TaxCalc Release Notes 2013 - 2016
Article ID: 2182
Last updated: 09 Jan, 2025
Below are the Release Notes for previous versions of TaxCalc. Click to see the Release Notes for 2017 > 2018 > 2019 > 2020 > 2021 > 2022 > 2023 > 2024 > 2025
Version 5.2.061 - Released on 9th August 2016
Accounts Production
- Added a new template letter for P11D to the client hub mail merge area
Version 5.2.059 - Released on 7th July 2016
- Fixed an issue affecting users with the VAT Filer product that was preventing TaxCalc from upgrading to the latest version.
- Corrected a rare email address validation issue that was preventing email addresses from being entered for a few users.
Tax Return Production
- Fixed an issue whereby the Online Filing receipt could not be printed from the online filing results screen.
- Removed a panel that allowed access to future HMRC information on Marriage Allowance. This feature was not intended to be released yet and should not be used.
- Corrected a validation within Marriage Allowance that was incorrectly asking for a date of marriage for a transfer of allowance, even if no transfer was being made.
Version 5.2.055 - released on 4th July 2016
Tax Return Production Breakdown
- New feature: WhatIf? Planner for 2016/17 tax year is now available (requires WhatIf? Planner module).
- New feature: Dividend Database for 2015/16 tax year is now available (requires Dividend Database module).
- Tax rate and personal allowance changes within Foreign Tax Credit Relief worksheets (Individual returns).
- Changed some references within the HMRC Tax Calculation summary to correctly misleading figures in some cases.
- Class 4 NIC now appears correctly on SA302 when ‘Earnings above the PT’ is completed.
- Fixed an issue which prevented capital allowance asset acquisition dates correctly carrying forward in some cases.
- Also corrected an issues with the AIA claim from January 2016, when the claim exceeded the maximum allowance.
- Corrected an issue on the Partnership Capital Allowances wizard, where Annual Investment Allowance (AIA) was being added rather than being deducted in some cases.
- The annual exempt amount for Trust Capital Gains has been updated.
- Fixed an issue where the Self Employment Cash basis tickbox was not saving the tick.
- Total Tax & NIC box calculation now includes the marriage allowance amount (if relevant).
- Lifetime pension allowance has been increased to £1.5m.
- Added '£' sign column headers to the capital allowance computations for consistency.
- Clarification added within the Residence & Remittance pages when referring to ties to the UK.
- Further validations added to marriage allowance wizard to assist with completion.
- Annual Pension Allowance updated for 2015/16 rules and transitional periods.
- HMRC notes and help sheets updated for 2016.
- Removed the 'beta' warning on the new CT600 2015 form.
- CT600 trading losses now carry forward correctly.
Client Hub
- New mail merge templates: Labels and Envelopes category now exists within mail merge.
- New feature: A main contact can now be set on the client relationships screen and can be used within mail merge.
- New feature: Client restrictions can be added for specific users, found in the Users section within the Administration module. Restricting users to specific clients will ensure that they will only be aware of those clients – others will be hidden from them completely.
- Reports templates can be exported and imported to be shared with others (not a requirement for network or cloud users).
- When running a client-based report, each line within the report now has a drill down ability allowing you to open selected clients from within the report screen.
- Fixed some instances of unexpected behaviour when running mail merge on different systems (various combinations of operating system and version of MS Office).
- When using tax return filters on the client selection screen, password protected clients were shown. This has now been fixed.
- Deleting clients that are related to others no longer results in a failure.
- Fixed some issues with skipping a period or incorrect due dates when using the Automatic Task Scheduler for Accounts.
- 64-8s now have a default status of 'In Progress' instead of blank when creating clients using Quick Create.
- Overdue tasks no longer appear in the notifications panel when they have been marked as completed.
- Mail Merge now has improved support for systems not using MS Office (template and data can now be exported for use with other applications).
- New mail merge tags added (client name/default contact).
- Client questionnaire now includes marriage allowance and student loan deductions.
- The label of ‘Everyone’ for task management has now changed to 'Unassigned' and these tasks will appear for all users.
- More fields can now be imported from the CSV file to create clients.
- Thousands of email endings (TLDs) are now validated in email fields (e.g. .london).
- Many more fields from within the Client Hub and tax returns can now be added as columns in client reports.
- Client Note content as well as date and time are now editable. They can also be printed.
- Data mining can now handle custom fields and tax repayments due.
- Prompt added after saving a report to run it immediately.
- Unnecessary 'Save Successful' messages have been removed.
- Task history now displays the date and time.
- The task filter 'Tasks completed between' now automatically ticks the relevant box to show completed tasks.
Accounts Production
- Fixed trial balance import issues when the CSV file contains unusual characters.
VAT Filer
- EC Sales lists can now be imported via CSV.
- EC Sales lists can now be sorted by column for easier viewing.
- VAT status can now be viewed and controlled from the Client Hub.
- VAT method used is now included within the VAT100 itself.
- Added additional validations to the VAT68 form.
- New HMRC Form: The SA1 (Register for Self Assessment) form can now be created.
- New HMRC Form: The FBI2 (Authorise agents for PAYE/CIS) form can now be created.
- 64-8 (agent authorisation) can now be filed online for PAYE services.
- A default password for PDF encryption can now be set up within the Admininstration module (requires PDF encryption module).
- A preview of your reports can now be seen when editing report styles in the Administration module.
- VAT credentials can be added during first setup.
Version 5.1.049 - released on 25th May 2016
IMPORTANT NOTE: This release is likely to result in a change to the IR Mark on any existing V3 CT600 returns and may affect some SA100, SA800 and SA900 returns.
NEW - TaxCalc CloudConnect
- Many application and infrastructure changes to support the upcoming CloudConnect product.
- Changes to the End User Licence Agreement to encompass CloudConnect users.
Tax Return Production
- Fixed an issue with submission of Class 1 National Insurance Contributions (NIC) on the individual return when there are multiple employments in the tax year.
- Several improvements to the automatic calculation of Class 2 NIC, including corrections to potentially misleading validation messages and correct display of this within the summaries.
- Updated printing to include the tax payer's date of birth on the PDF when entered.
- Added Marriage Allowance transfer to the Tax Payment / Repayment and SA302 summaries which were, incorrectly, not including this value where relevant.
- Fixed an incorrect calculation within the capital allowances wizard affecting sale of private use assets that result in a balancing charge.
- Help manual has been updated for 2015-16 tax year and also updated some broken help links.
- Self employment summary updated to show new annual investment allowance (AIA) rates.
- Added Class 1, 2 and 4 NIC fields into the Data Entered report.
Corporation Tax
- Corrected rounding of R&D fields on the new CTv3 (2015) form, which was preventing submission.
- Fixed an iXBRL tagging issue affecting losses brought forward on the CTv3 (2015) form, which was preventing submission.
- Corrected existing, removed old and added some new validation messaging for AIA and Research & Development (R&D) allowance within the capital allowances wizard.
- Improved some calculations within the new CTv3 (2015) form R&D wizards.
- Some minor presentation improvements to the computations.
HMRC Forms
- Updated CWF1 (registration for self employment) form to the latest version.
Accounts Production
- Fixed incorrect previous year balances appearing on the Statement of Changes in Equity.
Version 5.0.132 - released on 21st April 2016
IMPORTANT NOTE: This release is likely to result in a change to the IR Mark on any existing V3 CT600 returns and may affect some SA100, SA800 and SA900 returns.
Tax Return Production
- Fixed some issues within the Class2 National Insurance Contributions (Class2 NIC) wizard and associated calculations as follows:
- Corrected full year calculations from 53 weeks to 52 for the 2015-16 tax year. This could have resulted in an overpayment of one week's Class2 NIC. In this case HMRC should automatically refund the amount and confirm.
- Corrected an issue whereby Class2 NIC payments were being calculated incorrectly based on turnover threshold and not profit.
- Removed a dependency which prevented voluntary Class2 NIC contributions from being made when tax payer was exempt from Class4 NIC contributions.
- Updated the SA302 calculation summary to display the Class2 NIC due, which was not appearing in all cases.
- Improved handling of automatic Class2 calucations when tax payer retired mid-year and improved related validation messages
- This release brings TaxCalc 2016 availability to Network Practice users See release notes for version 5.0.105 for more information).
- Prevent intermittent package download failures.
Version 5.0.126 - released on 6th April 2016
IMPORTANT NOTE: This release is likely to result in a change to the IR Mark on any existing V3 CT600 returns and may affect some SA100, SA800 and SA900 returns.
Tax Return Production
- Fixed an import issue whereby 'payment on account due' values were being imported into the 2016 return when none were due to be made. If payments on account were due during the 2015-16 tax year, the imported values should be correct.
