TaxCalc Release Notes 2021
Below are the Release Notes for TaxCalc 2021 releases. Click to see the Release Notes for 2013-2016 > 2017 > 2018 > 2019 > 2020 > 2022 > 2023 > 2024 > 2025
TaxCalc Product Update - version 12.1.021 - Released on 21 December 2021
Please note:
Product summary
Tax Return Production
- Password Encrypted Tax returns were not prompting for the password when being opened. This results in the program refusing to open them. This issue has been resolved.
TaxCalc Product Update - version 12.1.020 - Released on 16 December 2021
Please note:
Product summary
- Tax Return Production
- Accounts Production
- Companies House Forms
- Company Incorporator
- Communications Centre
- Practice Manager
- eSign Centre
Tax Return Production
General Maintenance
The following issues have been resolved:
- TaxCalc locking up when choosing a signatory on a CT600 Tax Return.
- Box L35 on the R&D Supplementary pages was being populated with the value of income tax deducted (box 515 on the main form), even when R&D Supplementary pages were not required.
- An error message incorrectly advising that the first year allowance claimed is too high was being shown on brought forward assets.
- Small cosmetic changes to the capital allowances computation relating to super deduction and special rate first year allowances.
- First year allowance box was showing incorrectly on asset types for CT600s with a period end post April 2021.
- Updated the ordering of the asset types in the Capital Allowance calculator for CT600s with a period end post April 2021.
- Fix to ensure that the AIA wizard doesn't include additions that have had a first year allowance claim made on them.
- A filing error was occurring for property businesses where there was a General Pool addition.
Individual Tax Returns
- A validation message was shown in error for the partnership full pages of an individual's Tax Return where there was a loss arising and SEISS income.
- Accessing the partnership management section in the individual Tax Return was causing a crash if a Partnership Tax Return did not already exist.
- Scottish taxpayer pension tax charge calculation has been corrected where the taxpayer is in the higher rate band.
- Data entry for SEISS for self-employed individuals has been copied to the 'Income' section of the self-employed SimpleStep pages to aid its completion.
- Tax Return PDF was not showing amounts in Columns E and F for foreign dividends for the 6th and 9th dividends entered, although the total was correct.
Partnership Tax Returns
- The partners' profit allocation wasn't shown on the partnership business summary on newly created Tax Returns.
- Box 1.40 (residential costs) was being completed in error when an entry was made in box 1.27 (non-residential costs).
Trust Tax Returns
- Discretionary payments: When the relevant child box was ticked and subsequently unticked, the details sent to HMRC were not updating, which caused an online filing error.
Accounts Production
General Maintenance
- A Check & Finish validation has been added where the carried forward amount in the previous year does not match the amount brought forward for Fair Value Reserve in the current year.
- 'Export journals' to Bookkeeping packages will be prevented if values have not been mapped to a suitable account code/description in order to prevent export failure.
- When drilling down from the Trial Balance report to edit a posting, the Trial Balance will now refresh instantly and display the changes made.
- CSV import will correctly import the values in the order of the CSV file, rather than re-ordering in sequential order by nominal codes.
- CSV import will correctly import where there are spaces in the value (debit/credit) column.
- Account descriptions will now be saved where there is a change of casing only.
- When exporting to QuickBooks online, the description no longer defaults to ‘Sundry income’.
- The following have been resolved in the accountants report:
- The token has been updated for the IFA qualification that incorrectly displayed the first letter of the month in lowercase.
- The token has been updated for all qualifications that incorrectly capitalised ‘For The Year Ended’.
- The default wording for the ACCA qualification no longer repeats the words ‘for the’ in the heading.
Companies House Forms
- A change in Director’s other detail(s) including Nationality, Occupation and Country of Residence will prompt to create a CH01 (Change of Directors Details) form.
Company Incorporator
- When the Agent (as the firm) is selected to sign the Statement of Compliance, the Corporate name field will be auto populated.
General Maintenance
Communications Centre
General Maintenance
- Verified email accounts which require SMTP configuration, that use a username that differs to the email address e.g. SendGrid, can now send messages.
- Where an 'Unable to send messages' warning displays an error for invalid credentials, the corresponding email account will show 'Not verified', allowing a password to be changed and SMTP configuration to be re-verified.
- Improved error handling has been applied where the 'Unable to send messages' warning is displayed as a result of invalid credentials e.g. username/password.
- Where VAT automation is activated during the current month, the request for records email will now be generated for the first quarter in all situations.
- Sending messages to some email providers will no longer result in a bounce back email stating 'Your email couldn't be delivered. Your message contains invalid characters (bare line feed characters) which the email servers at xxxx don't support'.
Practice Manager
General Maintenance
- The email address shown within the Client Summary on the client record has been re-instated with a link to launch a new email message (using your default email provider).
- Ordering of the Tax Return 'last updated' column has been corrected so that it shows the newest returns at the top of the list.
- Mail Merge fields (tokens) for dates have been updated to show in the correct format.
eSign Centre
General Maintenance
- When using the 'Add to eSign envelope' option to attach a document from a work module to an envelope e.g. Tax Return, Financial Statements, the documents will now be attached without a delay.
- Improvements have been made to the processing of PDF documents without signing areas, to ensure all envelopes reach their intended recipients.
- The eSign service has been updated to address occasional access issues causing an 'eSign service is unavailable' warning and the need to re-start the application.
TaxCalc Product Update - version 12.0.007 - Released on 29 November 2021
Please note:
Product summary
Accounts Production
Accounts Production will open without delay, when selecting to open an existing or newly created accounting period.
