may result in a change to the IR Mark on any existing V3 CT600 returns.
Product Summary
- General
- Practice Manager Plus
- Tax Return Production / VAT Filer
Practice Manager Plus
General Maintenance
Where a checklist job is assigned to a Team, all tasks will be automatically assigned to that Team
Job templates can be assigned to a Team where the assignee was previously set to portfolio manager
Tax Return Production / VAT Filer
TaxCalc Product Update - version 13.7.130 - Released on 4th July 2023
Please note:
For Customers who have not already updated to Version 13, this update requires an installer to be run. Please ensure that you have local admin rights before attempting the update.
This release may result in a change to the IR Mark on any existing V3 CT600 returns.
Product Summary
- Accounts Production
- AML Centre
- Tax Return Production
- Practice Management
- Communications Centre
- eSign Centre
- VAT Filer
Accounts Production
- Amended/Revised accounts can be prepared using either revision by replacement or revision by supplementary note for Limited companies and Limited Liability Partnerships, and can additionally be submitted electronically to Companies House and HMRC for accounting periods ending on or after 1 April 2022.
- ‘Switch to Edit Mode’ will allow for drill down from the report to access the formulas that make up the monetary value, and the ability to edit the value for all primary statements and notes to financial statements.
- The FRC 2022/2023 iXBRL taxonomies have been updated for periods ending on or after 1 April 2022, for submissions to both Companies House and HMRC.
Other updates within Accounts Production
- Electronic filing restrictions can now be set via a user’s security role (found in Admin Centre) for Accounts Production, Companies House Forms and Company Incorporator.
- Additional accounts have been added to the LLP chart of accounts:
- Political expenditure – account 3362.
- Fair value gains/losses on investment property/investments – account 3575/3576/3785/3586.
- Intangible assets – additional movement account codes for goodwill – revaluation (account 4008), amortisation on revaluations (account 4009), transfers (account 4009-1), amortisation on transfers (account 4009-2), other cost (account 4009-3), other amortisation (account 4009-4) including the equivalent for other intangibles (4019 to 4019-4), development (4029 to 4029-4), intellectual property (4039-1 to 4039-4).
- Tangible assets – additional movement account codes for land and property freehold – transfers (4109-1), depreciation on transfers (4109-2), other cost (4109-3), other depreciation (4109-4), including the equivalent for land and property leasehold (4119-1 to 4119-4), plant and equipment (4129 to 4129-4), motor vehicles (4139 to 4139-4), fixtures and fittings (4149 to 4149-4), computer equipment (4159 to 4159-4), investment properties (4169-1 to 4169-4).
- Investments – additional movements accounts for investments – listed – fair value adjustments (4203-1), provision on revaluation (account 4209), transfers (account 4209-1), provision on transfers (account 4209-2), other costs (account 4209-3), other provision (account 4209-4). including the equivalent for investments – unlisted (accounts 4213-1, 4129 to 4219-4), investments – other (accounts 4223-1, 4229 to 4229-4).
- Investments – new account codes for subsidiaries (accounts 4230 to 4239-3), associates (accounts 4240 to 4249-4), joint ventures (accounts 4250 to 4259-4).
- Loans codes – other loans (accounts 5110, 5510), debenture loans (accounts 5120, 5520).
- Creditors code – payment on account (account 5560).
General Maintenance
- Import Trial Balance from CSV will default to use an existing map instead of creating a new import map.
- Account description for Political Expenditure (account 3362) has been updated to read: Political expenditure.
- Financial statements:
- A Check and Finish(R) message will only be displayed where posting values to Investment Properties are greater than zero.
- Check and Finish error resolved for Fixed Asset Investments, which will now display the account codes in order. Also, where the difference between brought forward and carried forward has been found for joint ventures cost, it will refer to the correct account code 4250.
- Resolved an issue where a Check and Finish error was incorrectly displayed for investments – joint ventures opening balance.
- Resolved an issue where a Check and Finish error was incorrectly displayed for investment properties (account 4160).