- This release brings TaxCalc 2016 availability to Network Practice users See release notes for version 5.0.105 for more information).
- Prevent intermittent package download failures.
Version 5.0.105 - released on 22nd March 2016
IMPORTANT NOTE: This release is likely to result in a change to the IR Mark on any existing V3 CT600 returns and may affect some SA100, SA800 and SA900 returns.
- Changes have been made to the installer so that there is one installer for Windows customers rather than a separate one for network/standalone configurations. (Practice customers)
Tax Return Production
- Updated Self-Assessment (SA100, SA800 and SA900) for the 2015–16 tax year.
- New Feature. New left-hand navigation menu has been updated to be consistent with other modules.
- New Feature. Addition of a new box for marriage allowance.
- New Feature. Addition of a Class 1 / Class 2 NIC wizard to assist with calculating what is due in the year.
- New Feature. Check and Finish now checks our website for any known issues on the HMRC Status page.
- Improved messaging regarding payments on account including a prompt to enter the reason for reduction.
- Child benefit now accepts a '0' entry for amount received in the year.
- Improved wording on residency 'split year treatment' and 'time spent in UK' screens.
- Fixed an issue where the date of birth being entered was automatically altered by one day in some cases.
- FTCR (Foreign Tax Credit Relief) changes for 2015 returns.
- Able to declare asset value type within Capital Gains Gift holdover relief form.
- Added a ‘select all’ button to joint importing tool.
- Calendar widgets are now able to select dates later than 2015.
- Can now print Capital Gains Intermediate and Final summaries directly from the report.
- Mac only – Previous and next command keys are now working.
- Mac only – Importing from Accounts Production for Sole Traders has been fixed.
- Added further validations to Check and Finish to prevent filing errors.
- General improvements to help content, although further updates are required and will be released in a later update.
- Can now import agent details directly into the return. (Practice customers)
- Fixed an issue where it was changing partnership share percentage by 0.01%.
- Fixed an issue where some customers were receiving a ‘generating’ message when adding certain partners.
- New Feature. Added a R&D enhanced expenditure data entry wizard (available in the 2015 version of the CT600 only).
- New Feature. Refresh accounts button added to quickly update the attached accounts from Accounts Production.
- Removed reference to CT600 Short in SimpleStep mode on the 2015 form.
- No longer validating the '@' symbol in the company name as incorrect.
- Include year-end in tab name to easily find the correct return when multiple years are open.
- 'Use' button now works for selecting the officer signing.
- Added UTR box to SimpleStep mode (it was missing from the 2015 form).
- Fixed an issue causing some CT600’s to fail submission on the 2015 form.
- Improvements to computations:
- Due to HMRC removing the signature box in the CT600, we have added a cover page for clients to sign (on the 2015 form).
- There is a new Edit notes window to edit the notes to the computations.
- You can now show the breakdown of the payment dates when the corporation tax is due.
- Trading losses has more options to surrender for different types of tax credits.
- Other general improvements.
- Improvements to the Capital Allowances validations.
- New asset type ‘Research and Development’ within Capital Allowances.
- Entertainment now imports as a disallowable expense when importing from Accounts Production.
- Check and Finish error added if there are still outstanding errors in Accounts Production.
Accounts Production
- Fixed an issue where some customers using Mac were unable to export to Word 2016.
- Removed validation relating to dividend payments asking for a director to be selected within the postings window.
- Fixed an issue where some accounts were not balancing by £1.
- Preview mode for Share Capital: Allotted, Called Up and Fully Paid now displays the title.
- Erroneous validations removed for LLP accounts.
Client Hub
- 2016 Tax Year columns added to the Client Hub.
- Client Questionnaire updated for 2016 tax year.
- The SA Tax Work status report no longer includes Limited Companies.
- Can no longer create a task without a due date.
- Letters of engagement have been updated to reflect the introduction of Digital Tax Accounts.
- Increased mail merge tokens available:
- PAYE reference.
- Pension Auto Enrolment Date.
- Trade name.
- Business address.
- Payments on account due on or before 31st July 2016.
- Total Tax and NIC due.
- You can now edit permissions for users to set whether they can update global settings for modules within Applications.
- Reset password restricts the use of the previous password (user must create a different one).
- Added optional password complexity rules (to force users to create more secure passwords).
- Administrators now see which users are logged into TaxCalc.
- Fixed rare and unexpected behaviour when making a backup.
- Added Backup Location column to the database backup table.
Version 4.0.014 - released on 25th November 2015
IMPORTANT NOTE: This release may result in a change to the IR Mark on any existing CT600 returns and may affect some SA100, SA800 and SA900 returns.
Tax Return Production
- Fixed a display issue on the What If? Planner summary to display the new 0% rate correctly (it was calculating correctly but displaying 10%).
- Fixed missing value for Trading Loss on the computations (CT600 version 3 for periods starting on or after April 2015 only).
- Unlocked box 10.4A (Gross annual payments) on the Trust and Estate return (SA900) as this can be changed from the default 20% in certain circumstances.
- Implemented HMRC exclusion for online filing due to an issue on their system which will not correctly calculate Income Tax Relief Limit in certain circumstances.
- Corrected Child Benefit to allow number of children entered to be 0, if applicable.
- Updated Marriage Allowance calculations within the What If? Planner.
- Corrected the date of qualification for Class 4 exemption for women.
Accounts Production
- New Standard. The updated FRSSE 2015 standard is now available for periods starting on or after 1 January 2015.
- New standard. Micro-Entities reporting is now available for accounting periods ending on or before 31 December 2015.
- New Standard. FRS 102 reporting for small entities is now available for periods starting on or after 1 January 2015.
- New Feature. Rich text formatting within the notes window, including options such as bold, italic and underline, as well as bullet points and numbered lists.
- New Feature. Interactive Edit Mode feature within the financial statements. Edit Mode allows you to change notes or certain headings and labels directly within the iXBRL preview without needing to open up the relevant note window. If preferred, you can also open up the notes window from this mode straight to the note in question.
- New Feature. Enhanced the use of tokens within the notes window. These are now more obvious within default text and you can insert your own tokens to automatically populate values entered elsewhere.
- New Feature. A new Accounts Setup section in the menu, allowing more convenient access to setting up accounting standards, audit/dormant status, cover page setup and more. Note: Some of these options were previously in the notes window and have been moved.
- New Feature. The ability to control Report Terms. In a similar way to the Chart of Accounts, certain headings and labels can now be amended within the accounts and you can also create system defaults via the Administration module.
- General improvements to the posting window. You can now post new entries before fully completing others.
- New validations added to the posting window to identify errors and the ability to show incomplete postings only (to locate and complete them more easily).
- There is now the ability to resize all columns in the posting window.
- The character limit on the WP Ref column in the posting window has been increased, as the value was not saving in some cases. Also, if the WP Ref column is hidden it will now remain hidden until you choose to show it again.
- Added additional codes for creditors to the chart of accounts.
- Added a new code for Disposal of Goodwill.
- If the account code is changed, it will now retain the value in the narrative.
- The default chart of accounts can now be edited globally within the Administration module.
- Corrected sole trader accounts current liabilities calculation to include VAT figure.
- Added the ability to mark certain codes within the chart of accounts as Favourites. These can then be easily filtered when viewing the chart of accounts to help you locate commonly used codes.
- A default accountant's report for multiple accountancy bodies now exists. These can also be amended system-wide via the Administration module.
- Changed the method of populating the agent and firm details on accounts. You can now see which address will be used within each set of accounts, plus fine tune the display of qualification and firm name. We also added this option to sole trader and partnership accounts.
- Amended logic on bank account codes to net off balances for each account separately.
- You may now display up to eight decimal places on the share capital note for value of share.
- Added note and related codes to cater for reduction in share capital and the ability to declare share capital as unpaid or part paid.
- There is now the ability to remove the word 'Unaudited' from the cover page for unaudited accounts, if so desired.
- Implemented a switch between the term 'period' and 'year' on sole trader and partnership accounts (to match the logic used with limited companies).
- Improved the 'look up logic' to avoid duplicating the name of a director who is also the company secretary. When this is the case, the name should only appear once in the list of available officers.
- Sole traders may now display their trade name only.
- Added a new guarantee note to companies limited by guarantee.
- Added the ability to comment on the tax note.
- Updated the logic for the trial balance variance percentage, as this was incorrect in some cases.
- You may now display the trading address as well as business address on sole trader accounts.
- Added the ability to always display a comparative period on trial balance by default.
- Corrected the rounding on the tax report as this could occasionally disagree with financial statements.
- Improved the handling of unallocated amounts on the partners' capital account when using percentage split.
