TaxCalc Release Notes 2024
Article ID: 3401
Last updated: 09 Jan, 2025
Below are the Release Notes for TaxCalc 2024 releases. Click to see the Release Notes for 2013-2016 > 2017 > 2018 > 2019 > 2020 > 2021 > 2022 > 2023 > 2025
TaxCalc Product Update - version 16.1.200 - Released on 5 December 2024
Please note:
For Customers who have not already updated to Version 16, this update requires an installer to be run. Please ensure that you have local admin rights before attempting the update.
This release may result in a change to the IR Mark on any existing V3 CT600 returns.
Please check our System Requirements before installing this version of TaxCalc.
Product summary
Tax Return Production
SA100 Individual Tax Returns
General Maintenance
Fix added to Client Questionnaire to ensure that amounts over £1,000,000 are formatted correctly.
Fixed a display issue on the Self Employment summary when trading income allowance is claimed using the short form.
Updated Summaries menu to ensure that the Finance Costs Summary is not shown as available for 2023 and previous years.
Updated validation for UK property to stop it showing in error when other property losses have already been utilised.
Broken help links for Capital Gains Tax, Other information section have been fixed.
Updated wording on Filing by Internet screens for all Self Assessment Tax Returns.
Updated calculation for WhatIf Planner when transferring marriage allowance as the allowance was also shown as being received.
SA800 Partnership Tax Returns
General maintenance
Fixed an error where the partnership business summary displayed profit allocation and percentage share in the wrong column for partners with only profit, when salaries/adjustments are entered for some partners.
Updated some links in the Help section.
Share of profit and other income can now be directly entered through Forms mode.
Fixed an error where not all partners were shown on the partnership business summary (non-pro version only).
Fixed an error where the share of untaxed interest was shown in error on the individual partner statements when there were multiple accounting periods.
SA900 Trust Tax Returns
General Maintenance
CT600 Corporation Tax Returns
General maintenance
Updated the terminology and wizard for net dividends from other companies, to ensure associated company dividends are not included for marginal relief.
Fixed the alignment of totals on the Research & Development Expenditure wizard, on screen and on print preview.
A superfluous box has now been removed when the company type 'Company in Liquidation' is selected,.
Updated the loan balance in the loans to participators wizard, to show the correct balance when a previous loan has been repaid within nine months.
Updated the calculation for R&D SME loss surrendered for a period straddling 1 April 2023, so that it’s restricted to total enhanced expenditure for the apportioned period.
Unlocked boxes 326, 327 and 328 for companies paying quarterly instalments.
Fixed an issue where losses utilised were being removed from older returns that hadn’t been opened recently.
Practice Manager
Start and end dates can now be applied to Services Rendered on the client record, to allow service provision tracking over the lifetime of a client.
Reports, Datamining and email tokens, as well as a client’s AML risk assessment, will show ongoing services only (locked AML reports will continue to show the historical data true to the report's date).
Work Item Status dashboard widgets updated to include filters for Portfolio Manager, Custom User Role or Office.
General Maintenance
Communication Centre
General Maintenance
General Maintenance
Accounts Production
Accounting periods will be locked automatically following successful submission to Companies House, to prevent accidental changes to accounts post submission. This is a setting which can be changed in Admin centre.
'FRC’s Ethical Standard – Provisions for small entities': the ‘Include this note?’ option with Edit Notes has been enabled to allow for the note to be easily included or excluded, in addition to the existing tick within the Audit Report – Basis of Opinion.
The ‘Statement of Compliance’, 'Auditor’s Opinion’ notes and ‘Basis of Preparation’ policy have been updated to refer to the new SORP 2024 for periods on or after 1 July 2024 – they will use a new 'SORP_reference’ token which will automatically refer to the correct SORP.
Statement of Cash Flow – new Check & Finish messages have been added to alert the user to inconsistencies which can result in the Statement of Cash Flow not balancing, such as:
When an amortisation charge in the Profit and Loss Account doesn’t match the amortisation in the Balance Sheet.
When a depreciation charge in the Profit and Loss Account doesn’t match the depreciation in the Balance Sheet.
General Maintenance
The member’s report will now include the LLP registration number in the report header.
The Audit Information Note for limited companies and LLPs has been updated:
Resolved an issue where the default account descriptions in Admin Centre for account codes 4249-1 to 4249-4 incorrectly referred to subsidiaries rather than associates.
Locking of an accounting period will no longer revert the abridgement option back to ‘Not abridgement’.
Resolved an issue where the updated report terms weren’t reflected in the share capital note for account codes 7005, 7006, 7025 and 7026 for subsequent account periods.
The accounting policy for Going Concern Disclosures and Government Grants or Assistance have been updated to remove the extra bracket from the default text.
Resolved an issue where generating a Support Schedules report from within the Lead Schedule caused the application to crash.
Accruals and deferred income will now be displayed within ‘Current liabilities – creditors less than one year’ (for postings to 5360) and ‘Creditors amounts falling due after more than one year’ (for postings to 5760) for new accounting periods where the accounting standard is set to FRS 105, so as to be consistent with the balance sheet layout of FRS1021A. Previously, for FRS105, these values were displayed on a separate line item after ‘Total assets less current liabilities’.
The following online filling errors have been resolved and will no longer restrict the user from filing successfully with HMRC and Companies House:
Group accounts
Resolved an issue where the turnover by class of business note incorrectly displayed the company figures within the group edit notes screen, therefore displaying incorrect comparative figures when preparing the group accounts.
Text fields within the Business Combinations note will now be returned to its default after the deletion of an acquisition.