TaxCalc Product Update - version 12.0.004 - Released on 24 November 2021
Please note:
Product summary
- NEW - Communications Centre
- Practice Manager
- General
- Tax Return Production
- HMRC Forms
- Accounts Production
- AML ID Checking
- AML Centre
- Companies House Forms
- Company Incorporator
NEW – Communications Centre
TaxCalc Communications Centre allows you standardise, customise and take control of client communications activity within your practice using TaxCalc's data to personalise every client email, saving time and providing a high level of service. Visit the Communications Centre product pages on our website for more information.
Features include:
- View a communications widget summary to see key information to help set up and monitor the email communications activities across your practice
- Configure TaxCalc to allow emails to be sent from a shared mailbox or individual users email giving much needed flexibility
- Record all email activity against the client record for quick and easy access and most importantly visibility to everyone
- Send a single email from within TaxCalc to clients and non-clients
- Send emails in bulk from within TaxCalc to clients and non-clients
- Automatically generate emails to request a clients records for Annual Accounts, Self-Assessment, Corporation Tax, VAT and Confirmation Statement
- Schedule emails so you can send them at a later date
- View generated messages from a managed pending queue giving peace of mind that all communications are appropriate/correct before being sent
- Create a categorised set of Templates for all those recurring communications. No longer waste time typing the same thing over and over again (a selection of default templates are provided)
- Automatically populate emails with client-specific data held on each clients record. No more typing each clients tax figures in to each email, just add a token and we’ll do the rest
- Create a catalogue of Mailing Lists for quick and easy targeting of all your communications, including use of TaxCalc’s powerful data mining functionality to pick the right clients for the right communications
- View a communications activity stream within client record to see details of emails sent, documents uploaded to document manager, documents shared via eSign Centre and mail merges generated
- Send a message while you work with quick access to email a client from within the clients records or while your working on a set of accounts or tax return
Practice Manager
Mail Merge
- Mail Merge is now located within Communications Centre for centralised access to Mailing Lists and Mail Merge Templates (using Microsoft word)
- The following mail merge fields (tokens) have been added:
- Main contact first name or salutation - will populate with the Friendly Salutation, where one exists OR Forename as entered as Personal Information within the client record of the main contact of a non-individual client
- Main contact salutation - will populate with the Friendly Salutation entered as Personal Information within the client record of the main contact of a non-individual client
- Main contact first name - will populate with the Forename entered as Personal Information within the client record of the main contact of a non-individual client
- First name or main contact first name - allows communication with all clients types, will populate with first name for individuals and main contact first name for non-individual clients
- Resolved an issue on Mac operating systems that sometimes resulted in missing help files on a 2021 Tax Return when upgrading from a previous version
- An issue whereby Users without permission to 'Lock' a Tax Return could use the Tax Return file menu to lock a return has been resolved
Tax Return Production
- Updated the tagging in the Corporation Tax Computations to use the new 2021 Taxonomy issued by HMRC
- Improved wording and added a new information message regarding the cap for R&D payable tax credits (for account period beginning on or after 1 April 2021)
- Fixed an issue which was causing a validation message to show in error relating to box 895 'Payable capital allowances first-year tax credit
- Included a validation in the R&D RDEC steps to ensure that payroll costs are identified and entered in box L75
- Update to the wording for R&D Supplementary pages to make it clearer that they only need to be completed for SMEs where they are claiming R&D credit relief
Capital Allowances - Enhancements
- The following general pool asset types were previously displayed as separate columns on the Capital Allowances Calculator and the resulting Computation. These assets type have been amalgamated into the general pool, to improve presentation and allow for easier computations of balancing allowances and charges:
- Designated enhanced allowances
- Enterprise zones
- Electric vehicle charge points
- Zero emission cars
- Zero emission goods vehicles
- First year allowances inc. low emission cars
- General and special rate pool columns will still be available in the calculation grid, even if the written down value of pooled assets is zero, to allow for easy entry of balancing charges should a previously fully claimed asset be disposed of
- A new disposal wizard which will help to manage disposals of general and special rate pool assets, including those listed above
- Balancing charge calculations for assets where a super deduction claim was made (including the required uplift on disposal proceeds)
- Balancing charge calculations for general and special rate pooled assets
- The ability to enter first year allowance claims against individual assets (where relevant) instead of the current method of entering one value on the calculation grid
Capital Allowances - Maintenance
- Fixed an issue where Balancing allowances were not always being shown on the CT600 form when using the capital allowance calculator, though the computation calculations were correct
- Resolved a presentational issue on the computation whereby Structures and Buildings allowance amount was sometimes being doubled on the computation, This did not effect the totals, or the amount entered onto the Corporation Tax Return. The computation used the correct values
- Fixed an issue regarding a validation message showing in error regarding written down values in the capital allowance grid not matching the carried forward values from a previous return
- The Capital Allowance Manual calculation grid now correctly calculates the WDV to carry forward when a super deduction claim has been made
- Update to the information on screen advising users of the criteria relating to cars to be included in the general or special rate pool
- Balancing charges were not being included on the CT600 for particular asset types (zero emission goods, electric vehicle charge points, enterprise zones and zero emission cars), though the computation calculations were correct
- Super deduction and special rate first year allowance claims are now shown in box 725 on form CT600, as advised by HMRC
General Maintenance
- Dividend database messaging has been updated as it was suggesting that the data was being updated when it wasn't yet available
- Updated the completion of boxes FSE71 ' Adjustment for change of accounting basis' and FSE72 'Averaging adjustment' on the self-employment full pages, following an update by HMRC
- Updated CGT SimpleStep on SA100 Individual tax Return to enable data entry for tax already paid on listed shares, unlisted shares and other property disposals
- The tax on gains already charged for UK property disposal and real time transactions wasn't being rounded up to the nearest pound
- Fixed an issue regarding misalignment of boxes on the HS300 worksheet
- Resolved an issue with a validation message that informed users of changes occurring to the Partnership
- Tax Return after the information was imported into the Individual Tax Return. The validation was incorrectly appearing when the Partnership Tax Return has been locked, printed or filed rather than actual changes to the content.