- Added a new field (Country of Incorporation) within Client Hub and Accounts. This is required for submission of FRS102 accounts.
- Corrected the default balance sheet statement for unaudited LLPs as part of the required statement was missing. Also corrected the display of address and reference to members on LLP accounts.
- LLP accounts default notes can now be set in the Administration module.
- Fixed an issue with the progress bar not disappearing after generating financial statements (Linux only).
- Corrected positioning of cover page information (Mac only).
- Numerous other corrections to alignment and underlining within the financial statements.
VAT Production
- Fixed a validation on the registration number format for Austria.
- Corrected an issue with the calculation of Box 10 of the VAT1 form that could arise after changing from an annual to a monthly or quarterly basis.
- Reworded part of the VAT Services Letter to refer to VAT Returns.
- Corrected the automatic entry of VAT period dates as this was sometimes incorrect when using quarterly periods.
- Corrected the printing of the address on VAT100 and ECSL forms. This address will now match the one selected on the VAT form and not only the Client Hub default address.
- Fixed an issue where the business name was not always appearing on VAT100 forms.
- Upgraded the Postgres database version to improve security and future-proof the application (Network users only).
- If you had automated backups running on your Postgres server, this process will need to be reconfigured – please contact TaxCalc Support for details (Network users only).
- Upgraded the main application framework to increase stability and future-proof the application.
Version 3.2.034 - released on 16th June 2015
Please note: For Practice users, some existing reports (in Report Manager) may have been affected by this update. A fix to correct this issue is now in development and will be released as soon as possible. Please contact Support if you have any problems or queries with your reports in the meantime.
Mac and Linux Beta
- Practice software for Mac OSX and Linux is now available for standalone users!
- Personal, Partnership and Limited Company versions are now available for Linux users (already available for Mac OSX).
Tax Return Production
- What If Planner for 2015-16 is available (requires What If Planner add-on).
- Dividend Data for 2014-15 is available and has been added to the R40 form (requires Dividend Database add-on).
- The Tax Tips and Planning messages have been incorporated into the SA100 general validations for all users.
- Fixed an issue with IRMark changing once after re-opening returns containing attachments that have recently been altered. Although this should not affect many files, the fix will prevent re-occurrence of this issue but any affected files may still change once after updating.
- Improvements to Capital Allowances, including locking of old pools that are no longer applicable and updating of AIA validations.
- Added a warning regarding importing of joint income of property data, which can lead to duplication of properties.
- Added ability to mark a year as ineligible for carrying forward pension allowance.
- Fixed an issue within the Tax Payment Repayment Summary, where the previous year refund amount was including the first payment on account due and was therefore incorrect. Issue will be corrected on files imported after this update only.
- Fixed a printing issue where the header was not appearing on the dividends wizard.
- Corrected labels for boxes 14.1 to 14.14 on the SA900.
- Corrected the limit for Married Couples Allowance and corresponding validation.
- Corrected the wording on the case numbers for the new Statutory Residence Test.
- General text and layout corrections.
- Added selectable 2015/16 year to the SA303 form.
CT600 version 3 (2015)
- Corrected an issue within Client Questionnaire, where the cover letter and questionnaire were not always in the correct order when the batch contained multiple clients with the same name.
- EULA updated with a clause regarding to use of beta software.
Version 3.1.017 - released on 28th April 2015
IMPORTANT NOTE: This release will result in a change to the IR Mark on any existing CT600 returns and may affect some SA100, SA800 and SA900 returns.
CT600 version 3 (2015)
- iXBRL tagging completion.
- The CT600 version 3 pages are currently provided in Beta form. Whilst the completion and online submission of the form itself and associated iXBRL computations have been tested, final testing is ongoing and we strongly recommend that you check calculations and test file before submitting to HMRC.
Tax Return Production
- Minor bugs fixed for 2015 SA100 returns.
- Various validation messages updated on SA100, SA800 and SA900 returns.
- Print issues resolved for Wizards.
Accounts Production
- Minor fixes to form printing.
- Added further validations to improve data entry.
- Fixed some incorrect help links.
- Updated screenshots in Help for VAT module and the new interface.
Version 3.0.105 - released on 31st March 2015
- Fixed an uncommon error where server machines in network settings could update out of sychronisation with their client machines.
- 7th April release note: Release made available to Mac users.
Version 3.0.103 - released on 24th March 2015
IMPORTANT NOTE: This release will result in a change to the IR Mark on any existing CT600 returns and may affect some SA100, SA800 and SA900 returns.
Please note that if you are running the Network version of TaxCalc and are currently using version 2.97 or earlier, we would recommend you download and run the installer on all additional machines after applying this update. You can download the installer from your account at www.taxcalc.com.
Tax Return Production
- Updated Self Assessment (SA100, SA800 and SA900) for the 2014-15 tax year.
- 2015 Tax Year columns added to the Client Hub.
- Various improvements to the SA forms including: importing, layout, design and general content.
- NOTE: Foreign Tax Credit Relief (FTCR) is currently based on draft guidance and so may need adjusting in a future release if the guidance is amended.
- CT600 tax rates have been added for the 2015 financial year.
- Client Questionnaire has been updated for the 2014-15 tax year.
New CT600 version 3 (2015) - Preview
- The new CT600 version 3 forms for periods starting on or after 1 April 2015 are now available as a preview.
- Some further work is required to implement the latest iXBRL tagging. Therefore the final version of these forms will be available in a future update - attempting to submit these forms is not recommended until final release.
New Theme
- User Interface overhauled with a new colour theme to improve usability.
- Added the ability to customise your theme to suit your preferences (accessed through the View menu).
New Feature - Revised Client Search and Views
- Client Hub searching has been refined giving you the ability to create powerful Data Mines to find the clients you want and streamline the process of searching for your clients in general.
- You can now set up and save specific Views in Client Hub so that you can quickly switch different column arrangements depending on your current client list and workload.
New Feature - Auto-Attach PDF files to email
- You can now automatically attach any PDF file (Tax Return, Accounts and more) to an email. If the client's email address is stored in Client Hub then this will be populated automatically as well.
New Module - PDF Encryption
- The PDF Encryption module allows you to create unique passwords for each client and easily create encrypted copies of any PDF to send to your clients or colleagues.
- This feature is available for free within the Client Hub and HMRC Forms modules. You can pay for an upgrade to your software in order to use this for other modules (such as Tax Return Production and Accounts Production).
Accounts Production
- Fixed an issue where signature lines were not appearing on the accounts when more than one director was signing.
EULA and Privacy Policy Updated
Version 2.98.064 - released on 16th January 2015
- This release brings the fixes and enhancements from version updates 2.98.049 (noted below) and later to the Mac platform.
Version 2.98.059 - released on 9th January 2015
This release is available for Windows users upon request from support@taxcalc.com. We are currently working on a release for Mac users and will be available shortly.
Tax Return Production
- Fixed a calculation issue that affected the restrictions on nominated income when claiming the remittance basis (in rare circumstances).
- Fixed a calculation issue that affected the annual allowance charge for pension contributions (in rare circumstances).
- (Practice users only) Fixed an issue where, when creating new CT600 (Corporation Tax) returns, creating short periods changed the end date to a full 12 month period. (This could be corrected manually within the return itself anyway).
Accounts Production
- Fixed an uncommon issue where bringing forward opening balances could cause unexpected program behaviour.
Version 2.98.055 - released on 30th December 2014.
Some issues affecting the most recent release have been fixed.
Tax Return Production
- Fixed an issue displaying an incorrect validation message referring to data held in 'Client Hub Record' for non-practice users.
- Fixed an issue with the SA900 Trust and Estate return and SA800 Partnership return page orientation when generating a pdf containing the Capital Gains Tax pages.
Version 2.98.051 - released on 22nd December 2014.
Some issues affecting the most recent release have been fixed.
Tax Return Production
- Fixed an issue displaying the client list which resulted in application hanging and general performance issues.
- Fixed an issue with the IRMark on some self assessment returns unexpectedly changing. Please note: If the IRMark changed in the recent update then this release will correct the issue and change it back.
Accounts Production
- Corrected an issue which resulted in no directors appearing on the Directors Report.
- Corrected a minor issue with the new Demo database being offered to all users instead of only Trial product users.
Version 2.98.049 - released on 17th December 2014.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The changes implemented by this release will result in a change to the IR Mark on any existing SA100, SA800 and SA900 returns.
EULA and Privacy Policy Updated
- The End User Licence Agreement has been updated to clarify how TaxCalc collects and treats some data. Please review the EULA here.
- The Privacy Policy has been updated to clarify how TaxCalc treats data it receives, especially in regard to supporting technical issues. Please review the Privacy Policy here.
