Below are the Release Notes for previous versions of TaxCalc. Click to see the Release Notes for 2013-2016 > 2017 > 2018 > 2020 > 2021 > 2022 > 2023 > 2024 > 2025
TaxCalc Product Update Version 11.0.002 Released on 16th December 2019
Applying the Update
Please note:
This update requires an installer to be run. Please ensure that you have local admin rights before attempting the update.
The following improvements have been included:
Product summary
- Practice Manager update
- Tax Return Production update
- VAT Filer update
- Accounts Production update
- Companies House Forms update
- AML Centre update
Practice Manager
General Maintenance:
- An issue where updating the Linked Work Status of an item of work associated to a task updated the incorrect work status has now been resolved.
- An issue in the Work History dialog where the recorded change in assignee was reversed has now been resolved.
Tax Return Production
General Maintenance:
- Updated Special Rate Pool to take into account the change of rate from 8% to 6% as of 1 April 2019.
- Corrected an issue with an error message showing unnecessarily when attaching accounts to a CT600.
- Updated the CT600 computation to show the correct page numbers.
- An issue where the Patent wizard for 2019 was not calculating is now resolved.
- Corrected an issue with a validation message showing in error when additions in the CT600 were agreeing with the additions in the accounts.
- Removed Box 312 duplication on form CT600.
- Updated the R185 forms for both filing and printing to include additional boxes.
General Maintenance:
- Addressed speed and saving issues when entering capital gains for an individual.
- Inclusion of additional messages relating to HMRC Specials and Exclusions.
- Updated the marriage eligibility API following an update to HMRC's systems.
- Included a new validation message for self-employment businesses and partnerships where the Name of the business exceeded HMRC's limitations.
- An issue where a validation message was appearing in error if there were no disposal proceeds for a capital disposal of Other property, assets and gains has been resolved.
- Updated a validation message relating to property losses.
- Resolved the issue where the Annual Pensions Allowance brought forward values were incorrectly showing until a contribution had been entered.
- Updated the Memorandum Report to remove the trade allowance.
- An issue where the state pension was being included in the wizards attached to a Tax Return when none had been entered has been resolved.
VAT Filer
- Inclusion of a new VAT Report for successful submissions of VAT Returns using the MTD service.
- Inclusion of the receipt number of successful submissions of VAT Returns using the MTD service.
- VAT Payments & Liabilities screen has been updated to include more information regarding liabilities, as provided by HMRC.
- Enhanced the MTD VAT API calls to allow for users entering spaces or country initials in the VAT registration number box.
Accounts Production
- Check and finish now includes a validation message where a Balance Sheet is out of balance.
- The Balance Sheet and the detailed balance sheet for LLP's now separately discloses loan and other debts to members and member's other interests.
- Taxonomy updates have been applied to Financial Statements (including the Detailed Profit and Loss account) for submissions to both Companies House and HMRC.
- Updated the Reconciliation of members' interest note for FRS 102 to include:
- Amounts due to members for Members' Capital (classified as Debt).
- Balance at end of period for Members' Capital (classified as Debt).
General Maintenance:
- Issues with the New Template Batch option have now been resolved.
- A rounding issue, which in some situations caused the Balance Sheet to be out of balance by a minimal sum, is now resolved.
Companies House Forms
General Maintenance:
- An issue where in some situations the SH01 form and CS01 form were including future allotted shares has now been resolved.
AML Centre
- The Identification stage of Client Due Diligence has been updated to include a Country of Residence option for Individuals.
- You now have the ability to export the Client Due Diligence information in Status Management.
- Enhanced the format of the Politically Exposed Person report to make the information clearer.
General Maintenance:
- Minor issues with ID Checking have now been resolved.
TaxCalc Product Update Version 10.4.002 Released on 26th November 2019
Applying the Update
Please note:
Customers who have not yet updated to v10 will be required to run an installer. Please ensure that you have local admin rights before attempting the update. Customers already using v10 will not require additional admin rights.