Customised wording for group notes in Admin Centre will now be displayed correctly for new accounting periods at client level. Previously, the user had to reset notes for the edits to pull through.
AML Centre
The risk assessment report will no longer default to Limited by Shares as type of entity when the company is a Limited by Guarantee.
Firm Wide risk Assessment has been updated to omit the comma and ‘dup’ from the report title when creating a duplicate copy of the risk assessment.
Company Incorporator
Companies House Advanced Integration
TaxCalc Product Update - version 16.0.110 - Released on 23 October 2024
Please note:
For Customers who have not already updated to Version 16, this update requires an installer to be run. Please ensure that you have local admin rights before attempting the update.
This release may result in a change to the IR Mark on any existing V3 CT600 returns.
To install this version of TaxCalc on Microsoft Windows machines it must be on Windows 8.1 or above. See our full list of System Requirements for more information on all supported operating systems with TaxCalc.
Product summary
Tax Return Production
General Maintenance
‘Filed to HMRC’ time/date stamp on Tax Work Status screen is now only shown when the tax return has been successfully filed online or marked as filed by paper.
Updated the delete functionality in certain scenarios for tax returns to ensure successful deletion when actioned.
SA100 Individual Tax Return
NEW Finance Costs Summary shows the detailed calculation for restricted finance costs.
NEW Calculation of Transition Profits Tax Summary.
Summaries update:
The Self Employment summary has been updated to ensure that basis period adjustments and rows relating to transition profits are displayed when appropriate.
Fixed a calculation issue on Foreign Tax Credit Relief summary where income includes life insurance gains.
Updated Student and Postgraduate Loan Repayment Summary to include a row for transition profits.
Updated SA110 Tax Calculation Summary notes following an update by HMRC.
Improved wording on Check & Finish information messages relating to brought forward amounts, where there is more than one set of self-employed pages for the same business.
Provided an information dialog when there are overlap profits or losses brought forward and more than one set of self employment pages for the same business.
Updated the logic for individual partner pages to ensure that the basis period start date is not overwritten when the basis wizard calculator is used.
Updated lifetime pension allowance pages following the abolition of the pension tax charge.
Provided an information message when pension contributions have been made by third parties and entered in the annual pension allowance wizard.
Capital Gains Tax pages:
Updated the disposal date validation to accommodate when the date of disposal is not in the current year, due to exceptions like EIS disposals.
Stopped additional allowable expenditure rows from being displayed twice on CGT final summary.
Updated criteria for when capital gains tax pages should be included as part of the tax return.
Update wording to clarify the usage of the Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme box on the relief section of capital gains.
Update the disposal summary to show SEIS exemption correctly.
Updated the list of approved professional organisations for tax relief on subscriptions.
SA800 Partnership Tax Return
Further improvements to the Partner Details page, including:
Improved performance when dealing with a partnership with a large number of partners.
‘Select All' option to enable all partners to be selected at once.
Multi-select option using keyboard functionality.
Ability to sort by different columns.
Column headers frozen when scrolling down the page.
Improvements to the Partnership Statement pages, including:
Improved and update layout.
Ability to enter pre-profit/loss share adjustments.
Ability to search.
Percentages for partners' profit allocation now brings forward from the previous year.
Updated limits in validations relating to annual investment allowances.
Ensured that expenses are retained when an import from accounts production is re-done.
Added Individual Partnership Statement Summaries to the Summaries menu.
Ensured that data is correctly aligned in the tax return boxes for second and subsequent trade pages.
SA900 Trust Tax Return
CT600 Corporation Tax Return
Audio Visual & Video Games Expenditure Credits (AVEC/VGEC):
Stopped a Check & Finish message showing when no enhanced creative tax credit claim has been made.
Stopped tax adjustments relating to AVEC & VGEC from being auto-populated.
Updated XBRL tagging on the computation.
Updated help information.
Improved wording on creative tax relief Check & Finish validation message #tc599 to make it clearer that the amount claimed for a tax credit must equal the loss surrendered for the credit.
Updated the UK Land & Buildings wizard to populate non-trading capital allowances where relevant.
Fixed an issue relating to the calculation of special rate pool 50% first year allowance in the capital allowances manual grid.
Fixed an issue relating to the calculation of full expensing allowances in the capital allowances manual grid.
Updated ordering of ‘R&D payable tax credit pre and post April boxes’ in Forms mode.
A licence warning is no longer shown for CT600s when selecting option ‘Use Office gateway credentials’ and no Workflow licence exists.
Ensured that an incorrect validation is no longer shown relating to loan to participators and the date of repayment being before ‘today’s date'.
Updated the patent box wizard to prevent Non IP Income being ticked as Relevant IP Income.
Updated the calculation of L80 on the R&D Supplementary pages following new rules for the PAYE cap, if the RDEC merged scheme is used.
Added a new validation message if box L135 on the R&D Supplementary pages exceeds the amount in box L130.
Included more validations relating to losses brought forward being utilised.
Admin Centre
Practice Manager
General Maintenance
Report Manager and Data Mining
The 'Date last saved' column is now working as expected in all situations within the Tax Work Status report.
The data mining condition ‘Latest Accounts Status’ is now working as expected for all data mines.
When accounting periods are created out of sequence, the Client Report and Data Mine correctly output the latest period values.
Dates calculation logic for job recurrence has been improved.
Updates made within ‘Edit Profile’ dialog (accessed from Notifications Centre) now save as expected.
Creating a new client when advanced client restrictions exist (against the user), will now be immediately reflected on the client list.
