EC Sales List - Invalid VAT Registration Number

Article ID: 2539
Last updated: 01 Aug, 2019

If you are using TaxCalc to file an EC Sales List VAT return and are receiving an error about the VAT Registration Number (VRN) being invalid, you will need to check that the VRN has been placed into TaxCalc in the correct format. 

Please note, if you are getting this error message for MTD VAT, you will need to read our article for Common MTD VAT errors.

  1. You will need to open the business details for the EC Sales List
  2. Check the VRN does not have any spaces or country initials (such as GB) in it
  3. You will then need to delete and re-create the VAT return and re-attempt the submission

If the above does not resolve the issue, you will need to check the VRNs within the EC Sales List are valid by using the link for VIES VAT number validation. This allows for the VAT registration number to be checked to confirm whether or not it is a valid entry. If the VAT registration number is invalid then this will be the reason for the failure message provided by HMRC. You will need to check with your client to see if the number has been quoted properly. Please check that it has:

  • The correct number of characters.
  • Correct length
  • Correct country prefix.

If the number continues to be invalid the business will need to contact their tax administrators to request that the data in VIES (VAT Information Exchange System) be updated. If you find that your business's data is incorrect or not up to date then you will need to contact your own tax administrator and ask for it to be corrected.

Article ID: 2539
Last updated: 01 Aug, 2019
Revision: 12
Views: 2263
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item Common MTD VAT errors