- If you are a standalone user who has applied v10.3, you will have a plugins update, otherwise you will be required to run an installer.
- If you are a Network/Cloud user who has applied v10.0 or later, you will have a plugins update, otherwise you will be required to run an installer.
The following improvements have been included:
Product summary
- Accounts Production update
- FreeAgent update
- Non-Statutory Balance Sheet FRS105 update
- General Maintenance
- Companies House Forms update
- AML Centre update
- Tax Return Production update
Accounts Production
- An option has been provided to generate a Trial Balance in round pound.
- In your audit trail and nominal ledger reports, when selecting to drill down into a posting batch the relevant transaction is now highlighted.
- You can now change the name of shares on reports.
- You can now file the majority of your financial statements online to Companies House, which has been extended to allow you to file small audited registrar accounts.
- Balance Sheet Declarations for FRS105 now combine 'prepared' and 'delivered' statements on Registrar Financial Statements.
- You can select to import your Trial Balance from FreeAgent into Accounts Production now as a practice or non-practice user.
Non-Statutory Balance Sheet FRS105
- You now have the option to produce a detailed balance sheet. With a micro entity set of accounts your balance sheet provides totals with limited notes. Opting to use TaxCalc's detailed balance sheet allows you to report on the specific figures that make up the total.
- Balance sheet column headings now refer to As At rather than Period To where appropriate.
- Sign off statements for the balance sheet have been updated to provide an option to replace on behalf of the board with a more detailed statement.
Accounts Production General Maintenance
- An issue causing members remuneration charges to show as a negative in certain circumstances is now resolved.
- The company information page no longer displays directors that have ceased working after the date of the signing the report.
- An issue that in certain circumstances, was preventing filing of LLP accounts to Companies House relating to a NameEntityOfficer has been resolved.
- An issue that was preventing the director loan account from appearing in the comparative year where a balance changed from a credit to a debit has now been resolved.
Companies House Forms
- Selected nationalities have been updated to allow for successful submissions of Companies House Forms.
- Validation for sensitive words and expression in Companies House has been improved to limit incorrect validations.
AML Centre
- New report columns are available for AML report customisations to highlight when identification evidence is due to expire.
- New filter options have been added for Enhanced Due Diligence to Status Management within the Firm-Wide Compliance area of AML Centre.
- The security permission defaults for AML Centre have been updated for the Senior and Administrator security roles.
- When creating a compliance officer within Admin Centre, the MLRO is now set by default.
- For Reporting to NCA, there are now separate child pages for Suspicious Activity Reports.
- Only MLRO/MLCP's now have permission to view and access the following screens for Suspicious Activity Reports:
- Reports
- Reporting to NCA
- Action by MLRO
- AML Centre options are now available in Practice Manager Jobs and Tasks for MLRO/MLCP's.
- There is now an option to create stages directly from Firm-Wide Compliance>Status Management>Client Due Diligence. Which makes it quicker and more efficient for you to create the stages.
- In Status Management>Client Due Diligence, the Verification column now displays electronic and manual verifications, depending on which one is the most up-to-date.
AML General Maintenance
- An issue which in some situations generates a cannot save error when amending figures within Source of Wealth and Funds in Client Due Diligence has now been resolved.
- Filter issues for Status Management within the Firm-Wide Compliance area of AML Centre is now resolved.
- AML identity checks that couldn't be performed due to a discrepancy with addresses is now resolved.
- Pending AML searches can now be deleted if it has not yet been submitted to Equifax.
Tax Return Production General Maintenance
- In a small number of cases a computation error arose when filing a Corporation Tax Return, this issue has now been resolved.
TaxCalc Product Update Version 10.3.027 Released on 18th November 2019
Applying the Update
Please note:
- Standalone customers who have not yet upgraded to v10.3.003 or v10.3.011 will be required to run an installer. Please ensure that you have local admin rights before attempting the update.