- Improved the look of the memorandum report where there is an adjusted loss and SEISS
- Corrected an issue regarding the formatting of the profit allocation on the Partnership business summary
- Updated the display on the SA302 when the individual is a non-resident and there are income tax reliefs
- HMRC exclusions 127, 130 and 132 have been added
- HMRC exclusion 128 has been updated following guidance received from HMRC
- Removal of a validation relating to box AIL10 has been removed as it is no longer relevant
- Continuous reauthorisation of fetch token has been resolved
WhatIf Planner
- Issues with the following areas of the WhatIf Planner have been resovled
- In some circumstances, the WhatIf Planner was not using the correct rates for Class 4 National Insurance calculations
- Child Benefit Tax Charge not being calculated
- Student/Postgraduate Loan calculations were not including Share scheme, lump sum or FHL income
- Class 4 NIC not calculating if the individual was born on 6/4/55
HMRC Forms
- Updated form VAT68 'Request transfer of a VAT registration number'
- Updated form 64-8 ' Authorising your Agent'
Accounts Production
- Additional details will be brought forward when a bring forward from a previous accounting period, including:
- Rounding account selection
- Accounting standard selection
- Cover page settings, including logo
- Statement preferences
- Names of people
- Accountant's report - Accountant's name and accounting body selections
- Option to disclose average number of employees by categories
- Debtors/creditors breakdown selections
- Loans to directors’ note will be populated with a director’s name and opening balance
- Option to show a breakdown of deferred tax movements from postings
- Related party transactions
- Partners' profit shares percentage
- Joint capital account.
- The trial balance will allow for all entries to be drilled into regardless of the amount of postings that have been made to the account
- An option has been provided in the partners page, to 'move up/'move down' the partners to alter the order they are displayed on the financial statements
- An option has been provided to include the 'Prior Year Adjustment' note within the Registrar set of accounts
- Check and Finish message that warnings exist on the financial statements has been moved to a banner warning rather than a pop-up warning. Where errors exist, a banner will be displayed on the reports window
General Maintenance
- Trial Balance import from third party will correctly import and display the third party narratives
- The Trial Balance import via csv will now not be greyed out where Xero is the default selection and 2FA for the user is not enabled
- The posting date will now be correct rather than reverting back one day after each time the batch was opened and saved
- The Statement of Changes in Equity will now be correctly formatted where there are large figures within the statement
- The Check & Finish message regarding brought forward and carried forward will now be generated correctly via Reports screen
- When changing the audit status, the the accounts notes will now not revert the the default settings
- The option to include alternative layout of Trading Profit and Loss Account as per FRS 102 for FRS 105 has been amalgamated to include within the Lead schedules instead of two separate options
- Pagination have been improved to ensure the user is returned back to the same page after selecting to drill down into an account that displayed individual postings on the Nominal Ledger
- Chart of accounts can now be exported to pdf, word or csv
- The Detailed Balance Sheet will now be displayed correctly when included in FRS 105 accounts
- Partners capital accounts - the preview mode is now imaging correctly and no longer appearing blank
AML ID Checking
- The details of AML search credits including its usage and remaining credits are now displayed within the Licence Information screen as well as AML ID Check screen. The newly added functionality will display a breakdown of the usage, remaining searches and credits that are nearing expiry as well as ones that have expired
General Maintenance
- Time zone issue is now resolved when syncing client's verification data from AML to PM
AML Centre
General Maintenance
- Using the cog menu via Risk Assessment now allows access into Tax Return Production or HMRC Forms
- Refresh option within the Client Due Diligence now displays the latest client records
- The Sync wizard has been updated to display all verification records performed on different dates regardless of whether the result is same
- All sanction check records are now being deleted correctly for the client and related party when the radio button is set to 'No' in client information page
Companies House Forms
- An option has included to populate presenter detail on the printing of any of the Companies House forms.
General Maintenance
- SH01/CS01 text will no longer overlap within the prescribed particular section on forms
- A Check & Finish message has been included for Notice of change of name form (NM04) to advise of the revised timings by which the submissions must be made in order to take advantage of the Same Day Service
Companies Incorporator
- An option has included to populate presenter detail on the printed version of the incorporation form
General Maintenance
- A Check & Finish message has been included for IN01 & LLIN01 forms to advise of the revised timings by which the submissions must be made in order to take advantage of the Same Day Service
- Nationality 'Kittitian' will now be spelt correctly and accepted on submissions to Companies House
TaxCalc Product Update - version 11.16.123 - Released 24 September 2021
Please note:
- For Customers who have not already updated to Version 11, this update requires an installer to be run. Please ensure that you have local admin rights before attempting the update - check if required.
Product summary
General Maintenance
- After enabling the new Two Factor Authentication (2FA) feature, Cloud Connect users starting (but not completing) the setup process are no longer causing other users to be unable to log into the application.
- After logging in, users no longer receive the incorrect warning regarding permissions when the application tries to automatically open the Practice Manager module on startup.
- In some areas of the application with groups of tickboxes, a display issue gave the appearance that some boxes were not actually ticked. This has been resolved and boxes now correctly display as expected.
TaxCalc Product Update - version 11.16.121 - Released on 09 September 2021
Product summary
- General
- Accounts Production
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
- To enhance security and provide an extra level of protection to your client data, we have now included the option for your users to authenticate using two-factor authentication before access is granted to the TaxCalc database. The option to require two-factor authentication can be set across all of your users or for specific users. Each user who has the two-factor authentication set will be required to authenticate every 30 days or each time they login on a different machine.