Communications Centre
Multiple charge out rates can be recorded on different activity types, for more accurate presentation of time log values. A charge out rate can be recorded as a practice-wide rate, set against an activity (Go to Admin Centre > Applications > Customise Practice Manager > Activity Types) or a user-specific rate for any activity (Go to Admin Centre > Users > Edit User > Working House and Rate).
VAT Filer
Updated read-only access when licence has expired.
Corrected a spelling mistake on the declaration screen.
Updated VAT7 form to show the correct address.
Accounts Production
An information dialog will be displayed on accessing Accounts Production or Admin Centre the first time the product is accessed after performing an update, if the Accounts Production data is still being updated.
Electronic submissions to Companies House which have received an internal failure response will be processed correctly to display the status of the submission, so they can be tracked easily.
The re-sizing of the Posting and Edit Notes windows will now be retained when returning to these screens.
Limited companies and LLPs include a new ‘Contingent Assets’ at client and admin level, to allow users to make appropriate disclosures in relation to Contingent Assets.
A new ‘Qualifying third-party and Pension scheme Indemnity Provision' note has been included within the Director/Member’s report for accounting standards 102 1A and 105.
Additional Accounting Policy 2 and Accounting Policy 3 have been included within the Admin Centre to allow for admin level defaults to be set.
Group accounts:
- General Maintenance
A Check & Finish warning has been included where the country of incorporation is not populated when preparing accounts under FRS 105.
Changes made to the chart of accounts for multiple trades will be saved and retained independently to each trade.
Resolved an issue where inconsistent casing had been applied to a number of row descriptions in the detailed balance sheet for FRS 105 and FRS 102 1A.
Resolved an issue where the amounts allocated to a director duplicated and resulted in incorrect balance for other creditors, when the director is the same person as the company secretary when preparing group financial statements.
The cost section in the tangible fixed asset note will display the total correctly when the asset has been disposed of and the total for the year is nil.
The single rule-off above the ‘shareholders/members' funds’ disclosure will always be displayed in the balance sheet when generating full or registrar financial statements for new accounting periods.
The Statement of Cash Flows will be omitted from the registrar financial statements when included voluntarily for FRS 102 1A and FRS 102 small.
Note numbers will now display sequenced correctly where the fixed asset amounts net to zero and the fixed asset note is not displayed.
An apostrophe has been removed from the Small Companies Regime reference on the balance sheet declaration.
A new Check & Finish message will be displayed if the accounting standard is set to FRS 105 for any of the companies included in the consolidation for group accounts.
Resolved an issue where the company value for secured creditors did not display without group value when generating consolidated financial statements.
The content page will correctly include the reference to Statement of Cash Flows, where the company cash flow is included optionally but not in the group when preparing consolidated full financial statements.
Resolved an issue where a Check & Finish message relating to brought forward amounts was incorrectly determining an error, as it did not take posting to account code 3950 into consideration.
For accounting standard FRS 102, the Provisions for Liabilities Edit Note screen will now correctly calculate the ‘Balance at [end date]’ value when the user edited one of the data entry fields.
The following online filling errors have been resolved and will now allow the user to file successfully with HMRC and Companies House:
ChRIS 3315 Accounts Generic dimension member (bus:Director1) has no associated name or description item
9999 – 2 inconsistent duplicate facts are present for ‘OtherTaxationSocialSecurityPayable’
9999 – the matching wildcard is strict, but no declaration can be found for element 'frs-core:DetailsOfSharesHeldInAssociatesGroupingDimension.domain'
AML Centre
The Firm-wide Risk Assessment has been updated to include an option to record the risk of proliferation financing to the firm.
Staff training records within Internal Control has been renamed to Staff and Agent Training to allow keeping records of the training undertaken by the firm's agents as well as its staff, as required by The Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds Regulations 2017.
Users are now able to generate and e-file the EM01 (change of registered email address) form to notify Companies House of the company’s change of registered email address.
An option has been added to re-poll for statutes from Companies House for online filing submissions which have not yet been accepted.
Resolved an issue where the presenter details on form SH01 and CS01 weren’t populated if shares had been allocated within the period.
Company Incorporator
Clicking on ‘obtain incorporation documents’ will now correctly open up Certification of Incorporation for LLPs.
An option has been added to re-poll for statutes from Companies House for online filing submissions which have not yet been accepted.
Companies House Advanced Integration
- This release includes functionality in preparation of moving the TaxCalc PosgresSQL database from v9.4 to v16.0.
TaxCalc Product Update - version 15.0.650 - Released on 7th August 2024
Please note:
This version is available on request only via support@taxcalc.com for customers with at least 1 machine on Windows 7.
For Customers who have not already updated to Version 15, this update requires an installer to be run. Please ensure that you have local admin rights before attempting the update.
This release may result in a change to the IR Mark on any existing V3 CT600 returns.
Please check our System Requirements before installing this version of TaxCalc.
Product summary
Tax Return Production
Accounts Production
Tax Return Production
The Tax Payment/Repayment Summary for individuals will now correctly show the payment on account due on 31 July 2025.
Finance costs will now correctly appear on the WhatIf Planner projected 2024/25 calculation.
The R&D tax credit payable following a loss surrender will now be correctly apportioned according to the account period falling before and after 1 April 2023.
Accounts Production
TaxCalc Product Update - version 15.0.600 - Released on 7th August 2024
Please note:
For Customers who have not already updated to Version 15, this update requires an installer to be run. Please ensure that you have local admin rights before attempting the update.
This release may result in a change to the IR Mark on any existing V3 CT600 returns.
