Below is some useful information surrounding the data held within the Dividend Database for the 2023-24 tax year. For information relating to other years, please see Dividend Database, useful information Alpha FX group Renamed to Alpha Group International for 2023 National Express Renamed to Mobico Group in June 2023 Next Fifteen Communications Group Renamed to Next 15 Group in April 2023 Capital & Counties Properties Renamed to Shaftesbury Capital in March 2023 The following companies performed a share split (or reverse split) during or just prior to the 2023-24 tax year. Breedon Group, Capricorn Energy, Diversified Energy Company, GlobalData, Melrose Industries, Mondi, NatWest Group Murray International Trust, Schroders, Worldwide Healthcare Trust You may now have more (or less) shares, as confirmed in the new Share Certificates issued. (Cash may also have been paid at the split, which may be treated as a Capital Gain) TaxCalc lists the final holding from 2022-23 after importing, ‘Refresh’ will then load the 2023-24 payments. An asterisk indicates shares that will need reviewing After using ‘Refresh’, the holdings for 2023-24 (marked with an asterisk) must be updated manually The 2023-24 holding is a rounded down figure of the 2022-23 holding x a multiplier. Breedon Group (BREE)From June 23 1 new gbp0.01 share for every 5 existing NPV shares NEW shareholding = Rounded down figure of (old holding x 1/5) Capricorn Energy (CNE)Multiple splits during year The Share Certificate issued for each split will show the new holding Please update the holding(s) in the wizard manually Diversified Energy Company (DEC)From January 24 1 new 20p share for every 20 existing 1p shares NEW shareholding = Rounded down figure of (old holding x 1/20) GlobalData (DATA)From July 23 1 new 1/100p share for every 14 existing 1/14p sha NEW shareholding = Rounded down figure of (old holding x 1/14) Melrose Industries (MRO)From May 23 1 new 160/7p share for every 3 existing 160/21p shares NEW shareholding = Rounded down figure of (old holding x 1/3) Mondi (MNDI)From January 24 10 new Eur 0.22 shares for every 11 existing Eur 0.20 shares NEW shareholding = Rounded down figure of (old holding x 10/11) Murray International Trust (MYI)From June 23 5 new 5p shares for every 1 existing 25p share NEW shareholding = old holding x 5 NatWest Group (NWG)From October 22 13 new 107.69p shares for every 14 existing gbp1 share NEW shareholding = Rounded down figure of (old holding x 13/14) Schroders (SDR)From September 22 5 new 20p shares for every 1 existing gbp1 share NEW shareholding = old holding x 5 Worldwide Healthcare Trust (WWH)From August 23 10 new 2.5p shares for every 1 existing 25p share NEW shareholding = old holding x 10 |