How can I log time?

Article ID: 3002
Last updated: 30 Mar, 2023

This article will go through steps on how you can log time within our Time Module. Please follow the below steps to log this within the application.

  1. Launch TaxCalc Time.
  2. Select Time Logs.
  3. Click Add Log.
  4. The New Timesheet Log dialog is displayed.
  5. The Time log for User is automatically populated with your user name. Select another user from the dropdown list if required.
  6. Select Yes or No to Is this log related to client work?
  7. If you select No, select the Non client log type.
  8. Select whether this is an All day event?
  9. If the time log is client related, select the Client using the filter options on the Choose client(s) or Businesses dialog.
  10. Select Is it related to a Job or Task?
  11. If Yes select the Work.
  12. The Link to Work Type dialog is displayed.
  13. Select the Activity type.
  14. Select who the activity is Assigned to.
  15. Click Include completed to include completed activities.
  16. Highlight the required Job or Task and click Select.
  17. You are returned to the New Timesheet Log dialog.
  18. Enter the Date of the time log.
  19. Enter the Time spent.
  20. Select whether the time log is Billable?
  21. If the time is billable, enter the Billed date.
  22. Enter Any other notes if required.
  23. Click Save to add the time log.
Article ID: 3002
Last updated: 30 Mar, 2023
Revision: 5
Views: 358
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