How do I include/remove disclosures from the Registrar Financial Statements but not affect the Full Financial Statements?

Registrar Financial Statements (aka Filleted) are those which are delivered to Companies House in accordance with the Companies Act 2006, section 444.

When generating Registrar Financial Statements content will be removed which is not required to be filed e.g. Directors Report and Profit and Loss Account (inc related notes).

It is not possible to manually remove additional content from Registrar Financial Statements that would have otherwise been included within the Full Financial Statements without it being removed from the Full Financial Statements themselves.

It is possible to however to include content within the Registrar Financial Statements that had been removed should the decision be made that it should be included.  Options are available within Edit Notes to include the following:

Article ID: 2795
Last updated: 06 Feb, 2018
Revision: 1
Accounts Production -> How do I include/remove disclosures from the Registrar Financial Statements but not affect the Full Financial Statements?