To install this version of TaxCalc on Microsoft Windows machines it must be on Windows 8.1 or above. See our full list of System Requirements for more information on all supported operating systems with TaxCalc.
Product summary
Tax Return Production
Accounts Production
Tax Return Production
The Tax Payment/Repayment Summary for individuals will now correctly show the payment on account due on 31 July 2025.
Finance costs will now correctly appear on the WhatIf Planner projected 2024/25 calculation.
The R&D tax credit payable following a loss surrender will now be correctly apportioned according to the account period falling before and after 1 April 2023.
Accounts Production
TaxCalc Product Update - version 15.0.550 - Released on 31 July 2024
Please note:
This version is available on request only via support@taxcalc.com for customers with at least 1 machine on Windows 7.
For Customers who have not already updated to Version 15, this update requires an installer to be run. Please ensure that you have local admin rights before attempting the update.
This release may result in a change to the IR Mark on any existing V3 CT600 returns.
Please check our System Requirements before installing this version of TaxCalc.
Product summary
TaxCalc Product Update - version 15.0.500 - Released on 25th July 2024
Please note:
For Customers who have not already updated to Version 15, this update requires an installer to be run. Please ensure that you have local admin rights before attempting the update.
This release may result in a change to the IR Mark on any existing V3 CT600 returns.
To install this version of TaxCalc on Microsoft Windows machines it must be on Windows 8.1 or above. See our full list of System Requirements for more information on all supported operating systems with TaxCalc.
Product summary
Accounts Production
AML Centre
Tax Return Production
Communications Centre
Accounts Production
Strategic and Director’s reports will now correctly include the signature section when the option to include Strategic/Director’s report within the full financial statements is ticked.
The financial statements will now correctly exclude the Partner’s Capital Accounts note, when the note has been turned off in Edit Notes.
Rounding adjustments will no longer be made to the dividends amount where there would be a rounding discrepancy in the profit and loss brought forward and carried forward amounts.
AML Centre
Tax Return Production
Communications Centre
TaxCalc Product Update - version 15.0.400 - Released on 8th July 2024
Please note:
For Customers who have not already updated to Version 15, this update requires an installer to be run. Please ensure that you have local admin rights before attempting the update.
This release may result in a change to the IR Mark on any existing V3 CT600 returns.
To install this version of TaxCalc on Microsoft Windows machines it must be on Windows 8.1 or above. See our full list of System Requirements for more information on all supported operating systems with TaxCalc.
Product summary
Practice Manager
Accounts Production
The data mining updater (background process) no longer requires passwords for password protected tax returns and will run silently. Any password protected tax return will not be included within data mining.
Corrected an application crash on start up, when parsing historic tax returns where referenced accounting periods have since been deleted
Practice Manager
Prevented data mining from presenting clients with encrypted corporation tax returns.
Report manager: Fixed shipped Self Assessment status reports that were not showing clients (new installation issue only).
Accounts Production
TaxCalc Product Update - version 15.0.310 - Released on 27th June 2024
Please note:
For Customers who have not already updated to Version 15, this update requires an installer to be run. Please ensure that you have local admin rights before attempting the update.
This release may result in a change to the IR Mark on any existing V3 CT600 returns.
Due to changes within this release to support data mining and reporting, customers with large databases may experience a slight delay in being able to use the new data items immediately after upgrade.
To install this version of TaxCalc on Microsoft Windows machines it must be on Windows 8.1 or above. See our full list of System Requirements for more information on all supported operating systems with TaxCalc.
Product summary
Tax Return Production
SA100 Individual Tax Return
WhatIf Planner is now available for 2024/25 tax year:
Updated the data entry box relating to ‘redundancy’, to clarify only taxable amounts should be entered.
Now includes data entry for transition profits.
Fixed an issue in the calculation of Student loan repayments where net pension contributions have been made.
Updated calculations to include potential restrictions for finance costs.
The dividend database for 2023/24 is now available.
Updated the wording in the CGT section to advise that losses brought forward from the previous year will trigger a tick on the CGT page screen (CGT pages will not be included in these circumstances).
Fixed an issue relating to balancing allowances being incorrectly calculated for self-employed businesses when the business hasn’t ceased trading.
Updated functionality so that furnished holiday let losses brought forward are automatically offset against profits arising.
Added the ability to delete entries on the HS302 and HS304 wizards.
Added Check & Finish validation messages relating to the receipt and transfer of marriage allowance.
Provided up-to-date information regarding boxes 34, 35 and 36 on the foreign pages (no longer required to be completed).
Updated joint import functionality to ensure that only 50% of a dividend value is imported from the original tax return, where relevant.
Ensured that box 21 (Tax deducted at source) is available for use when the only rental income relates to furnished holiday lettings.
Created a new validation to check whether an adjustment in box 51 is required when clogged losses have been utilised against profits.
Locked the electric mileage range box in company car wizard when Co2 emissions are above 50.
Updated Double Taxation Agreement data to include Kosovo.
Minor text change relating to unpaid director and office holders.
Updated SA110 notes following an update from HMRC.
Updated calculation of UK relevant earnings for pension contributions to include some employment lump sums.
Updated the calculation for Class 2 National Insurance to take into consideration transition profits.
Updated HS300 calculation for box 15a for transition profits following updates from HMRC.
Provided information messaging relating to the increase in the VAT registration threshold.
Fixed an incorrect Check & Finish warning message being shown when short self employment pages in forms mode were used.
Updated auto-population logic for FSE67 (basis period end date) to ensure it isn’t populated when accounting period is standard.
Provided more information to assist partners in a partnership with multiple account periods.
