Creating Charge Out Rates for Users and Practice

Article ID: 3395
Last updated: 23 Oct, 2024

User’s Standard Charge Out Rates

The standard charge out rates are there as the user’s base rate for any activity, unless a different rate was recorded for a specific activity on the practice level or user level.

Rates are time bound and users can record new periods and rates to apply to time logs logged during that period.

  • From Admin > Users > Edit User > Working Hours and Rates there is the standard charge out rate. You can have one standard charge out rate per user per period. Dates cannot overlap and the current charge out rate will be used when logging time.

User Activity Charge Out Rates

You can log multiple charge out rates for individual users. Each charge out rate will be linked to a separate activity as well as the standard charge out rate which is not linked to an activity. If the user has an activity specific charge out rate then this rate will be used when time is logged against this activity. If the user logs time against an activity with no specific charge out rate then the users standard charge out rate will be used.

  • Activity type charge out rate section gives users the ability to log a different charge out rate per activity.

    • To create a charge out rate for an activity either type an activity into the search box or use the magnifying glass, the activities are picked up from Admin > Customise PM > Activity Types all client activity types (shipped or custom) will be available for a charge out rate.

    • There can only be one current rate per activity at a time which follows the same rules as the standard charge out rate.

Practice Activity Charge Out Rates

You can add a charge out rate for a specific activity at a practice level. This means all users in your practice can have this charge applied when they log time against the specific activity unless they have a user activity charge out rate for the same activity.

  • From Admin > Customise PM > Activity Types select any client activity and then edit OR create a client activity. From here you can add a charge out rate for the activity type, there can only be one current charge out rate per activity.

Time Module

When logging time, checks will be made to log the correct charge out rate.

Additionally, when in the time analysis screen, if you hover over the charge a tool tip will appear which specifies the type of charge out rate used.

Article ID: 3395
Last updated: 23 Oct, 2024
Revision: 2
Views: 3
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