The following improvements have been included:
Product summary
General Maintenance
General maintenance of TaxCalc products includes:
- Practice Manager
- The Accounts and Tax filing status widget(s) (including the Tax filter panel at the foot of the Client list) no longer include Archived clients.
- A problem that in some situations caused a restricted client to be displayed within the Accounts and Tax filing widget(s) counter has now been resolved.
- An issue, which was in some situations causing the Statutory deadline of an Annual Accounts job to be calculated 1 day early has now been resolved.
- A problem that in some situations prevented a weekly recurring task from recurring has now been resolved.
- The next recurrence date is now displayed below the due date when editing all instances on a standalone task.
- Work Management now displays the last note for the selected task/job in all situations.
- The time that it takes for the Work Management screen (and other related areas) to be populated with jobs/tasks has been improved.
TaxCalc Product Update Version 10.3.011 Released on 23 October 2019
Applying the Update
Please note:
- Standalone customers who have not yet upgraded to v10.3.003 will be required to run an installer. Please ensure that you have local admin rights before attempting the update.
The following improvements have been included:
Product summary
- Practice Manager Plus
- Time
- Document Manager, powered by SmartVault
- General Maintenance
NEW - Practice Manager Plus
TaxCalc Practice Manager Plus allows you to take control of the activity in your practice with new enhanced workflow functionality, and multiple bespoke dashboards containing a new range of charts and tables in the form of widgets, designed so you are always up to date. Visit our website for more information.
Features include:
- New and improved SimpleStep job wizards with workflow templates and automation, creating a bespoke uninterrupted journey for your practice.
- Save time with our new Bulk Operation Wizards designed to assign jobs, tasks and templates.
- New section within the Admin Centre to help manage client and non-client activities. Apply templates to services, ensuring consistency for all your clients' needs.
- Stay on top of your activities utilising our new widgets, designed to assist you with deadlines and portfolio management (for example, our job and task widgets, filing statuses widget and MTD enrolment widget).
- Create and share personalised dashboards within your practice, boosting collaboration.
- Multiple offices with pre-populated filing credentials help you file on time from various locations.
NEW - Time
TaxCalc Time allows you to effortlessly and accurately record, monitor and report time spent on activities across your practice. Visit our website for more information.
Features include:
- Automatic Timetracker lets you integrate time tracking into your work, whatever task you're working on, plus the option to manually create and amend time logs.
- Log time against tasks, or other client and non-client activities, designed to help ensure your practice is operating at its maximum potential.
- Create teams with a tiered approval hierarchy, allowing you to implement a suitable sign-off process, controlled by security permissions.
- Calendar view of timesheets helps manage time logs through weekly or monthly view modes.
- Time Analysis and WIP Overview screens allow an in depth assessment of work in progress and the time spent per client, user and type of work.
NEW - Document Manager, powered by SmartVault
TaxCalc Document Manager allows you to store, share, manage and access all your client documents remotely and securely, with one-easy-to-use solution. Currently no additional changes have been included within the software in relation to the integration with SmartVault, please visit our website for more information.
Features include:
- Online document storage and secure file sharing powered by SmartVault.
- Upload TaxCalc documents to store and share with your clients in just a few simple steps.
- Auto-Filer allows you to automatically route files to the right folder for the right clients.
- Connected Desktop gives lightning fast access to your documents in the cloud, with the speed and performance of a desktop app.
- Streamline your client onboarding process with customisable folder templates built for accounting professionals.
- Branded client portal gives your clients a secure, easy and professional way to collaborate with you in the cloud.
General Maintenance
Other maintenance of TaxCalc products includes:
- Practice Manager
- The Accounts and Tax filing status widget(s) (including the Tax filter panel at the foot of the Client list) no longer include Archived clients.
- An issue, which was in some situations was causing the Statutory deadline of an Annual Accounts job to be calculated 1 day early has now been resolved
- It is now possible to view the results of all actions available on a Job, which is using a Job Template in all circumstances.
