Below are the Release Notes for previous versions of TaxCalc. Click to see the Release Notes for 2013-2016 > 2018 > 2019 > 2020 > 2021 > 2022 > 2023 > 2024 > 2025
CT Loss Reform - Version 6.1.031 - Released on 13th December 2017
Removal of support for older operating systems
TaxCalc will no longer be supported on the following operating systems (which will need to be upgraded to continue using TaxCalc):
- Windows Vista (or earlier)
- Windows Server 2008 (Pre R2)
- OSX 10.9 Mavericks (or earlier)
- Linux kernel 3.09 (or earlier)
Tax Return Production
- Corporation Tax - incorporated new data entry and calculations relating to the introduction of the loss relief regime brought about by the Finance Bill 2017.
- Please Note: The changes to Corporation Tax losses in this release will affect periods of account starting on or straddling 1/4/2017 and will result in the IRMark changing for any pre-existing CT600 submission. This is necessary to ensure the submission of these Tax Returns are successful.
- Corrected an issue in the previous release which prevented the removal of attachments on CT600 returns.
- End User Licence Agreement (EULA) has been updated to reflect some changes.
- General security enhancements for Cloud users.
- Corrected some issues in the previous release which resulted in unexpected screen content for some users with specific graphics cards.
- Added some configuration options to troubleshoot other uncommon screen content issues on some systems.
TaxCalc Company Secretarial Release - Version 6.0.041 - Released on 17 November 2017
Removal of support for older operating systems
TaxCalc will no longer be supported on the following operating systems (which will need to be upgraded to continue using TaxCalc):
- Windows Vista (or earlier)
- OSX 10.9 Mavericks (or earlier)
- Linux kernel 3.09 (or earlier)
Client Hub
NEW FEATURE - Dashboards.
- A new dashboard is available instead of the application launcher. The dashboard contains a variety of customisable widgets allowing you to view clients, tasks, online filing status and access customisable reports in real-time.
- More widgets will be added over time - tell us what you want!
NEW FEATURE - Businesses in Client Hub and Business Cleanup Wizard.
- With HMRC's Making Tax Digital for Business project approaching, we've taken the time to enhance Client Hub, allowing you to create multiple businesses (Trades, Property, Foreign Property) for your clients with separate VAT and PAYE information, as required.
- You can also create separate VAT returns for each business.
- There is also a cleanup wizard to help you to easily create businesses and move relevant information into these new businesses.
NEW FEATURE - Create company clients from Companies House API.
- You can now search the Companies House API and create company clients from information held at Companies House.
- Imported data includes the company name and number, as well as SIC codes and important dates like the incorporation date, usual year end and so on.
- Enhancements have been made to the CSV Client Import feature. More information about your clients can now be imported from an external CSV source.
- Columns and page orientation in all Reports can now be edited on the fly before printing, for one-off changes.
- Added the ability to control the inclusion of contacts (as well as clients) in reports.
- Added a duplicate report function to quickly make a copy of existing reports as a basis for new reports and save time.
- Added report categories. You can now create and assign categories to your reports to better group and organise them.
- Added the ability to search for clients/contacts by phone number. Entering 4 or more digits will trigger inclusion of clients/contacts with a matching phone number in the Client Hub search results.
Company Secretarial
- Updated People with Significant Control (PSC) forms to include new Date of Registry entry field required by Companies House. Also some further improvements to other date submissions on these forms.
- Corrected some issues with synchronisation between Client Hub and Companies House Forms.
- Corrected some issues whereby allotments and transfers of new share information was not always populating correctly in SH01 (Share Allotment) and CS01 (Confirmation Statement) forms, and multiple currencies were not populating continuation pages in the printed reports.
- Some validation improvements have been made to the EEA / Non-EEA information sections of forms relating to Corporate Officers and PSCs.
- Corrected a submission issue with the AP04 form, which could incorrectly appoint a corporate director instead of a corporate secretary in some cases.