- Balance sheet – limited companies postings to Investment Property will no longer be displayed as Fixed assets in the comparative period if the Investment property is displayed as a separate note in the current year.
- Balance Sheet – resolved an issue where multiple signatories on the report were displayed with a continuous dotted line.
- Notes to the financial statements – the extra spacing between single rule-off and total has been removed from certain notes to financial statements, to be consistent in all notes.
- Statement of Comprehensive income – resolved an issue where occasionally the Statement of Comprehensive Income values were not pulling through to the current year.
- Statement of Director’s Responsibilities – spacing has been updated to be consistent with the rest of the financial statements.
- General information note – resolved an issue where the General Information note number for FRS 102 1A was using a previous accounting period’s note number (when the accounting standard has been updated to FRS 102).
- FRC’s ethical standards note – resolved an issue where the note was included in the full and registrar financial statements when the selection to include the note was turned off.
- Share capital note – the currency symbol will be inserted under the current and comparative year columns.
- Accounts Approval Statement and Director’s report will now display all signatories in normal text (not in bold).
- Partnerships and sole traders – the Accounts Approval Statement has been updated to correct a spelling mistake and will include the word ‘Signed’ above the signature.
- Interest receivable and similar income note – financial statements will include the interest receivable and similar income notes, where the status of note is manually updated to include the note.
- Detailed Balance Sheet (FRS 105) will display account descriptions for postings made to account codes 5110 Other loans and 5120 Debentures.
- Intangible fixed asset and amortisation policy – the standard text for the Research and Development note has been updated with more comprehensive wording
- Creditors: amounts falling due after five years – additional text entered within Creditors: amounts falling due after five years note will only be displayed where postings exist to relevant account codes.
- The Trading Profit and Loss Account for FRS 105 will display gain on derivative financial instruments correctly.
- iXBRL tagging has been applied to the interest payable account codes within the Trading Profit and Loss Account.
- Resolved an issue where the [List_Strategic_and_Directors_Report] token was omitted from the statement of Director’s Responsibilities note when preparing FRS 105 accounts.
- The share capital note will no longer display an ‘Amount’ heading for the issued during the period table.
- Resolved an issue where spacing had been removed between the ‘Prior Period Adjustment’ and ‘Additional note to the accounts’ note.
- Edit notes
- Scrolling with the mouse within edit notes will not inadvertently update the values or drop-list selections.
- User entries won’t be brought forward into the next accounting period for:
- Other Operating Income note.
- Reduced disclosure exemptions.
- Strategic report signature – preview mode of the Strategic report signature has been updated to display the wording as per edit mode.
- Preview mode will display disclosures relating to e-publication within Statement of Director’s Responsibilities correctly.
- Basis of preparation accounting policy – option to include ‘Presentational currency and rounding’ has been removed from the Basis of Preparation policy, as the option was being displayed incorrectly.
- Tax on profit note – the tax rate field for previous year will be brought forward into the next accounting period
- The required by law filter for limited companies applying FRS 102 has been updated to include:
- Dividend note.
- Turnover – Class of business.
- The following online filling errors have been resolved and will now allow the user to file successfully to HMRC:
-Chris 0 Accounts error – Inconsistent duplicate fact present for ‘EntityCurrentLegalOrRegisteredName'.
-Chris 0 Accounts error – The input 100% cannot be parsed as a non-negative number.
-Chris 0 Accounts error – The content of element ‘tr’ is not complete.
-Chris 0 Accounts error – NetAssetsLiabilitiesSubsidiaries is not dimensionally valid' Hypercube-subsidiaries does not allow dimensions”.
-Chris 0 Accounts error – core:DetailsOfSharesHeldInSubsidiaryGroupingDimension.domain.
-Chris 0 Accounts error – core:detailsofsharesheldinsubsidiarygroupingdimension.domain.
-Chris 0 Accounts error – NetAssetsLiabilitiesSubsidiaries requires an instant but its context contains a duration.