Two-factor authentication will not be activated on any users unless you choose to activate it. It can be turned on:
- For each user:
- Admin centre > Users, select the user > Edit User > About the user, Two-Factor Authentication section, select Enable 2FA
- For all users:
- Admin Centre > Bulk Update 2FA, select to Turn on 2FA for all users
- We have provided the following extra options for two-factor authentication:
- Turn on two-factor authentication for all users or turn off two-factor authentication for all users: Admin > Users > Bulk Update 2FA
- Set two-factor authentication as a default for any newly created users: Customise Practice Manager > Login Password Setup
- A new column to give a practice view of which users are setup to use two-factor authentication: Admin > Users
General Maintenance
- Linux users will now see the Notifications window in all situations
Accounts Production
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
- To enhance security and protect your client data, Xero now requires a user to have authenticated using two-factor authentication before connecting to and importing client data from Xero. Therefore, within TaxCalc postings, when selecting to import a trial balance from Xero, if the user hasn't authenticated using two-factor authentication when logging into TaxCalc, they will be required to activate two-factor authentication and login using this before they can connect and import a trial balance from Xero.
TaxCalc Product Update - version 11.15.096 - Released on 19 July 2021
Please note:
- For Customers who have not already updated to Version 11, this update requires an installer to be run. Please ensure that you have local admin rights before attempting the update.
Product summary
- Accounts Production
- eSign Centre
Accounts Production
General Maintenance
- Within Posting:
- New template batches will correctly create a batch with the expected amounts and account codes.
- When importing a trial balance from a csv, imports where the credit and debit values are in a single column will be successfully imported and individual mappings will no longer be removed from the import maps where there is no value being imported for a previously mapped account.
- The account search in the Account/Account field will now correctly show the grouping name the account relates to in the search results.
- FRS 105 accounts will now show the detailed balance sheet correctly on a new page where the FRS102 trading profit and loss has been included in the accounts.
- Notes will now be brought forward correctly for periods starting on or after 15th December 2019.
eSign Centre
General Maintenance
- e-Sign document status notifications will now appear in all situations once an envelope has been signed (Note: a notification is not generated where manual 'Check for Response' is performed and a Completed status is returned).
TaxCalc Product Update - version 11.15.087 - Released on 24 June 2021
Please note:
- For Customers who have not already updated to Version 11, this update requires an installer to be run. Please ensure that you have local admin rights before attempting the update.
This release may result in a change to the IR Mark on any existing V3 CT600 returns and may affect some SA100, SA800 and SA900 returns
Users of our Accounts Production bookkeeping integrations will need to update to this version to continue to use the integrations with Xero, Quickbooks and FreeAgent. Also, Quickbooks connections will require re-authentication to use the integration once the software has been updated. This is as a result of the update to OAuth 2.0 and additional security improvements.
Product summary
- General: Licencing
- Tax Return Production
- VAT Filer
- Accounts Production
- Companies House Forms
- Company Incorporator
- AML Centre
- Practice Manager
- Practice Manager Plus
- eSign Centre
- Cloud Connect
- To support future planning of work using Jobs and Tasks, updates have been made to the trigger that consumes a licence for Accounts Production, Companies House Forms, VAT Filer and AML Centre. This is to ensure that a licence will only be used for any given licence period once a period/form is opened (and not at the point of creation).
- Companies House sync (accessed from Practice Manager and AML Centre) includes advanced 'paid for' features e.g. sync of Relationships, which are available with a Companies House Advanced Integration (or Companies House Forms Unlimited) licence. It had come to our attention that some users were able to access these advanced features without a valid licence. This error has now been corrected.
Tax Return Production
- NEW: A Student and Postgraduate Loan Calculation Summary has been added.
What If? Planner
- 2021/22 What If? Planner is now available.
Dividend Database
- 2020/21 dividend database is now available.
General Maintenance
- Reinstated the 2013 and 2014 tax years into the individual and business products (non-agent/accountant versions).
- Fixed the following display and alignment issues:
- CT600 Losses on unquoted shares now display correctly where the chargeable gain calculator is being used.
- Spacing issues on the pdf header boxes.
- Other income and Trading income allowances boxes on the Self Employment short form are now aligned correctly when printing.
- Cosmetic changes to the HS325 Lump Sum Worksheet following a final copy being received from HMRC.
- Updated the layout of the Self Employment Full summary where trading income allowance has been claimed.
- Updated the Self Employment Full and Short summary to ensure that 'Taxable profit' is only shown when relevant.
- Updated the TaxCalc summary to include foreign tax credit relief and incorrect coronavirus support payment amounts (calculations were correct).
- Updated the SA302 calculation to ensure that the line 'Underpaid tax for earlier years included in your tax code' refers to the correct tax year.
- Addressed an issue with the client questionnaire headers when Word 2013 was being used.
- Updated the coronavirus support payment pages to provide more information, including ensuring that the help pages are opening correctly from the SEISS boxes.
- Fixed a submission error on the CT600L where zeros were left in boxes L30 and L40 after entries in the R&D wizard were deleted.
- Updated the calculation for notional tax on the CT600L to round up if the calculation went to three decimal places to prevent a submission error.
- Claim or relief affecting an earlier period (box 45) on the CT600 will now be automatically ticked if there is an entry in Loss to carry back against profits of a previous period.
- An issue has been identified and fixed where changing the CT period using the 'Edit period dates' button was causing multiple Tax work status' to appear for one CT600.
- Removed a Check & Finish validation that was appearing in error for the Partnership short pages where there was an overall loss but a SEISS payment resulted in a net profit being assessable to tax.
- Updated the CT600 R&D validation messages relating to box 875 to remove an incorrect message and ensure correct display of another validation when there is an entry in box L180 'R&D payable tax credit balance'.
