TaxCalc bookkeeping spreadsheet transaction templates for MTD

Article ID: 3202
Last updated: 29 Sep, 2022

To assist you with complying with digital links for MTD reporting, we have produced spreadsheet templates for recording transactions and summarising totals. The totals can then be imported by VAT Filer (for quarterly MTD VAT return submissions) and will be ready to use with Business Filer (for quarterly MTD income tax self assessment (ITSA) updates) when that becomes available in our Spring 2023 release.

 The following example bookkeeping transactions spreadsheets are available for businesses to use as a template and adapt as necessary for specific needs:

For use with VAT Filer:

TaxCalc MTD VAT Transactions Template (Net entry first)

TaxCalc MTD VAT Transactions Template (Gross entry first)

For use with VAT Filer and MTD ITSA ready:

TaxCalc MTD VAT and ITSA  Transactions Template 

MTD ITSA ready (non-VAT registered businesses):

TaxCalc MTD ITSA Transactions Template 

TaxCalc MTD ITSA  Property Transactions Template 

Article ID: 3202
Last updated: 29 Sep, 2022
Revision: 9
Views: 3745
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