New Feature - Batch Filing
A Batch Filing module has been added as an optional upgrade. If you are interested in this module then please contact our Sales team on 0345 5190 883
- This module will give you the ability to submit multiple SA100, SA800 and SA900 tax returns in one quick and easy process.
New Feature - Demo Database
- Users with a Trial Licence will now have the ability to switch to a pre-populated 'demo' database without affecting the main database.
New (BETA) Feature - TaxCalc built-in PDF display
- TaxCalc now contains an (optional) system to display PDF tax returns without the need for separate PDF software being installed on your machine.
- This can be enabled from within the Tax Production module: Select Options and then the PDF Viewing menu item.
- This feature is currently available to all users as a Beta option and also includes the ability to auto-attach PDF documents to a client email.
Tax Return Production
- 64-8 Agent Authorisation: Automatically capitalise the agent ID and remove superfluous country code and preceding zeroes when sending a 64-8 online, to prevent occasional submission failures.
- Added the ability to export the Capital Allowance summary to MS Excel.
- Corrected a printing issue which excluded page 1 of the Trust and Estate Foreign pages.
- Added Property Losses to the losses memorandum and property summary reports.
- Corrected an erroneous validation within the Capital Allowances Small Pool Write off allowance when the balance had been reduced to zero.
- Corrected an issue which prevented online filing of SA100 returns with more than 20 foreign dividends, with some claiming foreign tax credit relief and others not.
- Corrected an issue where the capital gains pages could not be removed from the return once created, in certain circumstances.
- Corrected a mapping issue within the SNF import from AP for Professional Indemnity Insurance
- Corrected a misleading validation within the Residence and Remittance pages which was appearing, on occasion, when claiming the remittance basis.
- Added an option to mark R40 submissions as 'filed to HMRC' when printing. This will correct the submission status of these repayments within Client Hub's tax filters section.
- Corrected the self employment turnover threshold which validates the usage of the full or short forms.
Accounts Production
- Enhanced the Trial Balance Import tool to include import maps for TaxCalc Trial Balance and Audit Trails, and also to allow importing when certain items are not mapped (totals, for instance),
- Corrected some iXBRL tagging and display issues affecting the statement of recognised gains and losses, and secured overdrafts and depreciation of tangible assets.
- Removed research and development costs from the operating profit note.
Client Hub
- Updated the Client Questionnaire tokens to show the active tax year depending on the local system date and also added the option to use the data mine function to search for clients.
- Added an additional column to the task reminder window to show the client to whom the task relates without needing to open the task itself.
- Added the ability to delete custom fields.
- Corrected an issue where the client tax return status was not updating immediately after return submission.
- Corrected an issue which removed the Account Status column from Client Hub following the previous software update.
- Added auto-capitalisation to the PAYE field.
- Submitted returns can now be deleted and user permissions can be customised via roles within the Administration module.
- Help content updated.
- Corrected some misleading box labels.
Version 2.97.001 - released on 5th November 2014
Important Accounts Production Filing Issue
- Companies House have notified us that they have made changes to the online filing protocols affecting submission of accounts. This has required a corresponding change to the TaxCalc Accounts Production module. Use of SSL3 (Secure Socket Layers) has been removed in favour of TLS (Transport Layer Security) for all TaxCalc online submissions.
- To continue submitting accounts to Companies House apply this update.
- Whilst submissions to HMRC will be unaffected for the time being it is strongly recommended that you apply this update as these submissions may also be affected in the future.
Client Hub
- Fixed an issue affecting the client Engagement Status being incorrectly set. This update will correct the issues and reset Engagement Status to Active for affected clients.
Version 2.96.080 - released on 28th October 2014
- Fixed an issue in the previous release which prevented the application from updating in certain circumstances.
- Fixed routing issue when switching between HMRC and SimpleStep modes to ensure that the user is taken to the correct page.
Version 2.96.076 - released on 21st October 2014.
To find out more about this release, please visit our Client Hub Refined webpage.
- Added a function to check when background data lists (country codes, tax offices, dividend data and more) are not successfully updated, so that further action can be taken if necessary.
- Added a ‘What's New’ section to the program help guide to explain the new features that have been added in this release.
- Some items further clarified within the application EULA.
- Added the ability to add and update mail merge templates and the professional fees lists without the need for a full application update.
Client Hub
- New Feature – added the ability to quickly create clients, allowing minimal client information to be entered initially (and then completed at a later date).
- New Feature – when within the client record, the client summary screen content can now be customised for each client type and printed.
- New Feature – automatic tasks (Auto Tasks) can be created for clients based on key calendar dates (tax return due, VAT return, annual review and more). Upon completion, a new task will be generated automatically.
- New Feature – custom fields can now be created for your clients through the Administration module and then accessed within the client records.
- New Feature – added the Data Mine (Advanced Search) functionality for use within the Reports and Mail Merge tools.
- New Feature – custom task types can now be created within the Administration module and used when creating tasks. Additionally, tasks for the current client can be accessed from the cog menu in the upper-right.
- New Feature – notes can be added to a client when editing their client record.
- New Feature – many new fields added to the client record, including the ability to create services offered to clients and record this in their client record, along with the usual fee charged.
- New Feature – a global address book has been added, allowing shared addresses to be used by multiple clients. When such an address is updated, it can be updated for all relevant clients at the same time.
- Added the ability to record multiple email addresses and to record notes against phone numbers and emails.
- Added several new Mail Merge fields, including a friendly salutation field to the client record for use in the Mail Merge tool. This allows greater tailoring of the resulting letters to a particular client.
- Added a new cover letter to the client questionnaire that can be accessed through the Mail Merge tool.
- Added new report types for work statuses and improved customisation options.
- Updated some 2013-14 help content.
- Removed some outdated validation rules in the CT600 module to prevent unnecessary warnings.
- Corrected a calculation issue within Foreign Tax Credit Relief when the remittance basis is being claimed.
- Corrected a calculation issue for non-residents when a double taxation agreement is in place, which could lead to an incorrect personal allowance.
- Corrected a calculation error when female Married Couple’s Allowance is being claimed, which prevented submission.
- Corrected the validation for the Married Couple’s Allowance limit, to refer to the new rate.
- Fixed an issue within the Partnership return which prevented the removal of extra trade pages once created.
- HS302 and HS304 non-resident worksheets updated to declare the correct tax year.
- Corrected some minor navigation inconsistencies.
- Corrected the wording for box NRD7 of the residency and remittance pages.
- Corrected a calculation error involving partnership land and property losses.
- Corrected a printing issue wherein custom watermarks did not appear on the PDF.
- Corrected the partner relationship lookup wizard within the 64-8 agent authorisation module.
- Updated the CT600 indexation calculations to August 2014, within the Chargeable Gains wizard.
- Added a lookup wizard to select the CT600 director signing from existing client relationships.
- A breakdown of other expenditure can now be included in the CT600 comps.
Accounts Production
- Fixed an issue with the Going Concern note, where the default selected text was not always carrying through into the financial statements.
- Minor corrections to formatting.
- Added the ability to export financial statements to MS Excel.
- Trial balance import will now ignore zero values to prevent import issues.
VAT Filer
- Added an approval section to the printed VAT return.
- Added the ability to apply work statuses to VAT returns and ECSL.
- The program will automatically clear spaces from VAT registration numbers to prevent online filing issues.
- Added the ability to resume a VAT submission attempt if the connection is broken or times out.
- Corrected the handling of negative monetary values, which could prevent online submission.
- Corrected an issue which prevented a Flat Rate Scheme from being removed once one had been selected.
- Fixed an issue with an erroneous watermark appearing on the VAT7 form.
- The Payroll letter template has been amended to the newer standard format, in particular excluding references to P35 and replacing with RTI.
Version 2.95.002 - released on 22nd July 2014
- VAT Filer module released and available to purchase (for practices only):
- VAT returns can be submitted directly to HMRC.
- EC Sales Lists can be produced and submitted directly to HMRC.
- Other VAT forms can be completed and printed ready to send to HMRC.
- A 28-day trial of the VAT Filer can be requested via www.taxcalc.com .
- The HS304 PDF now correctly states the tax year 2013-14 when attached to an individual's tax return.
- NOTE: This change will result in a change to the IR Mark on any returns which contain the HS304 PDF.
Note: The release notes for 2.94.064 have also been updated.
Version 2.94.078 - released on 25th June 2014
- Fixed an online filing issue within the Property pages of the Partnership (SA800) return.
- Reduced the size of PDF attachments for Mac users. This issue affected the Capital Gains attachments in particular and could prevent online filing in some situations.
- Minor update to EULA clarifying point 12.2.6.
