Please note we phase releases out so you may not see this available straight away.
TaxCalc Product Update - version 16.2.800 - Released on 25 March 2025
Please note:
For Customers who have not already updated to Version 16, this update requires an installer to be run. Please ensure that you have local admin rights before attempting the update.
This release may result in a change to the IR Mark on any existing V3 CT600 returns.
Please check our System Requirements before installing this version of TaxCalc.
Product summary
Tax Return Production
NEW: MTD Quarterly Filer
Accounts Production
Companies House Advanced Integration
Practice Management
Tax Return Production
SA100 & R40 – Individual Tax Return
Incorporation of the 2024/25 R40, SA100 Tax Returns and associated supplementary pages, including updates to calculations, summaries, wizards, HMRC helpsheets and worksheets.
Updated self-employment pages and import from the previous year to reflect the change of usage of the previously described ‘cash basis’ box (box 10).
Updated wording and calculations to reflect that Class 2 National Insurance does not need to be paid by individuals registered as being self-employed or in a partnership, with profits exceeding £6,725.
Updated SimpleStep(R) for the 2025 tax year.
Added an Adjustment Calculator to assist with the calculation of taxable profits for non-aligned accounting periods.
Updated the Transition Profits wizard for the new tax year.
Added functionality to enable payments on account that have been reduced to be highlighted.
Created a new validation message if payments on account have been reduced.
Added a new information message for individuals who have made pension contributions and reached the age of 75 during the year.
Updated and improved the Memorandum Report.
Updated the Capital Gains Tax section.
Added the ability to include reference numbers for CGT UK Property Disposal Return and Real Time Transaction Returns.
Added the ability to choose ‘Employee Ownership Trust’ under the reliefs section of Capital Gains Tax.
Added the ability to state that rollover relief is provisional under the reliefs section of Capital Gains Tax.
NEW Capital Gains Tax Adjustment Summary detailing the additional tax due for gains arising on or after 30 October 2024.
Updated Capital Gains Tax Summaries to account for the increase in Capital Gains Tax rates for gains arising on or after 30 October 2024.
Updated functionality relating to Investors' Relief to account for the new lifetime allowance limit of £1 million from 30 October 2024.
General Maintenance
Updated Relevant UK earnings summary to include transition profits.
Updated the Transition Profit Tax Calculation to reflect the correct wording and rates when Scottish tax rates have been applied.
Locked all boxes on the Capital Gains Tax pages in Forms mode when SimpleStep(R) has been used (or the data entry method is yet to be decided).
Updated box 36 on the Capital Gains Tax pages to include a claim for Employee Shareholder Relief/Exemption when relevant.
Tidied the trust income rows on the Student & Postgraduate Loan Summary.
Updated the Data Entered Summary to include text from box 30 on the Non-Resident pages relating to split year treatment.
Ensured that boxes 34 to 38 on the Non-Resident pages are displayed in SimpleStep(R) mode when relevant.
SA800 – Partnership Tax Return
Incorporation of the 2024/25 SA800 Tax Return and associated supplementary pages, including updates to summaries, wizards, HMRC helpsheets and worksheets.
Updated SimpleStep(R) for the 2025 tax year.
Added the ability to import rental income and expenses from Accounts Production to Partnership Property pages.
Made further improvements to the Partnership Statement area of SimpleStep(R).
New and added improvements to Summaries:
NEW Partnership Allocation Summary.
Renamed Partnership Business Summary to Partnership Trade Summary and improved capital allowances section when forms mode has been used.
Added a validation message if the ‘traditional accounting scheme’ box has not been ticked for limited liability partnerships.
Updated logic for displaying partners to ensure that partners with more than one partnership relationship are not shown twice.
SA900 – Trust Tax Return
Incorporation of the 2024/25 SA900 Tax Return and associated supplementary pages, including updates to summaries, wizards, HMRC helpsheets and worksheets.
CT600 - Corporation Tax Return
Addressed some issues relating to Research & Development Tax Credits for accounting periods starting on or after 1 April 2024.
Updated the computation to reflect the correct PAYE cap.
Updated the wording on screen and on the computation to remove reference to ‘R&D workers’ in the PAYE section.
Updated the display logic for the validation relating to PAYE to ensure it considers the new PAYE cap.
Updated logic for completing box L30 (Remaining Corporation Tax liability) to ensure that it is only completed when required.
Tax Return Production General Maintenance
Fixed an issue where tooltips were not displaying the tax year correctly.
Added ability to enter some ‘inadmissible’ characters ( for example % ) in text style boxes for printing purposes (these will be removed from HMRC online submissions)
Updated references to the VAT threshold to reflect the new rate from 1 April 2024.
NEW: MTD Quarterly Filer
MTD Quarterly Filer is initially available by invitation only and is currently in beta testing. General release is expected to follow in May 25.
Integration with Practice Manager for existing businesses.
Link existing businesses to HMRC records or create businesses using HMRC’s data.
Fetch quarterly obligations for businesses, together with their statuses.
