How to use the AML Identity Checking service through the TaxCalc program

Article ID: 2721
Last updated: 29 Dec, 2020

Please note that we have two AML products available in our Product Portfolio. This article will advise on how to access the AML Identity Checking Service which conducts an electronic search via our third party service providers Equifax.

To run an AML search on an existing client in your TaxCalc database, please run the following steps:

  1. Open Practice Manager within TaxCalc.
  2. Double click on the client to open the client record.
    Please note this service is only available for Individual clients.
  3. Select Anti-money Laundering from the left-hand menu.
  4. Select Verification Record and Other Events.
  5. Click on Run AML Check.
  6. Enter the required information on each tab.
  7. Continue and complete the AML Check form.
  8. Within a few seconds the resulting Pass or Refer will be displayed.
  9. The search results will now be saved against this client within your database.

For more information please see the TaxCalc in-app help.

Alternatively the AML service can also be accessed directly from our website, however you will have to enter your clients information and update the TaxCalc application with the results. For more on how to do this, please see our Knowledge Base article on How to use the AML service through our website

Article ID: 2721
Last updated: 29 Dec, 2020
Revision: 8
Views: 3480
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Also read
item How to register for the Anti Money Laundering (AML) service?
item How to use the AML service through our website.
item Getting Started with Anti-Money Laundering (AML)