Help files not visible on a Mac

On the 22nd October 2021 we updated the installation media for our Mac users. If you are experiencing the problems detailed in the article below please firstly re-download the Mac installer from your TaxCalc account under My Account \ My Products and Services and try the installation again.

If you continue to have problems with installing TaxCalc on a Mac please contact where we will be happy to assist further.

A small number of customers have reported that help fields are not available or missing on the Mac version of TaxCalc.

It appears this may happen if the program is downloaded and run before being copied to the Applications folder. This causes an issue with the help file cache.

The following information resets the cache and Opening TaxCalc (and the help files) after this should reset it.

Go to Finder > Applications > Utilities > Terminal. This opens a terminal window.

Once you have tested this, reset the hidden files information.

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles FALSE

Article ID: 2309
Last updated: 22 Oct, 2021
Revision: 9
Technical -> Help files not visible on a Mac