Fixed an issue where the Class 4 NIC exempt box wasn’t always being ticked when appropriate.
Individual Summaries
Tax Payment/Repayment Summary:
Updated summary so that payments due on 31 July and not paid, are shown as ‘outstanding’ when 31 July has passed.
Fixed a display issue relating to amounts to be coded out when only partial payments have been made on account.
Fixed a formatting issue when only the payment due on 31 January hasn’t been paid.
Memorandum Report now includes CGT losses carried forward and a transition profits summary.
Employment ‘Total’ Summary has been improved so that it now shows the details of each employment and how the total has been calculated.
Partnership Summary had an issue resolved relating to the calculation of total tax deducted.
The Data Entered Summary had a wording issue relating to capital gains tax, box 35.
Form R40
CT600 Corporation Tax Return
Corporation Tax Taxonomy Update for 2024.
New data entry for Audio-Visual and Video Games Expenditure Credits (AVEC / VGEC).
New data entry for Enhanced Research and Development Intensive Scheme (ERIS).
Added data entry for a tax profit adjustment for RDEC, AVEC and VGEC.
Updated functionality and validation messages when RDEC pages are removed to reduce possibility of filing errors.
Updated calculation for enhanced expenditure in box 660 when a loss to surrender is claimed for pre and post April 2023 rates.
Updated rounding in calculation for RDEC notional tax box L55 to ensure successful filing.
Updated population and calculation of RDEC Step 2 calculation to ensure it’s only completed when relevant.
Updated Check & Finish message relating to boxes 655 and 657 (large company claiming RDEC and additional information).
Updated payment due date on corporation tax computation for February period ends.
Removed Check & Finish message relating to theatre tax rates as this has been superseded by more appropriate messaging.
Fixed a rounding issue which could sometimes occur when the corporation tax period spans two financial years where marginal relief is relevant.
Updated help link for box 625.
Updated form CT600 Version 3 (2024) following a minor text change made by HMRC.
Fixed marginal relief calculations on tax computation and in the wizard summary, where they were not displaying after locking and closing the return.
Fixed an issue with marginal relief not updating when the number of associated companies is changed in box 326, if boxes 327 and 328 were previously populated.
Updated Check & Finish messages relating to freeport and investment zones following extension of relief.
Updated Check & Finish messaging to check for Check & Finish in Accounts Production when group accounts have been attached to the corporation tax return.
SA800 Partnership Tax Return
Improved the partnership details screen:
Fixed an issue relating to balancing allowances being incorrectly calculated for partnership businesses when business hasn’t ceased trading.
Fixed an issue where an entry in box 1.27 (non-residential costs) was also populating box 1.40 (residential costs).
Updated the footer on form SA801.
General Maintenance
Accounts Production
Limited companies and LLPs include a new checkbox at admin level to allow for the customisation of the default settings for the debtors and creditors note relating to whether or not to display the breakdown of debtors and creditors.
Limited companies and LLPs have been updated to apply the FRS 2024 taxonomy.
Companies House have updated the format of the presenter ID, so we have updated the entry of the presenter ID to allow for alphanumeric values rather than just digits.
General Maintenance
Resolved an issue where in some scenarios, synchronizing Companies House data to update local data via the Companies House sync wizard resulted in officers being duplicated multiple times.
An option has been added to re-poll for statutes from Companies House for online filing submissions which have not yet been accepted.
Statement of Cash Flows will be omitted from registrar financial statements for companies and LLPs applying FRS102 1A with full disclosures.
The Check & Finish message relating to the Balance Sheet not balancing when the user has selected Income and Expenditure account for sole trader/partnership has been removed, as the messaging is not relevant.
The Intangible asset note will display net book value rows if the value at the end of the year is nil, where previously the note omitted the net book value section.
The Intangible asset note will be included in the financial statements and populated to display dashes, where previously in specific scenarios the note was omitted if the asset had been fully disposed during the year.
Full financial statements for FRS 102 1A will no longer omit the Strategic report, where previously it was omitted if the MLA102 licence had expired.
Statement of cash flows is no longer included within the registrar financial statements for accounts prepared under FRS 102 1A with full disclosures.
Group Accounts
Lead schedules have been added for groups when in group mode. The group version of the lead schedules will include amounts for both the company and group.
Jobs with the automation items 'the work item is sent for signing' or ‘the work item is signed’ will be triggered when group Full and/or Registrar Financial Statements or the individual parent company Full and/or Registrar Financial Statements are attached to an eSign envelope and the envelope has been successfully sent for signing or signed.
Group Accounts General Maintenance
Adding a trial for group accounts will now allow the Accounts Production users to continue using the full licence.
Resolved an issue where the group trial balance did not pick up data from indirect subsidiaries that were included in the consolidation (a subsidiary that is directly owned by another subsidiary of the parent rather than being directly owned by the parent).
The Company profit and loss note in the group mode will now display the company’s profit/loss for current and comparative year, where previously the “[FRS102_Profit_For_Period][ComparativeYear_ProfitForPeriod_Info]” token displayed consolidated profit/loss.
Group financial statements will no longer display blank columns/line items when there are no values to display, where previously they were displayed with a nil value after being eliminated on consolidation.
Group posting will now be enabled for previous accounting period, where previously in specific scenarios, group posting was locked out if the option to prepare group accounts was selected before unlocking the accounting period.