- Updated the CT600 data entry box for R&D Relief in SimpleStep to ensure that it is automatically ticked when a loss has been surrendered.
- Updated box 875 to ensure that it is automatically populated where there is an entry in box L180 'R&D payable tax credit balance'.
- Fixed an issue where the Tax Return was failing filing if there was an amount in box 50.1 (total amount of Business Asset Disposal Relief and Entrepreneurs' Relief claimed to date) and no Business Asset Disposal Relief was being claimed in the year.
- Updated the import/export routine for CT600s to ensure that the old R&D wizard data is still accessible on imported returns, where the return was completed prior to 6 April 2021.
- Ensured that CT600s completed after 6 April 2021, but on a release earlier than TaxCalc 2021, still have the old R&D wizard data accessible once an update is installed.
Capital Allowances
- Update to super deduction and special rate FYA assets to apportion claims where the CT period straddles 1 April 2023.
- Tidying up cosmetic issues relating to the Capital Allowances calculator.
- Capital Allowances 'WDA not claimed' box is now available for general and special pools, and short life assets.
- Fixed an issue with Capital Allowances where the FYA rows were showing incorrectly for certain asset types (SA100s and SA800s only).
- Capital Allowances calculator now includes the ability to enter FYA for assets that still qualify for FYA but are not 'Designated environmentally friendly machinery and plant'.
- Additional validation relating to BPRA if the Capital Allowances manual grid entry is being used and the CT period is after 1 April 2017.
- Update to form CT600 to ensure that qualifying expenditure on assets with a super deduction or special rate FYA claim is shown in box 760 on the form.
- Capital Allowances update to ensure that the balancing charge box is no longer cleared when an update to the super deduction claim is made.
- Updated the information message for BPRA assets to only show if there was a BPRA claim (it was showing in circumstances where there were no capital allowance claims).
- Fixed an issue in the Capital Allowances calculator for CT600s, where the balancing allowance was being deducted from the net qualifying expenditure twice.
VAT Filer
- Update to VAT Fuel scale rates data to include the period May 2021 to April 2022.
Accounts Production
- An option is available within accounts setup to include an alternative format of the Trading Profit & Loss Account for financial statements prepared under FRS 105. There is a setting within Admin Centre to apply the detailed format as per FRS 102 of the Trading Profit & Loss Account for all clients following FRS 105.
- The Audit report has been updated as part of the FRC 2020 bulletin. The standard text for the ‘Conclusions relating to going concern’ and ‘Auditor’s responsibilities' has been updated to reflect the changes.
Bookkeeping enhancements
- Journals and adjustments can now be exported from TaxCalc to Xero and FreeAgent.
- Once authentication has been successful to link to Xero and FreeAgent, this will remain open to allow for integration between them and TaxCalc. A new option has been provided to 'disconnect' where necessary.
- The Xero integration has been upgraded to OAuth 2.0, as Xero will no longer support authentication process OAuth 1.0 after the 30 June 2021.
General Maintenance
- Changes have been made to accounts description/report terms in Admin Centre, so they will now be applied to all new accounting periods – for existing clients and newly created clients.
- The 'Companies House Online Filing Results' screen has been updated to include the company name, to identify the TaxCalc client to which the filing details relate to.
- The Average Number of Employees entry will no longer be mandatory within TaxCalc for unaudited dormant accounts – the Fatal Check & Finish validation has been replaced with an advisory warning where the Average Number of Employees has not been entered.
- It will now be possible to include the ‘Emphasis of Matter’ and ‘Other information’ sections within the Auditor’s report for FRS 105.
- Page numbering will now be included on financial statements that are exported to MS Word.
- Additional notes can now be entered against the schedules – creditors: amounts falling due within one year, creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year, and accruals & deferred income.
- Within the creditors notes, where the breakdown of creditors isn't selected, the description will now refer correctly to 'Amounts owed to....' where it was previously referring incorrectly to ‘Amounts owed from ...’.
- Within the 'Director's advances, credits and guarantees' note, the names of directors will now be displayed where there are dividends paid in the comparative year, but not the current year.
- Partnership/sole trader Profit and Loss Account has been corrected to include the description of 'Profit/loss on revaluation of investment property' when postings have been made to account 3580.
- In some scenarios where the gross profit percentage option was selected and accounts were attached to a CT600 submission, a rejection was received 'Inconsistent duplicate fact values (Chris 0 Accounts error - "Invalid content was found starting with element 'tbody'")'. On regeneration of the accounts, these will now submit successfully.
- Grammatical errors have been corrected on the Taxation accounting policy.
- The LLP balance sheet will now balance in a scenario where an imbalance was caused due to the Loans and other debts due to members – Other amounts, rounding incorrectly.
- The 'Reconciliation of Members’ Interests' for LLPs has been updated to correctly refer to 'Drawings' rather than 'Drawing' and the column header 'Loans and other debts due to members less any amount due from members in debtors' will no longer be truncated.
Companies House Forms
- 'Companies House Online Filing Results' screen has been updated to include the company name to identify the TaxCalc client which the filing details relate to.
- 'Companies House forms' window now includes columns for the Submission Number and Status, so that these can quickly be identified for each of the forms.
Company Incorporator
- Incorporations containing bespoke or amended articles were being rejected by Companies House, these incorporations will now be accepted.
- On successful incorporation, the company data e.g company registered number, authentication code and date of incorporation will now sync back automatically to Practice Manager.
- The Companies House copy of the Memorandum of Association supplied by Companies House following successful incorporation, can now be viewed and printed.