-Chris 0 Accounts error – Inconsistent duplicate fact present for ‘OpinionOfAuditorsOnEntity'.
General maintenance – FRS 102 MLA
- Strategic report has been updated to remove fixed section headings “Business Review” and “Matters of Strategic Importance to the Business”.
- Cash flow statement – analysis of changes in net debt has been updated to resolve the value for new finance lease.
- Companies limited by shares applying FRS 102 – the standard text for auditor’s opinion will correctly reference profit/(loss) instead of surplus/(deficit).
- FRS 102 1A with advanced disclosures – matters covered in the Strategic Report note will be omitted when the Strategic Report is not included in the full financial statements.
- Highest paid director – the values for highest paid director will no longer be displayed with a negative sign when brought forward to the next account period.
- The Provisions for Liabilities note (LLPs) will not display headings for additional provisions entered via edit notes.
AML Centre
- AML Centre Status Management – columns within the Client Due Diligence screen can now be sorted.
- Status Management – Client Due Diligence – the client list will now exclude archived clients and a new option has been added to optionally include ‘Archived’ clients.
- General Maintenance
- Searches will only use a licence where a check is performed. Searches that have been initiated but not sent to Equifax (which are recorded as pending searches) will not hold a licence.
- An issue has been resolved where an error 100 was being returned from an electronic check where an individual was on multiple watchlists.
- Resolved an issue where users occasionally experienced a delay in opening the Client Due Diligence screen via Firm Wide Compliance within AML Centre.
Tax Return Production
- General Enhancements/Features
- Online filing restrictions can now be implemented for Tax Return Production, VAT and HMRC Forms via a user’s security role (found under Admin Centre).
- The Select Tax Return dialog now includes the submission status of tax returns.
- The online filing screen now includes details of the user who submitted the tax return.
- Additional validations for capital gains tax relating to entries in boxes CGT35, CGT41 and CGT42 have been added, to aid successful online submissions of tax returns.
- An additional validation has been included to advise individuals with multiple self-employments that the trading allowance cannot be claimed if expenses are being claimed on any self-employed business.
- General Maintenance
- Updated all footers for Self Assessment and Corporation tax returns, including all supplementary pages, so that they are consistent.
- SA100 Enhancements/Features
- 2023/24 What If? Planner is now available:
- Enhanced to include additional data entry for ‘Underpaid tax for earlier years included in your tax code for 2023/24’.
- Updated to ensure that tax years are reflected correctly on the SA302 summary when a future year’s tax has been included in the current year’s tax code.
- 2022/23 Dividend Database is now available.
- Printing options for individual tax returns now includes the option for a ‘Personal Tax Computation’ cover sheet.
- Accessibility: The ‘Fetch Taxpayer Data’ panel for individual Tax Returns can now be hidden to avoid it obstructing the screen when using system accessibility options. (Option can be found under the ‘View’ menu options.)
- SA100 Maintenance
- Included the latest changes to the professional fees and subscription wizard list provided by HMRC.
- Improvements have been made to the:
- Online submission for foreign tax paid on other income where there are in excess of 20 entries, to ensure a successful submission.
- Wording on the marriage allowance transfer screen to make it clearer when a transfer can take place (knowledge base article also updated).
- Validation messages relating to non-resident individuals with partnership income and Class 4 national insurance.
- Joint import screens to make the process clearer.
- SA100 Tax Calculation Summary in line with changes made by HMRC.
- The following issues have been resolved:
- Link for help for double taxation agreement no longer opening the help menu for the wrong tax year.
- Completion of the foreign property pages where there were multiple properties and one (or more) property(ies) has a loss.
- SEISS postings in Accounts Production were not importing correctly.
- SA800 Maintenance
- Updated the validation wording and criteria relating to the cash basis limits .
- SA900 Maintenance
- Updated the logic for box Q17.7 (reducing payments on account) as the value was being cleared in error for Trust Returns taxed at the trust rate.