The following online filling errors have been resolved and will no longer stop filing to HMRC:
9999 - the value of attribute width on element ‘col’ is not valid with respect to its type ‘MultiLength’
9999 - cvc:datatype:1,2,3 is not a valid value of union type ‘MultiLength’
Practice Manager
Data Mining:
Data mining has been enhanced to include Annual Accounts calculations, allowing for filtering based on both ‘Latest’ and ‘All’ periods.
Additional CT calculations have been added to data mining, allowing for filtering based on both ‘Latest’ and ‘All’ periods.
Filter values have been updated for UYE and Date conditions, to allow mining on values that are: Empty, Not empty and Not equal to.
Report Manager:
Client reports include options for Annual Accounts and tax calculations columns. In addition a period filter has been provided to allow results to be targeted at specific periods.
Work Status Reports include improvements to the period filter to allow results to be targeted at specific periods.
Multi-office functionality is now available to all users. Options include setting an office against a client record and using office-specific credentials for submissions.
Multi-dashboard functionality is now available to all users. Options include creating multiple dashboards and setting a dashboard as private or public.
The Client Summary page has been updated to show current relationships only (no longer includes historical/ceased relationships).
The VAT threshold has been increased to 90k in 'Client Above VAT Threshold' dashboard widget and reports.
General Maintenance
Password protection has been added to the ‘Open work’ option from ‘Jobs/tasks assigned to me’ widgets.
Work Manager & Active Work: Activity type filter now includes only jobs/tasks related activities.
Create services report for specific service now generated correctly in all situations.
MTD VAT jobs and tasks will create next period automatically on recurrence, regardless of "Enrolled for MTD" selection on Client Record.
Practice Manager Plus/WorkFlow
Practice Manager Plus has been rebranded to be named WorkFlow across the system.
Admin Centre > Customise WorkFlow has been streamlined to include WorkFlow related settings only. Note: You can still access all Practice Manager settings from "Customise Practice Manager" page as before.
The following Companies House forms have been updated as a result of increases to Companies House fees, taking affect from 1 May 2024. In addition to the fees increase, the new forms contain updated guidance and the signature section being replaced with authorisation.
NM01 - Change a company name
NM02 - Give notice of a conditional change of name
NM03 - Notice confirming satisfaction of the conditional resolution for change of name
NM04 - Notice of change of name by means provided for in the articles
CS01 - Confirmation Statement
Company Incorporator
General Maintenance
The Director’s service address section has been updated to state ‘Same as registered office’ when the service address has been marked as ‘same as registered office address’.
Resolved a formatting issues so the month and year of birth is printed correctly when printing the incorporation form.
AML Centre
A new option has been added to bring forward details from the previous Identification and Risk Assessment when creating a new stage for Identification or Risk Assessment for users to review and update as required, rather than creating the stage from scratch.
The risk assessment report has been updated to include answers to the questions in the risk profile section of the risk assessment.
An option to comment on reasons for revising the risk on an overall risk assessment has been included for audit trail purposes.
Client due diligence: The risk rating for the transaction question 4 ' ‘If yes, are those transactions consistent with your knowledge of the clients, the client’s business and risk profile?’ has now been updated in accordance with the risk rating guidance, where previously it would result in a lower risk rating when answered as “Yes”.
Communications Centre
General Maintenance
eSign Centre
General Maintenance
When changing the Company Name within Admin Centre > Customise eSign Centre > Envelope Credentials, subsequent envelopes sent will reflect the change in all situations.
It is now possible to add ad-hoc contact relationships as a recipient via 'Add/Manage Relationships'.
HMRC Form 64-8 (version 03/22) is available within Manage Documents > Add TaxCalc Documents.
VAT Filer
A Check & Finish validation is now displayed if a negative amount for input or output VAT is entered to avoid filing by mistake.
The ability to print the Payment and Liabilities in VAT account has now been included.
TaxCalc Product Update - version 14.6.300 - Released on 1st May 2024
Please note:
For Customers who have not already updated to Version 14, this update requires an installer to be run. Please ensure that you have local admin rights before attempting the update.
This release may result in a change to the IR Mark on any existing V3 CT600 returns.
Product summary
Accounts Production
Company Incorporator
Practice Manager
Communications Centre
Tax Return Production
Accounts Production
Accounts Production – Group Accounts add-on
The Group Accounts add-on allows you to prepare group accounts for limited companies in accordance with FRS 102 or FRS 102 1A.
The following functionality will be available for group accounts:
Seamless switching between the company and group.
Group structure management to set up the group structure, select the subsidiaries to be consolidated and see any warnings for any of the group members.
Group trial balance, including the group adjustments, parent and subsidiary values.
Group reports containing all the required group and company disclosures, with the following additional group specific disclosures:
Company Profit & Loss Account note on the balance sheet.
Accounting policies – Basis of Consolidation and Business Combinations.
Business Combinations note.
Non-controlling interests note.
Additional accounts have been added in the chart of accounts:
Profit and Loss – Profit/loss attributable to non-controlling interest (account 3950).
Capital and reserves – Acquisition and disposal of shares in subsidiary from/to non-controlling interest (accounts 8070/8071).
Non-controlling interest – (accounts 8100/8181).
Advanced drill down across the nominal ledger and financial statements to drill down from the figures to the originating entry from whichever group entry the postings originate from.
General Maintenance
Resolved an issue where, when the accounts were abridged in the previous year/period, the gross profit comparative figure displayed in the current year/period incorrectly and included other operating income.
User-entered text in the provision for liabilities note will now be saved correctly.
Resolved a issue where in a specific scenario the officers couldn’t be refreshed after re-appointment.
The director signing/approving the financial statements drop down list in Edit Notes will now display all the applicable directors, where previously in specific scenarios they were not all being displayed.