- Fixed an issue which prevented online submission of TM01/02 (Termination of Officer) forms.
- Fixed some issues with content of addresses which could prevent online submission of forms in some cases.
- Added a restriction to prevent attempts to obtain a Certificate of Incorporation before the Incorporation has been fully processed, as well as improved handling of Companies House responses when checking on the status of a form that is still being processed.
- Added an option to request same day processing of change of name forms.
- Corrected some typos and grammatical issues throughout.
- Added option to sign the Statement of Compliance on behalf of a firm (as opposed to an individual).
- Corrected population of currency and guarantee amounts from Client Hub for Companies Limited by Guarantee.
- Corrected some online submission inconsistencies for share capital.
- Corrected some online filing inconsistencies with addresses.
Tax Return Production
- General layout enhancements throughout.
- Enhancements and validations have been added to the HMRC Fetch API process to help troubleshoot and explain some reported issues regarding unavailable data.
- Removed some incorrect tax tips from the Tax Tips and Planning report which no longer apply.
- BRANDING CHANGE. New TaxCalc branding, including a new desktop launcher icon and application background, have been added.
- Improvements have been made to the handling of high DPI screens.
- End User Licence Agreement (EULA) has been updated to reflect some changes.
- General security enhancements for Cloud users.
Cloud Installer fix - Version 5.8.012 - Released on 19 December 2017
- This release applies underlying changes to the update mechanism. This enables all users to upgrade to the current main release - version 6.0 (or later).
After installing this release, another update will be available for the upgrade to version 6.0 (or later).
TaxCalc 2017 update - Version 5.8.009 - Released on 5 October 2017
TaxCalc 2017
- 2016/17 Tax Calculations
- Resolved the erroneous display of a Check & Finish message when Capital Gains were entered (the message now correctly appears only when Boxes 41 or 43 are completed)
TaxCalc 2017 update - Version 5.8.005 - Released on 28 September 2017
TaxCalc 2017
- New Feature:
- Option in Administration area to automatically lock Tax Returns upon successful online filing
- 2016/17 Tax calculations
- Incorporation of the final updated tax calculations for 2016/17 issued by HMRC - this will correct many of the outstanding errors encountered in relation to allocation of allowances and deductions.
- Online Filing - incorporation of messages relating to additional HMRC Exclusions
- Update of the TaxCalc Summary report to align with updated tax calculations
- Update to the SA110 HMRC Calculation Summary in line with calculation changes
- SA108 Capital Gains pages - disposal proceeds and costs not shown on the form where below the limits for completing the pages
- SA108 Capital Gains - HMRC calculation of gain not being calculated where losses on EIS/SEIS relief allocated against income.
- Class 4 NIC being incorrectly charged for non-resident individuals where exempt selected.
Note: The IR Mark will change for all cases where the tax liability changes as a result of the updated HMRC calculations and resolutions to the two issues relating to SA108 Capital gains Tax.
- 2017/18 Whatif? Planner update
- Update of the calculations in line with the changes to 2016/17 calculation
- Correction of the application of the Scottish Income Tax rate band
- SA900 Trust & Estates Tax Return
- Form's R185 - inclusion of latest form R185 including fix for the missing text underneath Box 9 of the R185 (Settlor)
- R185 Beneficiary - Beneficiaries R185 not being generated when using "auto-create" option
- SA905 Capital Gains Tax pages - IR Mark not appearing on each page when printing.
- 2016/17 Help manual
- Improvements to 2017 Tax Calc Help and associated links..
- CT600 (Company)
- Yearly comparison report was not being generated
- Property business losses - error validation appears when attempting to allocate losses b/fwd against total profits
- CT600 for Property business fails online filing for a period starting on or after 1/4/2017. Boxes 740 and 745 completed with a "0" incorrectly.
- Property business - WDV carried forward calculated incorrectly where only AIA claimed in the period.
Accounts Production
The following issues have been resolved:
- FRS 102 1A
- Registrar Financial Statements no longer include Profit and Loss notes incorrectly.