- CT600 Enhancements/Features
- Added ‘Revaluation/Fair Value’ adjustments to the computation section of the CT600.
- Included ‘Revaluation/Fair Value’ adjustments in the import from Accounts Productions to Corporation Tax.
- Improved the look of the Accounts Production to Corporation Tax import screen.
- Automatically utilise losses brought forward where possible and advise users when losses brought forward haven’t been utilised.
- Added a validation when losses brought forward do not match losses being carried forward into the next year’s Corporation tax return.
- General improvements to the Corporation Tax computation, including:
- Add backs and deductions.
- R&D tax credits.
- Inclusion of trading ceased date.
- Additional iXBRL tagging.
- Ability to use an alternative firm name and address via Admin options.
- Inclusion of full expensing first year allowances for accounting periods ending after 31 March 2023.
- Small profit rate and marginal relief are now correctly not being applied to non-UK trading companies.
- Patent relief calculations have been amended to consider new Corporation Tax rates from 1 April 2023.
- Improved the messaging and validations relating to capital allowance Freeport SBA claims.
- Added a validation if associated companies haven’t been entered and marginal relief is being claimed to ensure successful submission.
- CT600 Maintenance
- Resolved an issue where:
- The Calculation of balancing charge in special rate pool was taking into consideration (in error) the cost of assets purchased in the year which had a special rate first year allowance claim.
- If a Freeport SBA Asset or Short Life Asset existed and a new asset was created, empty asset records were also being created in error.
- An incorrect validation was being shown when an asset had been purchased and disposed of in the same year and the proceeds were greater than the cost.
- The Corporation Tax computation was not including the capital gains tax summary by default when there was a gain or the gain was zero.
- Marginal relief calculations limits for the 2023 financial year were being pro-rata’d over 365 days in some circumstances (leap year not in accounting period). This has been updated to 366 days for any FY23 period as per HMRC guidance.
- The marginal relief box was not being unlocked when the ‘Disable automatic calcs’ option was enabled.
- Rounding errors were arising relating to loans to participators.
- Rounding for super deduction capital allowance claims was not always correct.
- Credit and debit rows were temporarily disappearing on screen in the patent box wizard.
- The calculation of land and property profits for a trading company were not deducting all capital allowance claims from income.
- The computation for non-resident landlords was not always displaying the correct total for property losses carried forward from previous period.
- Improvements have been made to the:
- Wording for ‘Company type’ for ‘Asset holding company’.
- Wording in Forms mode for Group and Consortium pages, to remove a reference to complete the certification when simplified arrangements are in place.
- Group and Consortium pages. We have removed validations relating to the accounting period dates that were no longer relevant to ensure successful submission to HMRC.
- Capital Allowance Calculator. Additional criteria have been added to ensure that the writing down allowance is not re-calculated on upgrade (issue arose where the WDA had been manually amended).
Practice Management
- Practice Manager Plus
- New Check List mode within Jobs for creating SimpleStep(R) workflows. Create a list of tasks in the form of a checklist, to be ticked off as they are completed. Tasks will be automatically allocated with the job assignee and due date for reporting purposes.
- Tasks within a workflow can now be completed in any order. When completing a task, a prompt will appear with a choice to complete ‘This task’ or ‘This and previous tasks’.
- Select ‘More options’ to add Notes, Time and Expenses to a job/task from within the Edit Job wizard.
- Updates to Job Template table within Admin Centre
- Services linked to a Job Template are shown.
- View default Job Template (including tasks) before duplicating.
- Work Management/Active Work
- Where jobs/tasks have been expanded, the selection will be retained when using filters.
- The work type column shows the number of completed (and total) tasks within a job.
- Hyperlinks have been added to the name column, to allow quick access to a job or task.
- Client List
- The ‘Name, Code, Post Code’ field within Advanced Client Search (select Advanced Search Options from the first dropdown field at the top of the client list) now searches businesses (within each client/contact).
- Data mining
- New conditions are available for:
- Total fees e.g. find a list of clients with fees in excess of £x.