The directors signing the financial statements selection will now save correctly in Edit Notes, where previously this was not being saved in specific scenarios.
The trial balance will now show the correct totals and profit and loss value on the multiple year trial balance report, where previously the names of people option was set differently across the years selected to be displayed on the report.
The current asset investment note has been updated to display a double underline when there is only one line item to display.
The ‘Next step’ button in Edit notes has been relocated to the right of the existing ‘Previous step’ button.
The following online filling errors have been resolved and will no longer stop the filing to HMRC:
9999 - fatal:cvc-complex-type: the content of element 'ui' is not complete. One of '{ http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml''}' is expected.
9999 - fatal:cvc-complex-type: the content of element 'ui' is not complete, when secured creditors note is included without data entries.
Company Incorporator
Practice Manager
Communications Centre
Added an option within the Microsoft Email authorisation journey to use the default browser instead of the TaxCalc browser. In some cases, users were unable to complete the authorisation within the TaxCalc browser itself.
Fixed an issue relating to mailbox signatures that include images. When using the Microsoft Email mailbox type, images within the signature itself were not appearing in the sent emails.
Tax Return Production
SA100 Individual Tax Returns
Enhanced the user journey for self-employed businesses that have multiple account periods falling in the 2023/24 tax year.
Fixed an issue relating to the calculation of tax for a non-resident individual with transition profits from self employment or partnership Income.
Updated the SA302 for Individual Tax Returns to show the correct amount for ‘income tax charge’ on gift aid payments (overall calculation was correct).
Updated the 2024 HS325 Lump Sums Worksheet.
Updated the wording on dividend screens to remove reference to previous share splits.
Fixed a rare issue where newly created clients were not shown in the joint import client picker in Individual Tax Returns.
SA800 Partnership Tax Returns
Included HMRC Specials & Exclusions for 2024 (update to messaging).
Updated the Partnership Business Summary to display Structure and Buildings Allowance claims as deductible amounts (now shown in brackets).
SA900 Trust Tax Returns
Included HMRC Specials & Exclusions for 2023/24 Tax Year for Trust Tax Returns.
Updated the automated value for capital gains tax annual exemption for 2023/24 Trust Tax Returns.
Updated the trade and partnership calculations for 2023/24 Trust Tax Returns where transition losses have arisen.
CT600 Corporation Tax Returns
Ensured that the correct rate of tax is being applied to Corporation Tax Returns for company type '9' – Real Estate Investment Trust C.
Updated the logic for boxes 326, 327 and 328, to ensure that these boxes can be completed when necessary and validations are only shown where relevant.
Updated the capital allowance calculations for super deduction disposals, to ensure the full super deduction claims that were proportionately reduced are correctly identified.
Users may now choose whether to attach group or company accounts to a CT600.
TaxCalc Product Update - version 14.5.601 - Released on 27th March 2024
Please note:
For Customers who have not already updated to Version 14, this update requires an installer to be run. Please ensure that you have local admin rights before attempting the update.
This release may result in a change to the IR Mark on any existing V3 CT600 returns.
Product Summary
Communications Centre
Companies House Forms
Accounts Production
Communications Centre
ACTION REQUIRED on the changes below, if you use Microsoft email accounts. Read our Knowledge Base Article for more information.
Added a new means of authorising and sending emails from Communications Centre for any Microsoft email accounts (Office 365, Outlook, Hotmail, Live and more).
Please note: This will replace use of the existing ‘Office 365’ and ‘Outlook’ email provider types and has been implemented as a result of Microsoft’s planned removal (from 31st March 2024) of support for the mechanisms TaxCalc uses for these mailbox types.
Users will be able to change the email provider type to the new Microsoft Email option instead and authorise it to use any Microsoft mailboxes, should they need to.
Companies House Forms
Confirmation Statement
Check & Finish will no longer display Invalid Authentication Code warning when creating a Confirmation Statement dated on or after 5 March.
Paper copy of the CS01 form will now populate section B1 (share capital) and D1 (Shareholder information for a non-traded company) where the changes have been indicated to be included in the form.
The following filling errors have been resolved for statements dated prior to 5 March 2024 and will no longer stop the user filing successfully with Companies House:
· 9999:Invalid Element accept Lawful Purpose Statement
Accounts Production
General maintenance
TaxCalc Product Update - version 14.5.501 - Released on 21st March 2024
Please note:
For Customers who have not already updated to Version 14, this update requires an installer to be run. Please ensure that you have local admin rights before attempting the update.
This release may result in a change to the IR Mark on any existing V3 CT600 returns.
Product Summary
- Accounts Production
- Companies House Forms
- Tax Return Production
- Practice Management
- Practice Manager Plus
- Time
- eSign Centre
Accounts Production
General Maintenance
Notes to the financial statements has been updated to display without a subtotal when there is only one item to display.
The goodwill accounting policy for limited by guarantee companies has been updated to include the token for the profit and loss account/income statement, so the reference will be correct when applying Companies Act or FRS headers.
Statement of cash flows: Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year/period have been assigned an iXBRL tag.
Limited companies and LLPs with accounting periods starting on or after 1 April 2015 and ending before 31 March 2022 have been updated to apply FRC 2023 taxonomy, so these periods can be submitted electronically. This includes the submission of revised accounts.
In the statement of director’s responsibilities for FRS 102 1a accounts, the electronic publication note has been included in Admin Centre and can be edited without a FRS 102 MLA licence.
Auditor’s remuneration note: The non-audit services section heading has been replaced with ‘Other Services’ for any new accounting periods created.