Version 2.94.070 - released on 10th June 2014
TaxCalc 2014
- Fixed an issue with incorrect details being submitted for females with a Married Couples Allowance claim.
- Fixed a Check & Finish error occurring when a business name had an ampersand (&) within it.
- Fixed an issue which prevented deletion of unwanted self employment pages .
- Custom watermarks now appear as expected rather than as 'Draft'.
Accounts Production
- Fixed the cover page of accounts to correctly pick up the settings when the title is repositioned.
- Fixed an iXBRL issue within Ltd Company Accounts Production. This affected the codes 3352 for Credit Card Charges.
Version 2.94.067 - released on 3rd June 2014
- Fixed a printing issue within the CT600 module - the period dates were being duplicated. This did not affect online filing.
- Fixed an iXBRL issue within Ltd Company Accounts Production. This affected the codes 3351 and 3352 for Bank Charges and Credit Card Charges.
Version 2.94.064 - released on 2nd June 2014
Value Added Module is now available
- What If? Planner updated for forecasting the 2014-15 tax liability.
- Additional enhancements to the What If? Planner.
- Updated Tax Tips and Planning and Variance Report, to work with the new 2014 tax returns (Practice users only).
Dividend Database is now available
- Dividend Database module has been released to include dividends from the 2013-14 tax year.
- Enhancements to the import routine to pick up changes to company names and ISIN numbers.
General Improvements
- FEATURE: Update list data from the TaxCalc Website.
- Many items like tax offices, country codes and dividend data now collect their data from the taxcalc.com website. This feature allows us to react faster than ever to changes and deliver our users the most up-to-date information in the future, without needing to wait for a full program update.
- An active internet connection is required to obtain updated sets of data.
- Added drag and drop functionality to Mail Merge and Reporting field selector tables. This functionality will be added to other areas of the program over time.
Tax Return Production
- FEATURE: Styling improvements to the tax summaries throughout to bring them in line with the CT Computations, Accounts Production and Client Hub reports. Further enhancements will be made in future releases.
- Only print the currently selected schedule when viewing Employment, Self Employment and Partnership summaries.
- Removed gridlines from all summaries and worksheets.
- Enhanced pagination so that the included summaries and worksheets are paginated as one.
- CGT Intermediary Summary enhanced to remove unused rows and avoid repeating column headings, which should greatly reduce the size of this attachment in most cases.
- NOTE: The changes to the reports (see below) will result in a change to the IR Mark on any returns which contain a PDF attachments and all CT600 returns.
- Added the ability to show/hide the left navigation menu to allow more content to fit on smaller screens.
- Updated all help and helpsheets with 2014 content.
- Fixed a rare issue with the calculations of the Child Benefit Tax Charge not updating.
- Corrected a typo within the SA302 summary.
- Fixed an issue with the underscore ( _ ) character not being included in the email address when filing online.
- Improved some validation messaging for clarity.
- Updated the 50% trust rate being applied to the R185 forms.
- Amended some other rates and allowances throughout.
- Fixed a pagination issue with the computations (affecting Mac OSX only).
- Amended the display order in the client tax return window when there is a combination of R40 and SA100 returns for multiple years.
- Other minor fixes and improvements.
- (25/06/14 update to notes) There was an adjustment to the wording for Box 8 on the Resident and Remittance pages. You may wish to check that the answer given is still relevant to the question. Please note that this box does not affect the calculation of tax due.
Accounts Production
- iXBRL UPDATE: Updated the iXBRL accounts to use HMRC's new Detailed Profit and Loss taxonomy. This section of the Full Financial Statements will now use the new tags, which are an HMRC requirement for periods ending on or after 1st April 2014.
- Fixed an issue with iXBRL output that was preventing the iXBRL accounts being filed using alternative CT600 software (including the HMRC service). Filings using TaxCalc CT module were unaffected.
- Fixed a rare issue with balance bring forward which could lead to duplicate postings.
- Improved director signing logic to include directors who started after the period end date.
- Implemented the ability to add addresses to a client from within Accounts Production.
- Trial balance now displays rows totalling less than £1.
Version 2.93.026 - released on 23rd April 2014
TaxCalc 2014
- Fixed issue where underscores were sometimes removed from manually entered email addresses on filing screen.
Version 2.93.025 - released on 28th March 2014
TaxCalc 2014
- Fixed issue where Total Tax and NIC summary was not being displayed (Mac version only).
- Fixed issue where failed licence request prevented the application starting correctly.
Version 2.93.024 - released on 27th March 2014
TaxCalc 2014
- Released the 2013-14 Self Assessment Year Tax for Individual, Partnership and Limited Company users.
- Fixed issue with Foreign Tax Credit Relief not being calculated where relevant. (This issue only affected Network users)
- Added new wizards for Community Investment relief and Seed EIS relief.
- Included validations for the new cash basis accountancy rules.
- Improved the import of some pages to ensure that ceased sources of income do not import into the new year (Property, Minister of Religion).
- Corrected some onscreen text referring to tax rates on the SA900.
- Fixed some importing issues within the R40 form.
- Changed the Client Questionnaire output to order by client surname.
- Improved the mail merge data to include tokens for current and previous years' tax liability as well as specific years to allow you to create more flexible mail merge templates.
- Amended some of the content in the capital allowance calculator to clarify rules for cars and the hybrid rate percentage being used.
- Added further messaging and guidance in the residence and remittance pages.
- Corrected some minor layout and formatting issues with summary exporting to MS Word 2007 / 2010.
- General visual improvements when using Large Font and accessibility settings.
- General improvements to onscreen guidance throughout.
- Fixed rare permission error when trying to open tax returns.
- Improved validation controlling female class 4 exemption claims.
- Corrected unexpected behaviour on startup after updating. (This affected a small number of users.)
- Updated validations for new HMRC specials and exclusions.
- General bug fixes and improvements throughout.
Corporation Tax
Please note: Changes to iXBRL for CT returns may make the IRmark change on any existing CT returns ending on or after 1st April 2013.
- Minor layout amendments to the Computations.
- Corrected an issue in the calculation and rounding of indexation allowance.
- Added further iXBRL tagging for single pool assets in the capital allowances computation.
Accounts Production
- Added the company registration number on the Member's Report for LLPs as required by Companies House.
- Corrected an issue with Transactions and Loans to Directors which was preventing removal of certain postings.
Version 2.92.084 - released on 12th March 2014
TaxCalc 2014
- Updated Self Assessment (SA100, SA800 and SA900) for the 2013-14 tax year (currently available to Pro versions only).
- 2014 Tax Year columns added to the Client Hub (Pro versions only).
- Fixed an issue within CGT which prevented offset of unclogged losses against a gains to a related party.
- Updated Client Questionnaire with suggested improvements and added functionality to prepare the 2014 questionnaire.
- Reviewed and updated the residency and remittance wizards to take account of the new Statutory Residence Test.
- Added guidance on using the new ‘Cash Basis’ accounting rules.
- Added new validations to help with common errors and improved many existing rules.
- Added the ability to automatically clear all provisional fields and find those fields more easily.
- Improved importing for Individual, Partnership and Limited Company users, allowing simple and automatic bringing forward of last year’s returns.
- Updated Losses Memorandum to include unused CGT losses regardless of whether the current year includes the CGT pages.
- Other small bugs and improvements.
Corporation Tax
- Rates added for the 2014 Financial Year.
- Added a new wizard to assist in calculating patent reliefs.
- Small rounding and formatting improvements to the computations.
- Added a report zoom function to the computations (as is already present on Accounts Production reports).
- Added ability to remove the cover page and contents page from the computations, if desired.
- Updated CG Indexation rates to January 2014.
Accounts Production
- Improved Balance Sheet wording on non-audit LLPs.
- Added 'Transactions with and Loans to Directors' note to the Abbreviated Report.
- Prevent the escape key from closing the posting window without asking for confirmation (to reduce loss of work in error).
- New Notifications Panel, which groups all reminders and notifications into one convenient location and provides a visual prompt when there are new items to be aware of.
- Application updates improved so that, in future, all update files will be downloaded in the background, allowing you to continue to work uninterrupted.
- Decreased the size of the header bar to give you more work space on your screen.
- Improved the layout of the Individual, Partnership and Limited Company product interfaces (essentially those versions not intended for use in an accountancy practice) to allow for easier navigation between tax years.
- Improved automatic setting of filing status and ensured that manually changing the status will correctly record filing dates (for paper filing).
- Added the ability to add a comment when taking a backup, to help better identify your backups.
- Added the ability to open returns stored in your file system by simply dragging and dropping onto TaxCalc.