AML Centre
- When performing client due diligence, within the identification stage, it is now possible to run AML Identification checks and record other Identification checks, so that this can be performed as part of the identification stage rather than as a separate electronic verification stage. The results from the checks can be synced back into Practice Manager via the AML Sync Wizard.
Practice Manager
- General
- Filter by/search options have been extended to cater for client types; Limited Liability Partnership, Limited Company (Limited by shares) and Limited Company (Limited by guarantee).
- Dashboard
- Quickly see the status of your client's work with the new Work Items Status widget. Available for Accounts, VAT, Corporation Tax and Self Assessment.
- Report Manager
- Report Customisation now includes the option for 'Portfolio' on all reporting types.
General Maintenance
- Client notes will now correctly display the character returns for all notes.
- Datamine will now correctly filter where criteria have been selected relating to the 2021 tax year.
- Suspended users will no longer appear within the assignee filters in Active Work.
- View History within Work Management will no longer display blank records.
- Cosmetic updates have been made to the edit widget display.
- The address will no longer be duplicated when saving the client record.
- The recurrence date is now being fully displayed within the task dialog.
Practice Manager Plus
- Work Management
- The action of sending and receiving a document for electronic signing (eSign) can now be set to trigger a change to the status/assignee of a job, task or work, or to notify a specific user.
- Report Manager
- Datamine will now include tasks within the jobs.
General Maintenance
- The notify action notification will now display multiple actions for the same job.
- View history will now show the team assignee change at all times.
eSign Centre
- The maximum limit on an Email Template has been increased to 500 characters.
General Maintenance
- Unable to send issues have now been resolved.
- Existing email templates can now be altered without having to rename the template.
- TaxCalc no longer minimises when adding a TaxCalc document to an envelope.
- Sending multiple large sized documents within one envelope will no longer cause issues.
- The eSign table filters for 'sent/created yesterday' will now always display the correct envelopes when used with other table filters.
- The eSign table filter for 'Include completed envelopes' is now automatically set to the correct setting when used with other table filters.
Cloud Connect
- A notification will now appear where the manual backup limit has been exceeded.
TaxCalc Product Update - version 11.14.019 - Released on 20 April 2021
Please note:
Product summary
- Tax Return Production
- Accounts Production
- Practice Manager
- Practice Manager Plus
- eSign Centre
- VAT Filer
- Company Incorporator
Tax Return Production
- Inclusion of new HMRC Exclusion 128, which affects the calculation of top slicing relief where losses have arisen.
- Update to the Foreign Tax Credit Relief worksheet (form HS263) to reflect HMRC's latest version.
- Update to Capital Allowances for Companies to include the new super deduction for general pool assets.
- Update to Capital Allowances for Companies to include the new FYA rate for special pool assets.
- Update to the Corporation Tax Computation to include Research & Development Expenditure Credit calculations where the R&D Supplementary pages have been completed.
General Maintenance
- When BPRA is entered manually in the capital allowance grid, the amounts are now shown correctly on the CT600.
- Capital allowances grid now correctly displays values when TaxCalc computations are not being used.
- Capital allowances update to ensure that the 'WDA not claimed' box is only shown for Structures & Buildings Allowance assets.
- Removal of iXBRL tagging of electric charge points for property businesses.
- Update to help content for Corporation Tax Losses and Student/Postgraduate loans.
- Fixed an issue where CGT51 (Adjustment to CGT) wasn't being taken into consideration in the calculations if it had been entered directly on the SA100.
- Removed some wording relating to COVID that was no longer relevant on the Residence & Remittance wizard ('To be non resident in the UK').
- Updated the Partnership Tax Return so that the 'short' form is now populated where the turnover falls below £85,000, without needing to 'refresh' the data.
- Fixed a display issue on the SA302 to ensure that '10% tax credits on dividends from UK companies (not repayable) line' is displayed where there's an entry in 7.5 on the foreign pages (the overall calculation was correct).
- Fixed an iXBRL tagging issue for the CT600 when there are coronavirus related entries made.
- Fixed an issue for SA100 Self Employed pages when the net profits were lower than the SEISS payment. The overall calculation was correct but it was creating a spurious loss to carry forward.
- Fixed an issue for SA100 Self Employed (Full) pages when a net loss had been calculated and there was a SEISS payment.
Accounts Production
General Maintenance
Practice Manager
General Maintenance
- Updated UI alignments in the work item status section in Admin Centre.
eSign Centre
General Maintenance
- Removed the 100 character limit from both the eSign envelope and document name to assist with occasional issues when envelopes were not being saved.
- You can now add Company Incorporator forms directly to an eSign envelope without manually saving the form.
VAT Filer
- Update to the flat rate schemes for the hospitality sector, following the announcement that reduced rates have been extended to 31 March 2022.
General Maintenance
- Tidied up some general display issues on the non-practice user interface.
Company Incorporator
- Upon Incorporation, Companies House will now provide a document for the Memorandum of Association. This will be retrieved on successful incorporation and stored within TaxCalc for viewing.
General Maintenance
- Fixed a display issue on the WIP Overview screen where there are time logs relating to 'Work with no linked service' and also time logs relating directly to the client/business.
TaxCalc Product Update - version 11.13.079 - Released on 23 March 2021
Please note:
- For Customers who have not already updated to Version 11 this update requires an installer to be run. Please ensure that you have local admin rights before attempting the update.
This release may result in a change to the IR Mark on any existing V3 CT600 returns and may affect some SA100, SA800 and SA900 returns.
Installation of this release will include the auto-creation of 2021 Tax Returns where 'auto-create work' was set on completion of the 2020 jobs and tasks. This will be performed in the background and will also link the 2021 Tax Return to the already existing job or task (for 2021). You can continue to use the software whilst the returns are being created, however, please note that the 2021 Tax Return may not be immediately available until this background process has been completed.