The default status of the debtors and creditors notes have been updated to avoid over-disclosure for limited companies and LLPs applying FRS 102 1A for any new periods created.
The following online filling errors have been resolved and will no longer stop the user filing successfully with HMRC:
LLPs, members report: The qualifying third party and pension scheme indemnity provision note will now be included in the financial statements when the note is selected to be included.
The exceptional items note will no longer be brought forward into the next accounting period when bringing forward account settings and notes.
The provision for liabilities note will now be displayed correctly under the additional notes filter for LLPs applying full FRS102 options.
Default notes within the Admin Centre now include the following notes to match with the Edit Notes order at client level:
Companies House Forms
General Maintenance
Tax Return Production
SA100 & R40 – Individual Tax Return
Incorporation of the 2023/24 R40, SA100 Tax Returns and associated supplementary, including updates to calculations, summaries, wizards, HMRC helpsheets and worksheets.
Updated SimpleStep(R) for the 2024 tax year.
Updated the Basis Period Calculator following changes to the legislation regarding basis period reform.
Added a new Transition Profits wizard to assist with the new rules regarding basis period reform.
Improvements made to the functionality and layout of the company car wizard.
Updated the validation relating to Subscriptions for shares under the Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme to recognise that the limit is £200,000.
Updated the Asset Details screen for Capital Assets to ensure that the boxes relating to Real Time Transaction Tax paid and Tax Paid on a UK Property Disposal are always visible.
Updated the Annual Pension Allowance wizard following changes to the annual limits.
Included a new information message regarding the removal of the lifetime allowance charge for 2023/24.
Updated the self-employment short pages of the SA100 Tax Return to allow for disallowable expenses entries.
Updated the self-employment full and short pages of the SA100 Tax Return to allow for private use percentage to be entered.
Minor formatting changes made to the SA302 Tax Summary.
Minor formatting changes made to the Data Entered Summary, Partnership Summary, TaxCalc Summary and Self-Employment Summary.
SA800 – Partnership Tax Return
Incorporation of the 2023/24 SA800 Tax Return and associated supplementary pages, including updates to summaries, wizards, HMRC helpsheets and worksheets.
Updated SimpleStep(R) for the 2024 tax year.
SA900 – Trust Tax Return
Incorporation of the 2023/24 SA900 Tax Return and associated supplementary pages, including updates to summaries, wizards, HMRC helpsheets and worksheets.
CT600 – Corporation Tax Return
Incorporation of the updated CT600, Version 3 (2024) form.
Updated SimpleStep for inclusion of the new boxes on the CT600.
Updated R&D SME relief section to account for R&D intensive companies.
Updated the Corporation Tax computation where an R&D SME relief rate of 14.5% is being claimed.
Updated creative tax credit rates for orchestra, theatre and museum and galleries relief in line with legislation changes.
Included a new information message for creative tax credit claims following guidance from HMRC that an additional information requirement applies from 1 April 2024.
Updated the notional tax calculation for RDEC claims to take into account the change in Corporation Tax rate of 25% from 1 April 2023.
Updated the locking/unlocking mechanism for associated company boxes (boxes 326, 327 and 328) where the account period ends on or after 1 April 2024.
Capital Allowances
Updated capital allowances to cater for Investment Zone claims for Corporation Tax and Self Assessment Tax Returns.
Updated mapping for full expensing claims and qualifying expenditure on super deduction/special rate first year allowances, in line with new form CT600 and guidance.
Updated calculations for super deduction balancing charges where a full super deduction claim is not equal to 130% (relevant for account periods straddling 31 March 2023).
Updated the validations relating to electric vehicle charge points following the extension of the allowance to 31 March 2025.
General update to the layout and formatting of the capital allowances section of the Corporation Tax Computation.
Fixed an issue in the Capital Allowances Manual Grid relating to special rate pool and Freeport enhanced capital allowances.
Updated the date on the validation message for SA100 and SA800 Tax Returns relating to the Structures and Buildings Allowance.
Practice Management
For a limited company (limited by guarantee and limited by shares), additional relationship types have been added in the 'relationships tab' to allow for the following relationships to be added:
Is a subsidiary of
Is an associate of
Is a joint venture of
An additional 'Group Structure' sub-item has been created for the 'Relationships' tab to view the 'Group Structure', which allows the user to see the group structure and the location of the selected company in the group structure. An option has been created to filter the view to:
Practice Manager Plus
Create work periods and set work statuses for tasks managed outside of TaxCalc, such as payroll.
It is now possible to bulk create jobs for all activity types and services, including custom.
Client List
The most recent Tax SA statuses will now appear within the right-hand panel when a client is selected.
You can now add columns to the Client List for Non-TaxCalc work item status and latest period, to provide a quick view of all work.
General Maintenance
Within Report Manager, when adding custom fields as reporting columns, there is no longer duplication.
Within Data Mining when adding custom fields as data conditions, there is no longer duplication.
Completing jobs with the recurrence override will now reset task statuses to Planned.
General Maintenance
eSign Centre
TaxCalc Product Update - version 14.4.601 - Released on 5th March 2024
Please note:
For Customers who have not already updated to Version 14, this update requires an installer to be run. Please ensure that you have local admin rights before attempting the update.
This release may result in a change to the IR Mark on any existing V3 CT600 returns.
Product Summary
- Tax Return Production
- Practice Manager
- Company Incorporator
- Companies House Forms
Tax Return Production
Practice Manager
Company Incorporator
Companies House Forms
Article ID: 3401
Last updated: 09 Jan, 2025
Revision: 2
Views: 299