- An issue, which was causing Notifications to not allow visibility of the history of Tasks, has now been resolved.
- The Filter for Work Item status now correctly displays the appropriate Jobs and Tasks in all situations.
- When editing a standalone task, which has been set to Recur, the Task Status will now be displayed correctly in all situations.
- Tax Return Production
- The Business Wizard no longer shows unexpected errors when checking information between the client record and tax return.
- Accounts Production
- Financial Statements for a company/LLP with no significant accounting transactions, leading to empty primary statements will now be generated with selected headings by default.
- Companies House Forms
- An issue which in some situations was causing a CS01/SH01 to include incorrect Shareholder information has been resolved.
- Company Incorporation
- An issue which in some situation was causing an IN01 (Incorporation) to print incorrectly has been resolved.
- Other
- When creating a period of work it is now possible to identify/update which items of work are linked to a Job/Task.
TaxCalc Product Update Version 10.3.003 Released on 16 October 2019
Applying the Update
Please note:
- Customers with a SQLite database, and those with a Postgres database who have not yet updated to v10, will be required to run an installer. Please ensure that you have local admin rights before attempting the update.
- Customers with a Postgres database who have already updated to v10 will receive the new version as a plug-in update and will not be required to run an installer.
The following improvements have been included:
Product summary
- Practice Manager Plus
- Time
- Document Manager, powered by SmartVault
- General Maintenance
NEW - Practice Manager Plus
TaxCalc Practice Manager Plus allows you to take control of the activity in your practice with new enhanced workflow functionality, and multiple bespoke dashboards containing a new range of charts and tables in the form of widgets, designed so you are always up to date. Visit our website for more information.
Features include:
- New and improved SimpleStep job wizards with workflow templates and automation, creating a bespoke uninterrupted journey for your practice.
- Save time with our new Bulk Operation Wizards designed to assign jobs, tasks and templates.
- New section within the Admin Centre to help manage client and non-client activities. Apply templates to services, ensuring consistency for all your clients' needs.
- Stay on top of your activities utilising our new widgets, designed to assist you with deadlines and portfolio management (for example, our job and task widgets, filing statuses widget and MTD enrolment widget).
- Create and share personalised dashboards within your practice, boosting collaboration.
- Multiple offices with pre-populated filing credentials help you file on time from various locations.
NEW - Time
TaxCalc Time allows you to effortlessly and accurately record, monitor and report time spent on activities across your practice. Visit our website for more information.
Features include:
- Automatic Timetracker lets you integrate time tracking into your work, whatever task you're working on, plus the option to manually create and amend time logs.
- Log time against tasks, or other client and non-client activities, designed to help ensure your practice is operating at its maximum potential.
- Create teams with a tiered approval hierarchy, allowing you to implement a suitable sign-off process, controlled by security permissions.
- Calendar view of timesheets helps manage time logs through weekly or monthly view modes.
- Time Analysis and WIP Overview screens allow an in depth assessment of work in progress and the time spent per client, user and type of work.
NEW - Document Manager, powered by SmartVault
TaxCalc Document Manager allows you to store, share, manage and access all your client documents remotely and securely, with one-easy-to-use solution. Currently no additional changes have been included within the software in relation to the integration with SmartVault, please visit our website for more information.
Features include:
- Online document storage and secure file sharing powered by SmartVault.
- Upload TaxCalc documents to store and share with your clients in just a few simple steps.
- Auto-Filer allows you to automatically route files to the right folder for the right clients.
- Connected Desktop gives lightning fast access to your documents in the cloud, with the speed and performance of a desktop app.
- Streamline your client onboarding process with customisable folder templates built for accounting professionals.
- Branded client portal gives your clients a secure, easy and professional way to collaborate with you in the cloud.
General Maintenance
Other maintenance of TaxCalc products includes:
- Tax Return Production
- The Business Wizard no longer shows unexpected errors when checking information between the client record and tax return.