- Usual Year End day/month (client or business 1) e.g. find a list of clients with a specific usual year end.
- Reports
- A column is available for Usual Year End day/month (client or business 1) which will pull the usual year end from the client record (from either Company/Partnership Information or from the first business).
- Dashboard
- ‘Jobs/tasks assigned to me’ widgets include an option to filter the results for:
- General Maintenance
- Dashboard widget ‘Jobs assigned to me’ is now sorting with the earliest due date first.
- Job template table displays system templates' creator as 'System'.
Communications Centre
- Tokens can now be used (copied/typed) within the subject line in both Send Message and Templates.
- New tokens are available for:
- Services and Fees – shows each service and its fee as entered within the client record.
- Services – shows each service as entered within the client record.
- Total Fees – shows the total fees of all services as entered within the client record.
- CT end date plus 9 months and 1 day.
- Automated Message Settings now display the client reminder template.
eSign Centre
- New statuses have been added as follows:
- On sending an envelope, the status will be set to ‘Sent' (rather than 'Sent to client’).
- Once the envelope has been processed, the status will be set to ‘Sent to client’.
- Where an envelope fails to process, the status will be set to ‘Failed’ (no credit will be taken).
- Any envelopes previously "stuck in processing" will be updated to ‘Failed’ after release (credits will be returned).
- A tooltip is shown against each envelope status within the Envelope Results table for additional information.
- Other relationship types can be added as a recipient and set as a Signer/Watcher on any envelopes e.g. Shareholder, Spouse etc. Select Add/Manage Relationship to select the required recipient.
- The 'Delete User' button is renamed to 'Remove Recipient', which allows both a user and other relationship to be removed.
- Once documents have been added to an envelope, they can be re-ordered prior to sending (via drag and drop within Manage Documents).
- The envelope activity table includes a ‘Completed Date’ column to easily identify when all documents have been signed.
- Filters are available for ‘Completed’ status:
- Completed yesterday.
- Completed in the last 7 days.
- Completed in the last 30 days.
- Completed between.
- General Maintenance
- Changing the signing order after attaching documents now sets the first signer to sign the appropriate documents in all situations.
VAT Filer
- General Maintenance
- Eased our restrictions on filing to ensure that VAT Returns that are over six years old can still be filed online.
- Updated fuel scale rates for period 1 May 2023 to 30 April 2024.
- Authorise button for expiring tokens was not working in the notifications window for users with a standalone environment; this has been resolved.
TaxCalc Product Update - version 13.6.003 - Released on 17th April 2023
Please note:
For Customers who have not already updated to Version 13, this update requires an installer to be run. Please ensure that you have local admin rights before attempting the update.
This release may result in a change to the IR Mark on any existing V3 CT600 returns.
Product summary
Tax Return Production
Practice Manager
Accounts Production
AML Centre
Tax Return Production
General Maintenance
CT600: Fixed an issue where Page 12 wasn’t being included in the print preview.
CT600: Added additional validations for boxes relating to marginal relief and associated companies.
CT600: Fixed an issue when trying to open or create a Corporation Tax Return where the accounting start date is before 1 April 2015.
SA100: Added a validation for HMRC Exclusion 138, which applies where amounts entered for post-cessation trade relief and certain other losses are in respect of pre-incorporation losses and should not be subject to the £50,000 cap.
Practice Manager
Accounts Production
General Maintenance
The Check & Finish notification that appears when the total for the Average Number of Employees does not match the breakdown in the comparative year will now only be displayed where it is applicable.
In some scenarios where the director is appointed after the year and signing the accounts, a rejection was received (‘Generic dimension member (bus:Director) has no associated name or description item'). The director(s) will now be displayed on the Company Information page and submit successfully.
Where Investments Properties are selected to be displayed in a separate note, the values for Investment Properties will correctly be displayed in a separate row within Fixed Assets for the comparative period.
The Turnover note number will not be duplicated any more.
Plant and equipment on depreciation and revaluation will now bring forward into the correct opening balance account.