- Registrar Financial Statements now includes a statement on the Balance Sheet that the Profit and Loss Account has not been filed.
- Average number of employees note no longer displays column headings where categories are not entered.
- FRS 105
- Average number of employees note is now available.
- LLPs only
- Income statement is no longer being incorrectly included within Registrar Financial Statements.
TaxCalc Company Secretarial Release - Version 5.7.056 - Released on 31 August 2017
TaxCalc Company Secretarial
- Enabling retrieval of a new incorporation certificate when a change of name form is submitted successfully to Companies House.
- Handling errors of additional submissions before a response is received from Companies House from the first initial submission of a form.
- Fixed an issue for a submission failure when the company type is set to Scottish whilst submitting Confirmation Statements.
- Added the ability to check the status of any form multiple times.
- Handled a common rejection error number 8023 from companies house with a Knowledge Base (KB) article for further guidance.
- Minor text change on NM01 and NM04 to do with meeting date and signing date.
- Disabled online filing for NM02 and NM03 forms as these can only be submitted by paper.
TaxCalc Company Secretarial Release - Version 5.7.050 - Released on 15 August 2017
TaxCalc Company Incorporator
- Fixed an occurrence of not being able to print the incorporation certificate.
- Removed an issue with retrieving incorporation certificates.
- It is now permitted to check Companies House Status responses multiple times.
TaxCalc Companies House Forms
- Enabled the ability to send a Companies House submission response to TaxCalc for investigation.
- Improved validations when filing to Companies House.
- Resolved an issue with submissions relating to Company Authentication Numbers.
TaxCalc Company Secretarial Release - Version 5.7.044 - Released on 3 August 2017
New Product: TaxCalc Company Incorporator
- TaxCalc Company Incorporator assists with the fast and efficient incorporation of Private Limited Companies and Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs).
New Product: TaxCalc Companies House Forms
- TaxCalc Companies House Forms saves time when keeping Companies House up to date, by filing forms securely online from within TaxCalc.
- The software features a library of the most commonly used forms, including managing officers and shareholders, and the annual Confirmation Statement (the replacement for the Annual Return).
Client Hub
- Addition of Share Capital and Shareholdings screens in Client Hub to manage companies' shares and work with the Companies House Forms module.
- Added the ability to choose Limited by Guarantee as the company type when using the quick client create.
- Clarified the tasks window to setting of reminders (based on start and/or due dates).
- Reworded 'Annual return' fields to 'Annual return/Confirmation statement' for clarity.
- Added the ability to create new periods and returns from when creating a task.
- Fixed an issue with client name searches which prevented matches in some circumstances when searching on first name and surname together.
- Added a 'Moved out date' field to all client addresses to allow better management of old and new in future.
- Corrected some (rare) issues with Mail merge on Mac OSX and improved performance when generating a large number of letters and/or client questionnaires.
- Improvements to the open tabs on the tab bar. Initial width of tabs has been increased for clarity along with automatic resizing of the tabs as the bar fills.
- Fixed an issue with a wizard used to auto-create partner relationships in Client Hub after importing a new SA800 (partnership) tax return into the system.
Tax Production
- Corrected a display issue on the What If Planner 2016/17 summary which was missing a line for dividends at 0% in some cases.
- Fixed an issue, in some cases, with the correct population of Capital Allowance AIA and WDA fields on the company tax return.
- More general updates to 2017 application help.
Batch Filer
- Fixed an issue with the search function on the batch filer screen.
- Added validations to ensure that date of birth is flagged as a mandatory field when performing searches.
TaxCalc 2017 What If / AML / Dividend data Release - Version 5.6.036 - Released on 28 June 2017
TaxCalc 2017
- New Feature: TaxCalc What If Planner for 2017-18 tax year is now available
- What If Planner includes Scottish rate of tax and improvements to handling of remittance basis and Class 4 calculations.
