Generating message keeps appearing on the Tax Return

Article ID: 2880
Last updated: 19 Mar, 2020

When adding a large number of assets (more than 20 or so) into the Capital Gains pages, users sometimes report the return displays a recurring message stating that the return is being generated which can then slowdown the process of creating the return.

Please note that this should no longer be an issue during the data entry screens from the release of TaxCalc 2020

We have found that increasing the interval of the Autosave option whilst processing the Capital Gains pages, will improve the performance and often will prevent the recurring message appearing. To change the interval time, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Open a tax return
  2. Click on Options (TaxCalc taskbar at the top of the screen)
  3. Highlight Autosave > set interval
  4. Choose how many minutes (up to 60) you would like to set the interval - this could be a temporary change whilst the processing of gains/losses takes place
  5. Click on Set                                                                                                                                                                                

After changing the Autosave interval, if there is still an issue, we recommend that you to attach your own PDF schedule under Attachment Management and enter the totals in HMRC Forms Mode. If you have already input a number of disposals in TaxCalc and wish to retain the PDF documents for your records, please complete the below steps:

  1. Open the tax return you are working on
  2. Click on Check and Finish > Attach
  3. Click on the blue link CGTSummary and ensure that you save a copy of this.
  4. Now click on Check and Finish > Summaries
    1. CG Losses Summary > Preview & Print and ensure that you save a copy of this.
    2. CG Intermediary Summary > Preview & Print and ensure that you save a copy of this.
    3. CG Final Summary > Preview & Print and ensure that you save a copy of this.
  5. To be safe, we should also verify that the switch to HMRC Forms Mode does not remove any entries.
    1. Click on Check and Finish > Print and ensure that you save a copy of this.
    2. Select Only a Selection of Tax return pages and tick the Capital gains pages > Create Preview.

To then complete the change over, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Open the tax return you are working on
  2. Switch to HMRC Forms Mode
  3. Click on Capital Gains
  4. Click Yes to the question Do you need to complete the Capital Gains pages?
  5. Click on Next Step to complete the relevant CGT pages.

To attach your PDF computation, click on: Check and Finish > Add your own PDF attachment > Add PDF > Add the 3 Summaries saved above

Please note: You will not be able to attach the CGTSummary.pdf as this will exceed the file size restriction. 

Article ID: 2880
Last updated: 19 Mar, 2020
Revision: 11
Views: 743
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