- Accounts Production
- Financial Statements for a company/LLP with no significant accounting transactions, leading to empty primary statements will now be generated with selected headings by default.
- Companies House Forms
- An issue which in some situations was causing a CS01/SH01 to include incorrect Shareholder information has been resolved.
- Company Incorporation
- An issue which in some situation was causing an IN01 (Incorporation) to print incorrectly has been resolved.
- Other
- When creating a period of work it is now possible to identify/update which items of work are linked to a Job/Task.
TaxCalc Product Update Version 10.1.046 Released on 01 Aug 2019
Applying the Update
Please note: Customers who have not yet updated to v10 will be required to run an installer. Please ensure that you have local admin rights before attempting the update. Customers already using v10 will not require additional admin rights.
The following improvements have been included:
General Bug Fix
- A problem which in some situations was causing iXBRL tags to be omitted from the of the Trading Profit and Loss Account of accounts prepared under FRS105 has been resolved.
TaxCalc Product Update Version 10.1.044 Released on 20 June 2019
Applying the Update
Please note: Customers who have not yet updated to v10 will be required to run an installer. Please ensure that you have local admin rights before attempting the update. Customers already using v10 will not require additional admin rights.
The following improvements have been included:
General Bug Fix
- An issue which was causing Tasks that use a custom Task Type to not appear within the task list in Task Management in some situations has been resolved.
TaxCalc Product Update Version 10.1.042 Released on 12 June 2019
Applying the Update
Please note: Customers who have not yet updated to v10 will be required to run an installer. Please ensure that you have local admin rights before attempting the update. Customers already using v10 will not require additional admin rights.
The following improvements have been included:
Product summary
- NEW – AML Centre
- Tax Return Production update
- Dividend Database for 2018/19
- Batch Filer update
- VAT Filer update
- Practice Management update
- Mail merge
- Task management
- Report manager
Non-product summary
Product Changes
NEW - AML Centre
Introducing TaxCalc AML Centre! Easily support your anti money-laundering obligations and demonstrate compliance to your supervisory authority.
Features include:
- Firm-wide compliance
- Set up details of your Money Laundering Reporting Officer (MLRO)/Money Laundering Compliance Principal (MLCP)
- Design and complete your firm-wide AML risk assessment as required under MLR17
- Record risk mitigation factors and residual risks
- Identify non-compliant clients and bring their due diligence up to date via Status Management
- Link to your firm’s money laundering policies and procedures
- Track MLRO/MLCP and staff training to ensure their AML obligations are up to date regarding their awareness of money laundering
- Keep a record of your beneficial owners, officers and managers, and their regulatory body's approval
- Client due diligence
- Identify and verify your client and document Know Your Client (KYC) information required for both Standard and Enhanced Due Diligence
- Build a record of your client relationships and corporate structures
- Design and complete your client Risk Assessments on a periodic basis
- Report any suspicious activity to the MLRO/MLCP by creating an internal SAR for reporting to the NCA
- Complements TaxCalc's AML Identity Checking Service
Tax Return Production update
- Inclusion of the 2019/20 What If Planner, incorporating 2019/20 tax rates and allowances.
- Updated the recognition of postcodes for tax rate purposes, to ensure that postcodes that straddle the Scottish border are identified correctly.
- An erroneous validation message no longer appears where the postcode is Scottish but the taxpayer is non-resident.
- Annual Investment Allowance:
- Although the overall AIA maximum amount was being correctly calculated, the validation for the pre January 2019 amount was restricting the AIA allowable amount to the pro-rata amount for that period; it now restricts to £200,000.
- An asset purchased before 1 April 2018 wasn't being included as an AIA addition so a validation warning was being displayed in error; it no longer appears.
- Annual Pensions Allowance now takes into consideration the amounts brought forward from 2017/18 in its calculations for 2018/19.