- End User Licence Agreement has been updated accordingly and in line with 2017's policy updates.
- SA100 (Individual) return
- 2016/17 tax calculation changes and personal allowance allocation. The calculation provided by HMRC is not always allocating personal allowances in the most beneficial way. The tax calculation provided within TaxCalc has been updated to provide the correct calculation in most scenarios, however, there may still be scenarios that are not currently covered by HMRC Exclusions.
- SA100 (Individual) returns now include the new CGT Losses Summary in the attachment sent to HMRC (where applicable).
- Fixed an issue where the Pension Input wizard was incorrectly deducting the amount of employers' contributions in arriving at the amount of the annual allowance. The wizard was also incorrectly calculating the amount of annual allowance available pre- and post-July 2015, resulting in a greater amount of allowance to carry forward.
- The Client Questionnaire was incorrectly excluding some sources of pension income from the previous year and was reporting dividend income under an incorrect heading. This is now fixed.
- Corrected an issue with Self-Employment losses that were carried back in the 2015-16 year incorrectly being brought forward into the 2016-17 return again in some cases.
- Fixed an issue which prevented R185 data from being imported into SA107 Trust pages on the Individual's return.
- Corrected an issue whereby capital losses being offset against other income types could result in the loss being used twice.
- Corrected Tax Payment / Repayment Summary to include the tax payer's name.
- Corrected Tax Payment / Repayment Summary to correctly reflect repayments being claimed 'now' (and not show it as offset against the January payment due).
- Corrected logic for female pension retirement age which could result in an incorrect claim for Class 4 exemption.
- Added motor expenses back into the self-employment pages.
- Updated Foreign Tax Credit Relief data to include recent rate changes for Interest and Dividends in new Double Taxation Agreements and updated/corrected the supporting worksheets.
- Further updates to the SA110 Notes from recent HMRC changes (some further changes are outstanding but do not affect the tax calculation itself).
- Corrected import of employment expenses to import all variances into the wizard and not just the total, from the previous year's return.
- Added taxable income into the employment summary, which was previously missing.
- Formatting improvements have been made to the Word / Excel export of summaries.
- SA900 (Trust and Estate) return
- Corrected several erroneous error messages and submission errors in the Capital Gains pages.
- Presentational improvements to the summaries (also affecting the SA800 Partnership return).
- Some display corrections on the SA951 tax calculation.
- CT600 (Company)
- Minor corrections to the computations for Patent Box and Annual Investment Allowance claims as well as correcting the Chargeable Gains losses carried forward value, which was incorrect in some cases.
- Removed the ability to choose type 4 companies, as they no longer exist.
- The repayment claim box is now automatically ticked when applicable and a validation has also been added, to try and ensure that this is ticked/unticked as applicable.
- Updated old references to companies act in SimpleStep mode to more accurately reflect the terminology used in the new CT600 (version 3) form.
Dividend Database
- Further updates to the application Help.
- Implemented changes to account for the fact that gross values are now being reported.
- TaxCalc Client Hub now has an area inside all types of clients to record AML information manually.
- The TaxCalc Anti-Money Laundering Identity Checking Service has been incorporated into the Client Hub
- AML users can now perform searches from within the Client Hub and store the responses in the database.
Accounts Production
- Added a new code '3580' to handle movements in the change in value of investment properties through the profit and loss account.
- Added validations to not use code 3580 to the FRS105 and FRSSE15 chart of accounts, as it is not applicable.
- Added an option to force the words 'As restated' to appear throughout, regardless of postings that would otherwise trigger this statement.
- Corrected a tagging issue when changing accounting standards which resulted in online submission failure in some cases.
- Corrected some tagging with the exported Abbreviated/Registrar accounts that prevented them from being submitted to Companies House outside of TaxCalc Accounts Production.
Version 5.4.119 - Released on 23 May 2017
Client Hub
- Fixed an erroneous validation that prevented Users from being edited within the Administration module.