An issue causing notes to not be displayed where there are only postings in the comparative year has been resolved.
The relevant Check & Finish notification will display the correct value for Cash and cash equivalents at end of year.
In the Statement of Cash Flow, values for new finance leases will be displayed correctly in the repayment of finance leases row in cash flows in the Financing Activities note.
The Interest Receivable and Similar Income note will now be triggered correctly when postings to suitable accounts exist.
The Share Based Payments note will now be displayed in the correct location within the financial statements.
The following online filling errors have been resolved and will now allow the user to file successfully to HMRC.
-Chris 0 Accounts error – Inconsistent duplicate fact present for ‘CashCashEquilaventsCashFlowValue’
-Chris 0 Accounts error – OtherInventories requires an instant but its context contains a duration
-Chris 3314 Accounts error – Inconsistent duplicate fact present for DecreaseFromReversalImpairmentLoss RecognisedInProfitorLossPropertyPlantEquipment
-Chris 0 Accounts error – FutureMinimumLeasePaymentsUnderNon-cancellableOperatingLeases requires an instant but its context contains a duration
AML Centre
TaxCalc Product Update - version 13.5.763 - Released on 23rd March 2023
Please note:
For Customers who have not already updated to Version 13, this update requires an installer to be run. Please ensure that you have local admin rights before attempting the update.
This release may result in a change to the IR Mark on any existing V3 CT600 returns.
Product summary
Tax Return Production
Accounts Production
Practice Manager
Practice Manager Plus
Communications Centre
Tax Return Production
SA100 & R40 – Individual Tax Return
Incorporation of the 2022/23 R40, SA100 Tax Returns and associated supplementary pages for HMRC Forms Mode and SimpleStep(R), including required updates to calculations, summaries, wizards, HMRC helpsheets and worksheets.
2023 Client Questionnaire is now available.
Updated the import for rental income from Accounts Production to Tax Return Production to ensure that joint property is taken into consideration.
SA800 – Partnership Tax Return
Incorporation of the 2022/23 SA800 Tax Return and associated supplementary pages, including updates to summaries, wizards, HMRC helpsheets and worksheets.
Updated SimpleStep for the 2023 tax year.
SA900 – Trust Tax Return
Incorporation of the 2022/23 SA900 Tax Return and associated supplementary pages, including updates to summaries, wizards, HMRC helpsheets and worksheets.
CT600 – Corporation Tax Return
Incorporation of the updated CT600, Version 3 (2023) form.
Incorporation of the new CT600N, Residential Property Developer Tax Supplementary pages.
Updated SimpleStep for inclusion of the new boxes on the CT600.
Inclusion of SimpleStep for the new CT600N, Residential Property Developer Tax Supplementary pages.
Update of Corporation Tax calculations for the inclusion of marginal relief for small companies from 1 April 2023.
Updated R&D to include the new rate changes for R&D expenditure and RDEC claims (applicable for CT periods starting on or after 1 April 2023).
Capital Allowances
Updated Annual Investment Allowance calculations to account for the extension of the £1,000,000 limit from 1 April 2023.
Fixed issues for SA100 and SA800 Tax Returns where blank columns were being brought forward on creation of a new Tax Return for capital allowance purposes.
Updated the asset details screen to ensure that the first year allowance data entry box is visible for Corporation Tax Returns starting on or after 1 April 2023.
HMRC Token Management
General Maintenance
Improvements to the furnished holiday lettings individual property summary and total property summary.
Updated marriage allowance transfer rate and addressed typographical errors on the marriage allowance eligibility fetch screens.
Updated the data entered summary for wording relating to capital allowances entered in the Short SE pages.
Fixed an issue where removing the tick for Student and post graduate loan entries wasn’t removing all data.
Included further validations relating to property income, and claiming property income allowance and expenses on different properties.
Fixed an issue on the Self employment adjusted profit computation to ensure that the trading income allowance was being deducted as expected (tax return correctly deducted).
