Reporting on Time - Time Analysis

Article ID: 3011
Last updated: 23 Nov, 2022

The Time Analysis screen allows you to review time by client, user or work, across billable and non-billable activities. You can instantly see what has been worked on recently.

  1. Launch Time.
  2. Select Time Analysis
  3. Any time logs that have been recorded against clients are displayed.
  4. Select your default viewing preference:
  • Client - to see time logged against clients.
  • Work - to view time logs by particular work.
  • Users - to see what particular users have been working on. Only users with the relevant permissions will be able to view other users' time and/or the value of that time in any of the views.
  1. Use the filter option to view the information by specific criteria. For example, to view time logs that have been entered against a particular client or specific Jobs or Tasks for that client, as well as define the time period for the time logs.
  2. Click Print Report to print the filtered information.
  3. You also have the option to click Export Report to output the data to MS Word, MS Excel or CSV.
Article ID: 3011
Last updated: 23 Nov, 2022
Revision: 2
Views: 387
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