Product summary
- Tax Return Production
- Accounts Production
- Practice Manager
- Practice Manager Plus
- eSign Centre
- AML Centre
- VAT Filer
- Companies House Forms
- Company Incorporator
Tax Return Production
SA100 & R40 – Individual Tax Return
- Incorporation of the 2020/21 R40, SA100 Tax Return and associated supplementary pages for HMRC Forms Mode and SimpleStep. Including required updates to calculations, summaries, wizards, HMRC helpsheets and worksheets.
- Update to the Annual Pension Allowance Wizard regarding the change to income thresholds for calculating the tapered annual allowance (including a change in the minimum tapered annual allowance).
- New Annual Pension Allowance Wizard Summary for the 2021 tax year.
- Improvements to the data entry for payments on account to ensure more flexibility relating to the Tax Payment/Repayment Summary.
- 2021 Client Questionnaire is now available.
- Inclusion of new API endpoints in Self-Assessment Pre-Population (Fetch) for off payroll working and SEISS payments.
- Update to Capital Assets for the reduction of Business Asset Disposal Relief (previously Entrepreneur's Relief) from £10 million to £1 million.
SA800 – Partnership Tax Return
- Incorporation of the 2020/21 SA800 Tax Return and associated supplementary pages, including updates to summaries, wizards, HMRC helpsheets and worksheets.
- Updated SimpleStep for the 2021 tax year, including improvements to the partnership statement pages.
SA900 – Trust Tax Return
- Incorporation of the 2020/21 SA900 Tax Return and associated supplementary pages, including updates to summaries, wizards, HMRC helpsheets and worksheets.
CT600 – Corporation Tax Return
- Incorporation of the new CT600 version 3(2021) and the new CT600L Research and Development Supplementary pages.
- Update to SimpleStep for the new boxes on form CT600 and Research and Development Supplementary pages.
- Update to Chargeable Gains and Losses for requirements as set out in the Capital Losses Reform.
- Update to the 2020 CT Taxonomy to include new tags relating to non-resident landlords and CT CGT losses.
- Creative Tax Relief now includes data entry for 'Orchestra' and 'Museum and Galleries Exhibition' reliefs.
Capital Allowances
- Annual Investment Allowance calculation update for the extension of the £1,000,000 limit to 31 December 2021.
- New asset type for 'Zero emission cars'.
- Increase in Structures & Buildings Allowance from 2% to 3% for Income Tax from 6 April 2020.
- Update to the Structures & Buildings Allowances written down value to ensure that the amount is being updated to take into consideration allowances already claimed.
General Maintenance
(Unless otherwise stated, changes have been made for the 2021 tax year onward.)
- TaxCalc Summary now correctly includes postgraduate loan amounts.
- Self Assessment pre-population
- Resolved an issue where, if a pension amount had been entered and the user then fetched pension income, the value entered in TaxCalc was not always displayed.
- Enhancements have been made to the fetch screen for employments, so that any pension income that comes through as employment can be moved to the pension pages (this can sometimes be an issue, as not all pension providers inform HMRC that the income is from a pension).
- Fixed a display issue where the client questionnaire was not showing foreign dividends and interest.
- The address fields on the client questionnaire have been amended so as to display in a standard windowed envelope.
- Company car information is now brought forward from the previous year, unless a disposal date has been entered.
- Total amount of Business Asset Disposal Relief (previously Entrepreneur's Relief) previously claimed will now be carried forward to the next year's Tax Return.
- Update to SimpleStep page for collection of tax through PAYE code to ensure that the box is always visible.
- Annual pensions allowance wizard now takes into consideration flexible remuneration in the adjusted income calculations.
- Fixed a display issue on Linux for Tax Return icons.
- Validation messages should no longer appear when the Class 4 National Insurance exemption box has been ticked for taxpayers under the age of 16.
- Update to boxes 14.15 and 17.7 to ensure that '0' can be entered and is retained
- Research & Development Expenditure Credit (RDEC) carried forward will now be brought forward into the next year's return. Please note, however, that this only applies to new returns created on or after 6 April 2021, due to the introduction of the R&D Supplementary pages.
- Additional wording included on the R&D creative expenditure screen to assist users in completion of the boxes.
- Update to prevent CT600 period dates being edited if the return is already open.
Accounts Production
- Transaction dates have been added to posting batches and individual postings. The dates will be displayed in the postings screen and a number of reports. There is a setting within Admin to allow for the dates to be visible or not.
- It will now also be possible to import an optional transaction date when importing postings in .csv format, using a new 'Date' column, so that this information can be allocated against the posting in TaxCalc.
- An additional account code (0571) has been created to record grant payments for Self-Employed Income Support Scheme (SEISS) received by individuals. Postings made to the new SEISS account code will be imported into the individual tax return (SA100) to ensure the new field is populated correctly.
- Options added to customise the presentation of the names of e.g. Officers, Partners displayed in the financial statements. Options relate to preferences for display of title, initial, forenames and surname.
General Maintenance
- For accounts prepared under FRS 105, the Gross Profit Percentage (where the option is selected) is now correctly displayed even when the ‘Tax on profit’ is excluded from the Trading Profit and Loss Account.
- Resolved a pagination issue where the header for Accounting Policy was occasionally being duplicated.
- Resolved an issue where a bracket was being omitted from the company name.
- Resolved an issue where an error relating to NameEntityOfficer was preventing electronic filing of LLP accounts to Companies House.
Practice Manager
- Added the ability to create new clients on product access.
- Added the ability to open a task using the task report.
- Added the task 'start date' and 'completion date' to task reports as a field and filter.
- Added the ability to remove suspended users from the user record in Admin.
- Added the ability to report on the 2020/21 Tax Year in Report Manager and data mine.
