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  • 1046
    This error relates to a problem with the current HMRC (also referred to as ‘Gateway’) User ID, Password or UTR number.
  • Amortisation
    Businesses capitalise goodwill as an intangible fixed asset and write it off over a number of years. This is what is known as amortisation. This works similarly to Depreciation which is the write off of Fixed Assets. 
  • anonymised
    When you send an anonymised return to TaxCalc, the return received will be cleared of personal details and anything that would relate to you/your client. This includes:
    • Name
    • National Insurance Number
    • Unique Tax Reference number
    • Address(s)
    • Name and details of: Employer, Self Employment, Partnership, Properties, Pension (contributions and income), Foreign income and Capital Gains. 
    • Bank details
    The asp_db_connection file is used when workstations have a problem trying to start the network version of TaxCalc. The file consists of encrypted connection details to allow the workstation to be able to start the program even if they dont get a response from the Acorah Discovery Service running on the server.
    This file tells the workstation where the database is.
  • Client Portfolio
    If you have multiple users of TaxCalc within the office and you each work on separate clients, you can associate the relevant clients to a specific user within the hub.
  • COM add-ins
    COM (Common Object Model) add-ins are used to extend the functionality of Office applications. They are normally used to automate certain tasks in response to an action (for instance clicking on a toolbar icon, or opening/closing documents or worksheets).
  • CSV
    CSV (comma seperated variable) is a file format that can store data in a tabular format, similar to (and widely compatible with) spreadsheets.
  • Goodwill
    Goodwill is an intangible asset that is associated with the purchase of one company by another. Specifically, goodwill is the portion of the purchase price that is higher than the sum of the net fair value of all of the assets purchased in the acquisition and the liabilities assumed in the process. The value of a company’s brand name, solid customer base, good customer relations, good employee relations, and proprietary technology represent some reasons why goodwill exists.
  • HiDPI
    Descibes "High Dots per Inch" or "High resolution" displays, commonly those running at 4k resolution levels,  Found on modern monitors and smaller high end laptop displays
  • hub.sqlite
    The database for standalone versions of TaxCalc will always be named hub.sqlite.
  • Network attached Storage (NAS)
    A NAS device normally consists of a Hard drive or multiple hard drives inside an enclosure with a Network adaptor.

    Once connected to the network, the NAS box is configured with software supplied through the manufacturer and through a web interface, and normally appears as a network share.

    Files can then be written to and read from the device without the need for a computer to be left turned on.

  • PGAdmin
    This is the program installed with the Postgres Database to allow administration of the Postgres parameters. Under certain circumstances it can also allow manipulation of the database through the application of scripts or queries when directed by TaxCalc support
  • Postgres
    Postgres is the database structure used for all network versions of TaxCalc. On occasion standalone Professional users may be using this database due to historical or operational reasons. Also referred to as PostgreSQL or PSQL
  • Root Database Password
    This is a password required for installation of the database and to restore a backup on the host (server) machine
  • SQLite
    The database used for standalone/Individual installations. For Individual users the TaxReturn data will still be stored in the indivual tax return file. For professional users TaxCalc recommends that users store the tax return data inside the database
  • SQLlite Manager
    Refers to a plugin for the Firefox web browser that allows direct manipulation of the SQLite tables.
  • Virtual Private Network (VPN)
    A Virtual Private network (also known as a VPN) allows the user to create a secure tunnel from their location to a specified location elsewhere on the internet.

    This is most commonly utilised when users wish to connect to a remote site to access sensitive data as if they were on the network/PC at the far end.

    TaxCalc users commonly utilise a VPN to run TaxCalc while away from the office. The remote machine initiates a VPN connection to a device on the network (most commonly the router or server) and establishes a secure end to end "tunnel". The remote user could then use the network copy of TaxCalc as any other PC on the network at the far end could (subject to bandwidth limitations).