Submit income and expense data to HMRC using consolidated or detailed methods.
Save import mappings to use across clients.
Trigger and retrieve HMRC calculation of year to date and estimated tax liabilities.
Accounts Production
When opening Accounts Production for the first time after running an update, if an update to the Accounts Production data is required, an information dialog will display the progress of this.
For Limited Companies and LLPs updates have been made to the signing sections of the reports:
Where the date of signing has been entered in the report, the dotted lines above the signatures will be removed, indicating more clearly that the report is not awaiting a signature.
The Accountant’s report and Approval Statement have been updated to remove the word ‘Signed’ above the signature.
General Maintenance
The statutory and detailed Balance Sheet for FRS 105 will correctly refer to Creditors disclosures as 'Creditors: amounts Falling Due After More Than One Year’.
The Company/LLP information has been updated to display directors/members at the date the report is run, where the signing date of the report has not yet been entered.
The default import map for Xero has been updated with the following changes:
Account code 805 (Accruals), 810 (Income in advance) will be mapped to 5360 Accruals and deferred income.
Account code 947 (Student loan deductions payable) will be mapped to 5320 Other taxes and social security.
For LLPs account code 960 Retained earnings will be mapped to 7500 balance b/fwd (Other amounts).
For Partnerships account code 960 Retained earnings will be mapped to 7000 capital brought forward.
The default import map for FreeAgent has been updated with the following changes:
Account code 823 (Deferred VAT) will be mapped to 5300 (VAT).
Account code 282 (Staff training) will be mapped to 3040 (Staff training).
The option to apply full disclosure for FRS 102 1A will no longer be been disabled after locking the accounting period.
Group reference will no longer be omitted from consolidated accounts where notes had been customized for the group and parent company.
Registrar financial statements will now correctly include the Audit Information note where the accounts have been abridged for FRS 102 1A.
The following online filling errors have been resolved and will no longer restrict the user from filing successfully with HMRC and Companies House:
9999 – fatal: 2 inconsistent duplicate facts are present for ‘’Total additions including from business combinations, property, plant and equipment’’
Companies House Advanced Integration
The Companies House sync will set companies as Community Interest Companies where they are registered as such at Companies House.
Companies House Forms
Changing the registered office address or single alternative inspection location will now correctly display the prompt in Practice Manager.
The presenter details will be populated correctly on the SH01 and CS01 where share allotments have been updated within the period.
Company Incorporator
Clicking on ‘view certificate’ will now correctly open up Certification of Incorporation for LLPs.
Practice Management
A new Community Interest Company option has been added to the client record for Limited Companies (Limited by shares and Limited by guarantee). This will be synced when using the Companies House Advanced Integration.
Save time creating VAT Return work and non-TaxCalc work in bulk, using our enhanced Bulk Service Wizard.
You can now include clients' VAT return period information within your client import CSV file.
Restrict users' access to specific offices more easily, with our office dedicated option within users' client restriction page.
Track your MTD Quarterly Updates work using jobs and tasks. You can also set and change your MTD Quarterly Updates work item status.
An overview of MTD Quarterly Updates work is available using the Filing Status - MTD Quarterly Updates widget.
General Maintenance
Dashboards views can now be duplicated unlimited times.
Widgets on dashboard views are now always displayed regardless of changes made in Admin Centre >Activity Types.
Job automation successfully triggered by eSign actions now works as expected.
Task Reports now display completed tasks and the completion date where all tasks in a Job have been completed in bulk.
VAT period conditions in Data Mine now handle filtering multiple businesses.
TaxCalc Product Update - version 16.1.451 - Released on 14 March 2025
Please note:
With the imminent release of TaxCalc 2025, towards the end of March, this release (16.1.451) is available on request.
For Customers who have not already updated to Version 16, this update requires an installer to be run. Please ensure that you have local admin rights before attempting the update.
This release may result in a change to the IR Mark on any existing V3 CT600 returns.
Please check our System Requirements before installing this version of TaxCalc.
Product summary
Companies House Forms
Practice Manager
Companies House Forms
CS01 will display or print correctly on MAC machines.
Practice manager
Saving a newly created client in some scenarios was causing a crash, this is now successful for all scenarios.
TaxCalc Product Update - version 16.1.300 - Released on 9 January 2025
Please note:
For Customers who have not already updated to Version 16, this update requires an installer to be run. Please ensure that you have local admin rights before attempting the update.
This release may result in a change to the IR Mark on any existing V3 CT600 returns.
Please check our System Requirements before installing this version of TaxCalc.
Product summary
Accounts Production
A message ‘Error Upgrading Database’ will no longer be received when updating to this release.
Accounts Production
FRS 105 accounts for new accounting periods will now correctly display ‘Accruals and Deferred Income’ as a separate line item under the Total Assets Less Current Liabilities.
FRS 105 accounts will no longer display a blank line in the Detailed Balance Sheet for Accruals and Deferred Income, when there are no postings to account codes 5360 and 5760, for limited companies and LLPs.