Version 2.91.073 - released on 20th December 2013
TaxCalc Corporation Tax Computations
- Addressed a calculation issue in the new CT comps (introduced on 12 December 2013) whereby for periods ending on or after 1 April 2013 and under specific circumstances, an incorrect claim of capital allowances on one or more single asset pools may be made.
Version 2.90.071 - released on 18th December 2013
TaxCalc Corporation Tax Computations
- Fixed some page display issues within the Capital Allowances section when there are multiple pool types spanning two pages.
- Corrected some display logic and wording in the Trading Losses section.
- Changed the Adjusted Profit section wording to state Trading Profit / (Loss).
- Fixed two issues where additional note text was not wrapping onscreen and in the Capital Allowances section it appeared in an incorrect place.
- Corrected a minor typo.
- Fixed an update issue which could affect users updating from much older versions of TaxCalc Hub.
Version 2.10.062 - released on 13th December 2013
NEW Corporation Tax Computations
- IMPORTANT NOTE FOR PRACTICE USERS: Because of the following computation changes required by HMRC, please note that the IR Mark on all existing CT returns will change after the update. If you do not want them to change then you may wish to postpone the update.
- Updated the Corporation Tax Computations to use the new HMRC iXBRL Taxonomy for periods ending on or after 1st April 2013.
- Improved the styling, layout and pagination of the Computations for periods ending on or after 1st April 2013.
- New Computations Management screen allows you to control which sections appear within the Computations as well as add additional notes which now allow line breaks.
- Also made some minor improvements to the style of the Computations for periods ending before 1st April 2013.
- Added separate field for Research and Development deductions and a wizard for Patent box relief calculations as well as some additional add back fields.
NEW Property Companies
- Corporation Tax Computations now support Property Companies and also allow a separate wizard for Trading companies with additional property income.
Tax Return Production
- Amended the Capital Allowance Calculator Grid to display each pool in a single column to save space and clarify the computation (on Self Assessment as well as Corporation Tax returns).
- Fixed printing issue for one field on the CT600J (Tax Avoidance Schemes).
- The Import return button has been moved to a more prominent position in the menu and added more information within the import wizard to help users identify the correct file to import (Individual, Partnership and Company users only).
- Improved the wording on the Chargeable Gains section of the Corporation Tax Return to clarify what the wizard will and will not handle.
- Added Chargeable Gains Indexation Rates up to September 2013 on the Corporation Tax return.
- Fixed two issues within the Capital Allowance Calculator input screen - the drop down list box now defaults to the top of the list; after entering the date of purchase, tabbing will select the correct Written Down Value or Initial Cost field.
- Fixed an incorrect calculation within the Child Benefit calculations within the What If Planner.
- Fixed a printing issue with multiple Chargeable Assets on the Partnership return.
- Improved validation messaging in general throughout and added more guidance in certain areas.
- Fixed an issue with automatic additional information being added for tax avoidance schemes.
- Added some general usability improvements to the Dividend Database.
- Fixed a printing issue within the Foreign Tax Credit Relief worksheet.
- Updated help throughout, including updated guidance on Child Benefit cap.
- Fixed an issue with the Married Couple's Allowance calculations within the R40.
- Fixed a printing issue within the foreign pages (Individual returns) whereby pages 2 and 3 were not automatically being included in the PDF and neither were multiple foreign properties.
- Some typographic errors fixed.
- Fixed a calculation issue within the pension input details wizard.
General / Client Hub
- After being logged out unexpectedly, users can now log back in without the need to contact their network administrator.
- Changed TaxCalc branding and start screen design to enhance the contrast and also bring it in-line with current branding.
- Improved help and messaging in the application when users experience rare network connection or login issues.
- Added compatibility with Windows Accessibility Mode options across all modules (to provide improved contrast and view options for the visually impaired).
- Fixed an issue with R40 forms not being correctly included in the 'returns to file' section of the Client Hub.
Accounts Production
- Improved validations regarding calculated closing balances per the comparative year against any opening balances that have been posted into the current year. The precise difference will now be displayed making it easier to correct the difference.
- Fixed rare instance of unexpected behaviour when importing a Trial Balance.
- Fixed an issue with the main Firm Name always appearing on the Financial Statements even if alternative details have been entered.
Mac Version
- OS X (Mac) version of TaxCalc released for Individual, Partnership, Trust and Limited Company customers.
Version 2.9.068 - released on 20th November 2013
Accounts Production
- New validations have been added to compare any calculated closing balances per the comparative year against any opening balances that have been posted into the current year. If there are any differences, HMRC will reject the filing of the financial statements. TaxCalc Accounts Production will alert you to the existence of any such differences such that you can correct the balances via journal adjustment.
- Fixed issue where dates on some notes may not appear when exported to Microsoft Word.
Version 2.9.066 - released on 4th November 2013
Accounts Production
- LLP accounts now supported.
- Added the ability to adjust left margins throughout the Financial Statements and to reposition the content on the cover page to fit into windowed bindings.
- Added a justification alignment option to the Financial Statements.
- Some minor improvements to the usability of the Trial Balance Import wizard.
- Added the Intellectual Property class to Intangible Fixed Assets.
- Added many new codes to the chart of account for all business types, including extra sales codes, more cost of sales account codes and additional admin expense codes It is now possible to bring forward Accruals and Prepayments batches from a previous period.
- Custom water marks can now be added to all reports before printing.
- Added an option to include extra information in the Share Capital Note.
- Optional ability now available to include Qualification in an accountant's report.
- Amended the balance sheet, accountant's report and director's report signature blocks to make the styling more consistent.
- More notes content (pluralisation, year and period references) is now automatically populated.
- Revised the Audit report wording for periods starting on or after 1st October 2012.
- Greatly improved the opening speed / performance of the Notes window.
- Added the ability to change the date format displayed within signature blocks.
- It is now possible to mark a set of accounts as 'Amending' with appropriate statements made to the cover page.
- Fixed a few minor issues within the Bring Forward Notes function.
- Changed Share Capital Notes to display values to three decimal places.
- The accountant's report can now be included with the abbreviated accounts.
- Improved wording and logic on several validations so that they are more explicit and relevant.
- Fixed a rare rounding issue which caused an imbalance in the balance sheet.
- Various minor improvements to the layout, underlining and spacing within the Financial Statements and other reports.
- Portable Mode added as a new Beta function (currently available on request) to the Practice Network software. This function allows Network users to 'check out' returns and client information from the main network database and work on it remotely.
Tax Return Production
- Fixed some issues within the Practice synchronisation of Tax Return to Client Hub tool.
- Fixed an issue within the AIA validations when spanning the 2012–13 financial years.
- Updates to the tax help throughout.
- Other minor and rare bugs squashed.
- Fixed bugs within the Migration Tool for Practice users moving from a Standalone to Network system (tool is available by contacting TaxCalc Support).
- Added the ability to print pages from the help file.
- Other general styling and typographic improvements throughout.
Version 2.8.026 - released on 20th August 2013
- **NEW FEATURE** A Customise Client List window allowing you to control the columns that you see on your Client Hub.
- **NEW FEATURE** More optional columns can now display on the Client Hub (Accounts status and 64-8 status).
- Enhanced the login process to allow non 'admin' user accounts (if any) to log in without first requiring the 'admin' user to log them out (after, for example, a power cut).
- Improved handling of proxy servers (if applicable).
- More feedback is now provided in the application loading screen, so that it does not seem as though the application is not responding (particularly when starting after applying an update).
- Added a warning prompting users to back up their database before running an update if a recent backup does not exist.
- Users may now reset their 'admin' account password without needing to contact TaxCalc Support.
- Fixed some issues affecting the application startup being slow or halting (on rare occasions).
- Improved the user interface to better handle smaller screen resolutions and keep navigation buttons on screen at all times.
- Fixed an issue affecting Individual users whereby some returns were appearing twice on the homescreen.
Enhanced Integration
- **ENHANCED FEATURE** Major changes to the SA800 (Partners) and SA104 (Partnership income) screens. The user interface and associated behaviour has been enhanced to add further integration and make these screens feel more intuitive.
- **NEW FEATURE** Import information from the related financial statements into the CT600 return (including a wizard for adjusting long periods of account)
- **NEW FEATURE** Synchronisation wizard within Tax Return Production to compare information (name, UTR and so on) within the return against the information in the Client Hub and allow this information to be synchronised (avoiding the need to enter it twice).
- **ENHANCED FEATURE** Client addresses can now be added (and amended) through the Tax Return Production and Accounts Production modules without needing to update them within the Client Hub.
- **ENHANCED FEATURE** Create client relationships within the Tax Return Production and Accounts Production modules (as well as from within the Client Hub, as before).