- Inclusion of various exclusions for the 2018/19 tax year, as identified to us by HMRC so far. HMRC are still in the process of updating these and we will endeavour to update our software in line with HMRC, as and when the information becomes available.
- When a Tax Return is exported, or saved as a PDF, the suggested filename now includes the tax year of the Tax Return.
- The validation for Class 2 NIC for share fishermen has been updated with the new rate for 2018/19.
- An erroneous validation message no longer displays where it appears that the additions in Accounts Production do not match the additions in the CT600, due to rounding differences.
- The payments on account imported from 2018 to 2019 now import the correct value for the second payment on account where there is a 1p difference.
- Student plan type is now being imported from 2018 Tax Return to 2019 Tax Return.
Dividend Database for 2018/19
- The dividend data for the 2018/19 tax year is now available.
Batch Filer update
- Batch Filer now recognises all client's tax returns that are ready to be filed.
VAT Filer update
- VAT Filer now recognises existing authorisation tokens for users where the Force each user option has been selected; authorisation is therefore no longer required each time a new client is selected and the VAT APIs are being used.
- It is now not necessary to enter from and to dates to fetch VAT periods from HMRC where only open (outstanding) VAT periods are required. The search facility is still available where previously fulfilled (completed) VAT returns are being retrieved.
- Payments and liabilities table will now sort in descending date value order by default.
Practice Management update
Mail merge
- New letter template added and associated mail merge token for the payment on account due in July 2019. Please note that, when creating the mail merge, the tax year must be 2018 for the next year's (2018/19) payment on account to be identified.
Task management
- Fixed an issue relating to the linked work status of a task.
Report manager
- The payment on account attributes in report manager have been updated so that the next year's payments on account can be identified, without the need for the next year's tax return to be created.
Non-product changes
- A memory issue causing an update, in rare situations, not to install correctly when applied from within the application has now been corrected.
- Users should no longer be unexpectedly prompted with a first run detected message.
TaxCalc Product Update Version 10.0.003 Released on 7 May 2019
Applying the Update
Please note: This update requires an installer to be run. Please ensure that you have local admin rights before attempting the update.
The following improvements have been included:
Product Summary
- BREXIT Preparations
- Tax Return Production Update
- Accounts Production Update
- Practice Management Update
- eSign Centre Update
- AML ID Checking Service Update
Non-Product Summary
Product Changes
BREXIT Preparations:
Preparation work has taken place on this release to allow changes to be activated outside of a release should a No-Deal Brexit be triggered on the 1st June (or later).
Please Note: No changes will be seen within the software unless and until a No-Deal Brexit is enacted.
General Improvements
Companies House
- Allow updated forms, supplied by Companies House to be used in the event of a No-Deal Brexit. Those forms affected are:
- AA01 Change of accounting reference date
- AP02 Corporate director appointment
- AP04 Appoint a company secretary
- CH02 Change corporate director detail
- CH04 Change of corporate secretary details
- CS01 Confirmation statement
- IN01 Company incorporation
- LLIN01 LLP Incorporation
- Prevent EC Sales Lists from being used in the event of a No-Deal Brexit.
Tax Return Production:
General Bug Fixes
- Client Questionnaires will now show pensions received in all situations.
Accounts Production:
General Bug Fixes
- Financial statements generated with a watermark will now appear correctly in all situations.
Practice Management:
General Improvements
- Task Management
- A warning has been included when editing a recurring task to prevent unwanted or unexpected results.
- A Task Recurrence Checker is now available within Admin Centre, to check and verify the date currently expected for the next recurrence due date of a recurring task.
General Bug Fixes
- Task Management
- Linked work status for 2019 tax returns will now appear correctly in all situations.
eSign Centre:
General Bug Fixes
- Problems when saving an eSign envelope have now been resolved.
AML ID Checking Service:
General Improvements
- For security purposes, users will be asked to re-confirm their Data Protection Reference Number when attempting to run the first AML Check after updating.
Non-Product Changes
Processor Issue
- An issue that was preventing the application from running on some older processors has now been resolved.
