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How do I find a missing file? (Individual, Partnership, Limited Company and Trust users)

When using TaxCalc's non -practice (Individual, Partnership, Limited Company and Trust) range of products, all returns that you create are stored on your local machine as return files.

The files will be named with the following extensions:

  • Individual – .tcsXX (where XX is the relevant tax year – for example .tcs20 would be the file extension for 2019/20 files)
  • Partnership – .tcpXX
  • Limited Company – .ct (no tax year) or .ctv3 (for CT 2015 form)
  • Trust - .tctXX

If you receive a File Missing error, this means that the file has been moved, copied or deleted.

We have a video walk through available to follow below:

Alternatively, please see the written instructions below. To search for the missing file, please follow these steps:

  1. Search for the file extension without the tax year (for example, .tcs). This will search your computer for all TaxCalc files for all years and will give you the starting point you need to relink the files within TaxCalc.
  2. Make a note of the location of the file that you need.
  3. In TaxCalc, click on Relocate File (usually shown on the left) and you'll be asked where the file is located.
  4. Browse to the file location and relink the file.

Once the files have been located and re-linked to the application, we would recommend that you make a copy of these files to ensure you have a backup point. The copy can be placed on your computer, mapped network drive or external hard drive as well as online sharing tools such as DropBox. We would recommend having a copy other that your single machine in case this  machine becomes unusable at some point in the future. 

NOTE: We are unable to provide copies of files that have been permanently deleted or lost. If you need information from a missing return, call HMRC's Self Assessment Helpline on 0300 200 3310.