Tax Return Production
- **NEW FEATURE** Ability to add system-wide tax and accounts statuses for your clients.
- Fixed some issues when importing clients from tax returns (improved speed of importing and other general fixes to unexpected behaviour in rare circumstances).
- Improved the What If planner in the following areas: Personal Allowance restriction for income over £100,000; CGT Entrepreneurs' Relief; the removal of claims to reduce Payments on Account.
- Added a note regarding Capital Losses being used to the Capital Gains screens, so that the summaries explaining use of losses can be located more easily.
- Tax returns now save automatically after successful submission to HMRC.
- Fixed issues with validations and calculations of Annual Investment Allowance claim.
- Fixed a printing issue whereby the Foreign Land and Property schedule only displayed details of the first property.
Accounts Production
- Added the ability to print out a watermarked copy of Financial Statements in the Accounts Production Trial product.
- Added some additional share classes (types E and F) to the Limited Company accounts.
- **NEW FEATURE** Ability to export all Accounts reports (Audit Trail, Nominal Ledger and so on) to Excel for further customisation.
- **NEW NOTE** Current Asset Investments.
- Amended Trial Balance report variances, as they were showing some credit balances as 'decrease' when they were 'increase'.
- Fixed a rare issue with the iXBRL tagging within the Capital Grant note which prevented online filing.
- General updates to some of the Help pages.
- Some general application wording and typos corrected throughout.
- Various smaller corrections throughout.
Version 2.7.001 - released on 16th July 2013
- The first run wizard (for Practice users) has been amended to automatically allow users to skip the login password feature. Further guidance for existing single users as to how to turn the login option of has also been added.
Tax Return Production
- Fixed an issue with the Capital Allowance Calculator, where after updating to version 2.6.028 of the software, opening a return caused the removal of any manual entries in Disposal Proceeds which would need to be re-entered on the Capital Allowance grid.
- Also fixed an erroneous validation error which was incorrectly appearing in the same area.
Accounts Production
- Fixed an issue with the alignment of hyphens within the Financial Statements (they were appearing center-aligned and are now right-aligned, as expected).
Version 2.6.030 - released on 5th July 2013
- Fixed unexpected behaviour when updating (only occurs in very specific cases).
Tax Return Production
- Updated the Corporation Tax Marginal Relief Fraction (MRR) for FY13.
Version 2.6.028 - released on 2nd July 2013
Client Hub
- Fixed an issue within the Client Hub and Tax Return production modules where an inconsistent use of Male/Female and Title could import the wrong gender into the tax return. This is now validated to prevent user errors.
- Added more information in the About box to help users locate the database (for automatic backup routines).
- Amended the client questionnaire so that it can be produced even if there's no previous year return (along with some other improvements to the questionnaire content itself).
- Amended the refresh of tax return status, so that status can be updated from return files that are updated via the cloud.
- Fixed an issue with the Mail Merge where commas in data items (an address, for example) would prevent the merge from completing.
- Fixed an issue where archived clients were being included in the analysis of tax returns (started / not started, filed / not filed). Archived clients are now not included.
Accounts Production
- **NEW FEATURE** Added an historical Trial Balance report (up to five years), including variance comparison between any two periods.
- **NEW FEATURE** Added the ability to check the status of all Pending Companies House submissions automatically, and also added a reminder that there are Pending submissions.
- Trial Balance Import does not import blank lines or zero values any more.
- Fixed an issue where the opening balance could not be brought forward on 'Limited by Guarantee' company accounts.
- Added a validation to the Turnover by Principal Activities note, to ensure that the note analysis matches the total posted sales income.
- Amended the category grouping in the chart of accounts for sole trader and partnership accounts to improve clarity.
- Fixed an issue with the tangible fixed assets line including intangibles on the statutory P&L.
- Fixed an issue with the closing stock value appearing in the wrong column on sole trader accounts.
Tax Return Production
- Some minor amendments to the Dividend Database data set to add some missing dividends.
- Fixed an issue within the AIA calculations in the capital allowance calculator where an extra day was calculated.
- Added the FY13 AIA calculations to the capital allowance calculator.
- Fixed a calculation error concerning Class 4 NIC exemptions in the What If planner.
- Fixed a display issue regarding tax over/under paid on the What If planner results summary page.
- Fixed a potential issue with the Partnership integration with Client Hub (causing the link to break).
- Fixed an issue with the printing of the Additional Information on page 7 of the core SA100 return.
- Fixed an erroneous validation regarding reduced age-related allowances, when the taxpayer is non-resident and does not qualify for personal allowances.
- Added a validation to the tax return when trying to import accounts reported in Dollars or Euros into the Self Employment pages.
- Fixed agent reference importing into the SA303.
- Ensured that some 'browse for file' dialogs now remember the user's last folder and default to the My Docs folder (instead of Temp folder).
- Added Tab names for forms tabs (eg: 64-8) so that it is clearer which tabs are currently open and improved the clarity of the accounts tabs.
- Link to the online Frequently Asked Questions now correctly points to the 2013 FAQs.
- Various other minor fixes, text changes and maintenance / stability improvements.
Version 2.4.009 - released on 5th June 2013
Dividend Database, Value Added System and What If Planner
- This release includes the Value Added System for accountancy practices which includes the What If Planner and updated Tax Tips and Planning, accessible to all users who have a valid licence.
- For Individual, Business and Limited Company users, this update includes the What If Planner, accessible to all users who have paid for it.
- The updated Dividend Database, accessible to all users who have the licence, is also included in this release.
Client Hub
- Added an option to import new clients from a CSV file. This allows for quick migration of client data from other software.
- Added certain tax fields to the Mail Merge function, so that items such as Payments on Accounts, Total Tax, Total Income, etc, can be included in your merge. Currently only the SA100 return tax fields are supported, for the current (2012-13) tax year only. Other return types and years will be added in future updates.
- Import of TaxCalc return files has been improved to give the user a greater degree of control and assistance. The Import functionality will now allow users to automatically exclude existing clients from a multiple file import. This allows non-networked users (for example those users who share files via Dropbox or other cloud-based systems) to synchronise their data with colleagues more efficiently.
- Added a new option under the top menu View option: Refresh Return Status. This option allows you to quickly check the online filing status of any returns which are saved outside of your file system, without needing to open the return (again, this simplifies the process for users who share files via cloud based systems and are not all using the same network database).
- Added the following optional columns to the main Client Hub table:
- 2012 Return Status.
- Date/Time tax return was last updated (for 2012-13 Self Assessment years, as well as CT returns).
- Fixed an issue with the CT file status where it would not always update correctly in the Tax Filter panel.
- Improvements to the Client Questionnaire: Added headers and footers to all pages.
Accounts Production
- New Feature: Added the ability to import a trial balance from a CSV file. The TaxCalc Smart Import Wizard allows you to easily map the account codes from a CSV file and import the postings into Accounts Production. Once mapped, the import can be run again for all of your clients. Multiple import maps can be easily created to allow you to import from different packages and for different client types.
- New Feature: It is now possible to produce accounts for Companies Limited by Guarantee.
Tax Return Production
- Added an option in the Administration settings for Tax Return Production to set a system-wide default for handling client repayments on the SA100 returns. When a repayment is due, users can set TaxCalc to always set the refund against future tax or always claim it (this can then be specifically changed within each return, as required).
- Tax-related Help updated for the 2012-13 Self Assessment year.
- Fixed an issue concerning an incorrect R40 file extension when saving the file outside of the database. This did not cause an issue within the application itself but required fixing for consistency.
- Fixed erroneous validation messages that were appearing in the SA100 Furnished Holiday Lets section and also within the new Child Benefit section.
- Fixed an issue where calculations were not automatically updating when the period dates were changed on the SA100 Self Employment pages.
- Fixed an issue that forced use of a wizard process for the box AIL8 (Pension Savings) field.
- Improvements to the handling of proxy servers and added the ability to store username and password authentication for the proxy.
- Added the ability to remember your password for the practice login screen, to speed up login time.
- General improvements to the update process to prevent unexpected errors.
- General wording and styling fixes.
Version 2.4.006 - released on 10th May 2013
New Feature - Tax information panel now available in Client Hub
- Practice users will now have a tax panel at the bottom of the Client Hub screen. This displays the number of clients:
- who do not have returns
- who do have returns
- whose returns have been submitted
- whose returns have not yet been submitted.
- Note: There is an outstanding issue with this panel for users of the Network version, as the number of Corporation Tax returns filed will not update at present. This will be fixed in an update shortly.
- Tax Work Status report now functional within the software.
- Addressed unexpected behaviour whereby the application would not start when Internet access has been disabled on a machine.
- Updated the wording of the Import Client screens to further clarify the process.