TaxCalc Product Update Version 9.0.002 Released on 04 April 2019
Applying the Update
Please note: This update requires an installer to be run. Please ensure that you have local admin rights before attempting the update.
The following improvements have been included:
General Bug Fixes
- A problem preventing users with a manually created client filter named 'default' from updating to the latest version of TaxCalc has now been resolved.
- Users using PDF encryption will no longer experience an error when attempting to save PDF documents.
System Requirements
- Due to a necessary update to our framework, we are no longer able to support versions of Mac OS prior to Sierra (10.12).
TaxCalc Product Update Version 9.0.001 Released on 03 April 2019
Applying the Update
Please note: This update requires an installer to be run. Please ensure that you have local admin rights before attempting the update.
The following improvements have been included:
General Bug Fixes
- A problem preventing users with a manually created client filter named 'default' from updating to the latest version of TaxCalc has now been resolved.
- Users using PDF encryption will no longer experience an error when attempting to save PDF documents.
System Requirements
- Due to a necessary update to our framework, we are no longer able to support versions of Mac OS prior to Sierra (10.12).
TaxCalc Product Update Version 8.0.022 Released on 26 Mar 2019
Applying the Update
Please note: This update requires an installer to be run. Please ensure that you have local admin rights before attempting the update.
The following improvements have been included:
Product Summary
- Tax Return Production Update
- VAT Filer Update
- Accounts Productions Update
- eSign Centre Update
Non-Product Summary
Tax Return Production
New Features
- Incorporation of 2018/19 SA100, SA800 and SA900 Tax Returns
- 2018/19 updated R40 repayment claim form
- Help content for 2018/19 Tax Returns
General Improvements
- Auto-selection of UK/Scottish rates to apply based on postcode
- Added Validations to check correct selection of UK/Scottish rates based on the postcode field
- Inclusion of Structures & Buildings Allowance
- Inclusion of revised Annual Investment Allowance
- Inclusion of revised form CT600 to incorporate tick box for Instalment payments for very large companies
- Updated computation to account for very large company instalment payments
- Inclusion of revised CT600I, Supplementary charge in respect of ring fence trades
- Addition of restricted finance costs to HS300, Non-Resident Calculation
- Joint import of property income now includes the restricted amount of finance costs
General Bug Fixes
- Fixes to a number of HMRC Exclusions that were identified in 2017/18
- Performance improvements to speed up the generation of Capital Gains Reports with large numbers of asset entries.
VAT Filer Update
General Improvements
- Improvements to the import facility to enable MAC and Linux users to use the functionality without installing additional programs.
- Added the ability to use business specific authorisation credentials to interact with HMRC rather than just the firms agent credentials.
- Added an Expiration date to authorisation to interact with HMRC (authorisation lasts 18 months) for ease of reference.
- Added the ability to enter negative values into the adjustment fields, to enable the correction of previous returns.
General Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where some VAT reports were not produced where characters such as &, <, >, etc were reported in name and address fields of a client.
- Fixed an issue where a fulfilled VAT return period is retrieved from HMRC and the generated pdf is missing some values.
Accounts Production Update
New Feature - Two-Way Integration with QuickBooks Online (Export Journals)
- A connection to QuickBooks Online is now retained following authentication to prevent the need to re-authenticate
- Export journals (a posting batch) direct from Accounts Production in to QuickBooks Online
- Quickly export a Corporation Tax Journal in a few clicks
- An easy-to-use wizard guides you through the export process where mappings do not already exist following an Import
- Warnings during export, highlighting potential factors to consider.
General Bug Fixes
- Some minor bug fixes have been addressed in the release.
eSign Centre Update
- Some minor bug fixes have been addressed in the release.
Framework Update
- The framework which supports our products has been updated to Qt 5.12
System Requirements
- Due to a necessary update to our framework we are no longer able to support versions of Mac OS prior to Siera (10.12)