Made a small adjustment to the import mapping between Accounts Production and Tax Return Production for rental expenses.
Removed a validation relating to HMRC Exclusion 57 as this is no longer applicable.
Corrected a calculation error on the foreign tax credit relief report when Welsh taxpayer status has been set and the taxpayer is in the higher rate tax bands.
Updated wording on the wizard screens for VCT, EIS, CITR, SEIS and SITR claims.
Unlocked rental income boxes PRO42 and PRO39 when there are multiple properties.
Added a new validation if the maximum amount of rental income losses brought forward are not being utilised in full against rental income profits arising in the year.
Updated the SA302 Tax Summary to ensure that negative adjustments relating to capital gains tax are included.
Updated the SA302 Tax Summary to ensure that capital gains tax paid is included on the summary when there’s an overall capital loss arising.
Updated the SA302 Tax Summary to include dividend tax credits for individuals who are remitting dividends into the UK that carry a 10% dividend tax credit.
Fixed a formatting issue on the SA302 regarding underlining when the tax calculation spanned two pages.
Fixed a calculation error on HMRC’s SA110 Tax Calculation Summary for box A327 (was not displaying pence).
Included additional text on dividend wizard pages and a related dialog box relating to share splits that have taken place during the 2022/23 tax year.
Enhanced the functionality for super deductions claims for Corporation Tax periods starting on or after 1 April 2023.
Addressed an issue relating to partial super deductions claims for Corporation Tax periods straddling 31 March 2023.
Updated the calculations for ring fenced profits as negative entries were being shown on form CT600 in the Corporation Tax Chargeable section.
Updated the calculation for ring fenced profit to ensure the correct rate was being used when marginal relief was being claimed.
Updated automatic population of box L166 to ensure that R&D enhanced expenditure relating to ‘Subcontracted to a large company’ expenditure isn’t included.
Accounts Production
Accounts Production - FRS 102 MLA - Medium & Large Accounts Add-on
The FRS 102 MLA add-on allows you to prepare accounts in accordance with FRS 102 for Medium & Large individual companies. As well as the existing FRS 105 and FRS 1021a accounting standards, the accounting standard selection screen contains an option to select FRS 102. For any FRS 102 1a client, there is also the option to select to include options to add any of the disclosures relating to FRS 102.
New reports, which include:
As well as enhancements to the notes for FRS 102 that already exist for FRS1021a, the following new notes have been included:
Directors report
Change of company name, Qualifying third party pension scheme indemnity, Research & development, Employees, Employee engagement statement, Branches outside the UK, Streamlined energy and carbon reporting, Matters covered in the strategic report, Additional notes.
Accounting policies
Reduced disclosure exemptions, Investment policy, Exemption from preparing consolidated financial statements, Interest receivable and similar income, Employee benefits, Provisions and contingencies, Cash and cash equivalents.
Statement of compliance, Other operating income, Interest receivable and similar income, Auditors remuneration, Investment – subsidiary disclosures, Loans, Share based payments, Financial instruments.
Further to the above, with the FRS 102 MLA add-on you can:
Practice Manager
Practice Manager Plus
General Maintenance
Expanding jobs in work management displays the tasks within the job on all occasions.
Changing the assignation for a task within a job from a team to unassigned recognises the change.
Applying a job template to a job, where the job assignee is unassigned, correctly sets the task assignee.
Communications Centre
Reminder approaching – a notification will appear a few days before record request reminders will be generated, to provide an opportunity to update the work status should records have already been received and to prevent a reminder being generated unnecessarily.
Records received – a notification will appear a couple of weeks after the work status has been changed to Records Received, to prompt you to consider whether work can now start.
Client Record
Admin Centre
General Maintenance
A problem causing request records automation to be unable to generate messages consecutively, has now been resolved.
An issue causing reminder automation to be unable to generate reminders for other clients with the same period once one client has received the records, has now been resolved.
Article ID: 3371
Last updated: 09 Jan, 2025
Revision: 2
Views: 3270