- Updated the main window geometry to allow the application window to be reduced below the minimum resolution of 1024 * 768, if required.
Client Hub
- Added a new validation for company clients to remind the user that they have not related any directors yet. This is only mandatory for Accounts Production users and can be ignored, but will provide additional integration benefits in the future.
- Updated the default tax return status for new returns from Not Started to In Progress, as this should be more meaningful to users.
- Fixed some incorrect or absent fields within the Client Questionnaire.
Accounts Production
- Fixed a typo within the Share Capital note on the accounts.
Tax Return Production
Version 2.3.010 - released on 25th April 2013
- Fixed an issue with the import routines where a long (custom) title present in a 2012 return that prevented it from being imported.
- Added the ability to enter a custom title for an individual client within Client Hub.
- Improvements to screen dimensions to allow more content to fit on screen at low resolutions (1024 x 768).
- Improved the visibility of the inactive tabs on the tab bar.
New Features - Turn off the Login Window and Automatically open the Client Hub
- Customisation functions have been added to the Applications area in the Administration application to turn off the login screen for single users and open into Client Hub from launch.
- For a guide on enabling these new features please click here.
New Features - Ability to customise the Client Hub screen with tax return information
New Features - Ability to easily save tax returns to your file system instead of within the database
- Files can be saved into your file system without needing to use the export function.
- When creating a new return, you can choose to save it straight to your file system instead of within the database.
- You can now import and create clients using an existing 2013 return (as well as 2012 returns).
- For a guide on using these new features please click here.
Accounts Production
- Fixed an issue whereby a set of accounts with a rounding difference was only automatically applying the rounding logic after closing the Postings dialog. This was leading to rounding issues when closing and re-opening the accounts.
- Removed erroneous text "Ap" that could appear in the financial statements.
Tax Return Production
TaxCalc 2013 Initial Release - version 2.1.071 - released on 2nd April 2013
TaxCalc has been fully updated for the 2012-2013 tax year. The application has undergone a substantial improvement programme and now features:
- A new front-end for non-practice customers, which simplifies the creation and management of tax returns.
- Multi-year capability, meaning that successive tax years will be built into the same application, eliminating the requirement to install a new application each year.
- A built-in updating mechanism, so updates throughout the year do not require a full reinstallation.
- A new licensing model for practice customers, giving twelve months of access to supported tax years.
- A new tabbed working environment, meaning you can have multiple tax returns open at once and for practice customers, different applications such as Client Hub and Accounts Production.
Practice customers will find that TaxCalc Pro is now part of TaxCalc Hub, providing a full Practice Management module in the form of Client Hub (complete with Task Management, Mail Merge and Reports functionality). TaxCalc Hub facilitates the ability to share data between applications, enabling accounting data from Accounts Production to be pulled directly into a tax return, linking tax returns between clients (such as an SA800 Partnership return with SA104 pages of an Individual return), sharing information about a client (such as name and address) to pre-populate any HMRC non-tax return form (such as a 64-8) and more. Integration will be continually updated and improved in future releases.
Practice customers will also find that they are greeted by new First Run and Client Data Import wizards, to get set up and running as quickly as possible. Now that the software can handle multiple tax years, you will only need to do this once.
Practice customers - where to find certain client management features
We've taken the opportunity to consolidate some of the client management functions of the legacy TaxCalc. Quite often, similar functions were accessed in different ways and so we've brought them together.
- Forms such as the 64-8, SA303, CWF1 and so on are now all accessed through the HMRC Forms application.
- The Client Questionnaire has been relocated to the Mail Merge section within Client Hub.
- Letter Writing has been replaced with the more powerful Mail Merge.
- The Data Mine function has been removed pending a more powerful replacement. It will become part of the Mail Merge and Reports functions, enabling you to create and save dynamic searches to choose clients that meet certain criteria.
- The ability to filter your tax returns by work status has been replaced by a more powerful Reports module, which will enable you to produce reports on your clients, tasks, work progress and more.
Tax Calculation and Return Production
Key changes include:
- Fully updated for the 2012-13 Income Tax year and FY13 Corporation Tax year.
- The SA100 Individual Return will assess your income for Child Benefit Tax purposes and calculate a charge accordingly.
Specific functionality included for non-practice customers:
- New "Welcome to TaxCalc" window to help you get started with the software.
- New "Year/Application" chooser screen to select the tax year you want to create a return for. We have plans to add the What If? Tax Planner to this screen, making it easier to find.
- All tax returns and forms that you have created are now presented to you on one screen, rather than multiple screens per type of return.
- New tax return "icon view" mode, so you can see your returns at a glance in a more graphical way. You can switch into "list view" mode to see your returns in a similar method to the legacy software.
- Easy reading mode, which will increase the size of all text larger on the screen (will be applied to practice customers if there is demand). This replaces the legacy application's zoom settings.
Specific functionality included for practices:
- TaxCalc is now a multi-user system, requiring you to log in using an account name and password. This adds a layer of security to your client data, preventing access from unwanted parties. The default account name is "admin" and if you lose your password, we can reset it.
- TaxCalc now stores core client data within the Client Hub application, meaning you should set up your client there before opening in the Tax Return Production application. You'll see that TaxCalc is now supports multiple years of tax returns, dating back to the 2011-2012 tax year (CT can go back to FY07).
- TaxCalc now uses a database to store data, which ensures your data is always kept up to date, cannot go missing and means that backing up produces one password encrypted file for all of your client data. For firms that want to store tax returns as files or share tax returns with subcontractors and associates for completion, you can export and store tax returns outside of the database and import them back in again, if you so wish.
- TaxCalc now offers a fully networked, database option, which is available upon request. This version will ensure the distribution of client data across your network. In an update due in the summer, computers on your network will be able to download client data to a local database, disconnect from the network and work offsite.
- Tax returns now carry forward data from an older return at the point that you create the new return.
- Sole Traders and Partnership returns can import profit and loss and balance sheet data directly from financial statements created within Accounts Production.
- Users can attach iXBRL accounts created within Accounts Production to the return without needing Accounts Production open.
- Creating relationships between Partners and Partnerships facilitates the import of data from the SA800 into the SA104 pages.
- Creating relationships between spouses facilitates the import of joint investment income between SA100 returns.
- You can quickly switch between clients and applications using the Action button, found towards the top right of a window (it looks like a cog). The button also contains some context-sensitive commands, such as locking a tax return from editing.
Client Hub
The following improvements have been made to the Clients function:
- Individual clients are now presented in the "surname, first name" format as per our legacy software.
- Users can now open tax returns and other HMRC forms from within the Clients screen.
- Tax work statuses can now be applied to each tax return that has been created for a client.
- Now that Tax Return Production is part of the same application, there is no need for TaxCalc Bridge and so it has been removed.
The following improvements have been made to the Task Management function:
- Recurring tasks can be set on a quarterly basis.
The following improvements have been made to the Mail Merge function:
- Introduction of the Client Questionnaire, which can produce a letter to be sent to clients that will ask them to gather information to help you complete their 2012-13 tax returns.
- A typo discovered on the "Approval of Limited Company Accounts and Corporation Tax Return" template has been rectified.
The following improvements have been made to the Reports function:
- Introduction of a new Work Status report type, which can be used to keep on top of the progression of accounts and tax work in your firm. The reports can determine whether a tax return needs to be done even if it hasn't been created yet.
Accounts Production
The following improvements and fixes have been made to Accounts Production:
- Issue on the director's remuneration note where benefits in kind text could sometimes not be disabled has been resolved.
- Any directors that were active after the year end can now sign off the directors' report and balance sheet.
- Amended the signing off statement on Partnership financial statements.
- The SNF export to third party tax software now includes the client's name.
- Amended the way that a sole trader's trading name is presented on the accounts.
- Amended the Debtors lead schedule for Sole Traders to include "Prepayments and accrued income".
- Improved presentation of Check and Finish.
HMRC Forms
- This release introduces a new HMRC Form module, which is where you can access forms such as the 64-8, SA303, CWF1 and CT41G.
General Improvements
Over the years, we've been asked for a variety of general improvements and have implemented the following:
- The software now remembers its window size when you close it.
- The menu items in the menubar has been tidied up.
Important Notes:
- HMRC do not publish the final forms or Helpsheets until 6 April. Where drafts forms and Helpsheets have been the published, this initial release version will include these and may be subject to change. Our first update in mid April will include the final forms and Helpsheets.
- The Dividend Database, Value Added Module and What If? Tax Planner have not been included as the full tax year data is not available at time of release. Our update in May will include these add-on modules.
Article ID: 2182
Last updated: 09 Jan, 2025
Revision: 17
Views: 10424