General Maintenance
- Resolved an issue whereby on occasion task reminders settings were displayed incorrectly.
- The latest CT value is now always being displayed correctly in report fields and filters.
- Security permissions are being applied to the bulk update tool for all instances.
- Refreshing reports no longer creates a blank report.
- Task progress filter in client selection is now displaying the client list.
- Creating clients no longer sets the uncreated SA tax year statuses to 'In Progress'.
- Added client address validation message to advise customers of the '50 characters per address' line limit .
- Added client code validation message to advise multiple user environments that client codes must be unique.
- The Encrypted PDF password for Companies House Forms is now being pre-populated from the client record.
- UI updates to improve design and validations in regard to the client contact page and task dialogs.
Practice Manager Plus
- Added the ability to create bulk SA tax returns using the bulk service wizard.
- Added the job 'start date' and 'completion date' to task reports as fields and filters.
General Maintenance
- Resolved an issue whereby on occasion job reminders settings were displayed incorrectly.
- Recurrence settings for the task within the job are now displayed.
- Resolved an issue where the job dialogs did not fit into the lower supported screen resolution.
- The Action notification in all instances now displays the client name.
- Recurring jobs (not using a template) now retain the assignee.
- Opening a job using the job report now displays the job summary.
- UI updates to improve design and validations in regard to job action validations and job dialogs.
eSign Centre
- Improved the default filenames for all work items when attaching to an envelope, so that special characters are not included as standard.
- Updated all instances of the eSign reminder email template to use the TaxCalc branding template and removed password reference.
General Maintenance
- Date filters in the dashboard are now filtering the month and year.
- All recipients are retained on saving unsent envelopes.
- Recipients with multiple roles are no longer being displayed twice in the recipient table.
- Resolved an issue whereby on occasion unsent envelopes were being locked.
- Added validation to advise that a password encrypted document cannot be uploaded to eSign envelopes.
- VAT HMRC Forms are now being correctly attached in the eSign envelope.
AML Centre
General Maintenance
- AML Identity Check. A minor issue with 'Resume AML Check' for pending electronic verification has been resolved.
- Resolved an issue where the Sanction record and PEP information were not being updated for a related party in Practice Manager for an identification.
VAT Filer
- VAT Return system being decommissioned on 8 April 2021. Messaging and wording added advising customers of changes, including the creation of VAT Returns from 8 April 2021.
- EC Sales List. New validation advising that EC Sales List are not required from GB traders.
General Maintenance
- Update to descriptive wording for VAT Returns to ensure consistency throughout the screens.
- EC Sales List. On creation of a new EC Sales List, the system now correctly defaults to 2021.
- Resolved a display issue on Mac operating systems that occurred when opening a VAT Return.
Companies House Forms
General Maintenance
- Shareholder's change section (D4), the continuation page on the Confirmation Statement will no longer display overlapping text.
- The Companies House Sync wizard will no longer include officers who have resigned when filtered by 'Current Officers only'.
- Companies House have updated the geographical names list to include: 'Alderney’, ‘Sark’, 'Herm' and ‘Eswatini’.
Company Incorporator
- Companies House will be updating the electronic incorporation process, so a standard Memorandum of Association will be generated by them from information contained within the electronic incorporation submission. Therefore, from 19 May 2021 when Companies House make this change, the options in the software will be updated to no longer allow a bespoke Memorandum of Association to be included in electronic incorporations.
General Maintenance
- Check and Finish warning that the directors' full date of birth will be disclosed on the public record when the directors' registers are set to be kept at Companies House on incorporation.
- Companies House have updated the geographical names list to include: 'Alderney’, ‘Sark’, 'Herm' and ‘Eswatini’.
TaxCalc Product Update - version 11.13.005 - Released on 24 February 2021
Please note:
This release is available for a specific set of customers using WINDOWS machines only
For Customers who have not already updated to Version 11 this update requires an installer to be run. Please ensure that you have local admin rights before attempting the update.
Product summary
We have identified that at least one computer in your practice is only having intermittent communication with our servers.
As a result, you will receive a notification in TaxCalc asking you to update your software immediately.
The majority of the features in the TaxCalc software you currently use require a connection to our servers. This happens so that your software can be:
- Activated, licensed and accessed
- Receive in-app prompts for installations and updates
- Communicate with other organisations such as HMRC and Companies House
- Integrate with other applications, including bookkeeping and eSigning software.
With Making Tax Digital (MTD) initiatives requiring frequent connectivity with HMRC, there is now an increasing reliance on these connectivity features which not only ensure that you remain compliant but in full and accurate control of your client data.
Updating will not alter your current product's functionality.
TaxCalc Product Update - version 11.13.003 - Released on 09 February 2021
Please note:
Product summary
- Tax Return Production
- VAT Filer
- Companies House Forms
Tax Return Production
- When using high volumes of information in some of the wizards in the CT600 Return, errors may have occurred. These are now resolved.
VAT Filer
- Added messaging regarding the use of the EC Sales List post-Brexit. Submissions are no longer required for UK traders but are required where trading with Northern Ireland and the EU.
- Added a warning message regarding submission of non-MTD VAT returns after 8 April 2021, when HMRC will decommission the use of their XML system for VAT Return filing. At that time, non-MTD VAT returns will not be possible via the software and only possible via the HMRC Business Tax Account.
- Amended VAT Return box references following the UK's exit from the EU to include Northern Ireland references.
Companies House Forms
- As a result of the UK leaving the EU (Brexit), electronic filing for the Officer Appointment and Change of Officer Details (for an individual) have been updated to ensure successful filing to Companies House. Specific forms affected are:
- CH04 Change secretary details
- CH01 Change director details
- AP03 Appointment of secretary
- AP01 Appointment of director