- Fixed an issue within Client Hub relationships that prevented new beneficiaries from being created.
Version 5.4.116 - Released on 15 May 2017
Tax Return Production
- Fixed an issue that caused the software to become unresponsive if HMRC Status messages existed but the data couldn't be found.
- Various Help pages have been updated. Please note that, whilst most of the Help is up to date, some pages may still hold out of date information (these will be updated when HMRC update the relevant guidance).
- Password protected returns can now be exported (they will still require a password to open).
Self Assessment - SA100
- Fixed an issue affecting 2016 capital allowance claims. In some cases, AIA claims within the general pool were being moved to the special rate pool, which can also result in incorrect importing to the 2017 return. In these cases, affected returns can be re-imported.
- The SA110 Notes (Tax Calculation) has been reviewed and updated for the new tax year.
- Corrected logic so that the Capital Gains Tax pages will be automatically included when required thresholds have been reached (in some cases they were being excluded incorrectly).
- Other corrections to Capital Gains calculations have been implemented.
- Fixed an issue with Foreign Tax Credit Relief claims where there is also a claim of Top Slicing Relief from Life Gains (in some cases this was producing an incorrect calculation).
- Various validation messages and triggers have been updated.
- In cases where the personal allowance is used in a more beneficial way, an information message has been added to explain that this is happening.
- Minor text updates on the SA302, in line with HMRC standards.
- Reports and Summaries have been updated to include more detail and correct some rare instances of missing entries.
- Further HMRC Exclusions (scenarios which will prevent online filing) have been added for 2016/17.
Partnership Return - SA800
- Various validation messages and triggers have been updated.
Trust Return - SA900
- The data entered into Q14 was not being sent to HMRC. It is strongly advised that any submissions of 2017 SA900 returns that include discretionary payments to beneficiaries (Q14) should be re-submitted (by sending an amended return).
- An issue preventing online filing when property income was present has been fixed.
- The SA951 Tax Summary has been reviewed and updated for the new tax year.
- A printing issue with the pages has now been corrected.
- Various validation messages and triggers have been updated.
Corporation Tax Return - CT600
- Corporation Tax returns up to 31 March 2018 can now be filed online.
- Various reports have been reviewed and their layout improved.
- An issue that would cause a filing error when restitution tax was present has been fixed.
- Some iXBRL tags within the computations have been updated.
- Various validation messages and triggers have been updated.
Client Hub
- Fixed an issue where the column sort order was not being saved when re-starting the application.
- The report manager has been updated to fix an issue when using task reports.
- Tasks that relate to a return or period now correctly create the following return or period when complete.
- The 2017 Tax Status shown in the Client Hub now updates correctly after successful submissions.
Cloud Connect
- The non-client cleanup wizard is now enabled for Cloud Connect users.
- Automatic backups made by our system can no longer be deleted.
- Manual backups now have limits, which are shown within the software.
- In some rare cases backups would not complete. This has now been fixed.
Version 5.4.094 - Released on 12 April 2017
Corporation Tax
- Fixed a filing issue on CT returns created before version 5.4.094.
Version 5.4.088 - Released on 06 April 2017
TaxCalc 2017
- Fixed an issue whereby SA100/R40 returns could not be created for the 2017 year when a 2016 R40 repayment claim existed.
- Corrected Tax Payment Repayment Summary which was incorrectly displaying a 1p payment on account in some instances when no payments on account were due.
- Fixed some calculation and display issues with Capital Gains Tax on Individual SA100 returns, as follows:
- CGT Final Summary did not always agree with the, correct, SA302 calculation when Entrepreneurs relief was being claimed. .
- A message regarding unused clogged losses and calculation amendment in box CGT51 was sometimes appearing when no clogged losses exist.
- Added a separate row to the CGT Final Summary to account for other Capital Gains adjustments.
- Fixed an issue on CGT Final summary whereby ring-fenced Non Resident UK Residential losses used were incorrectly being displayed as being carried forward as well.
- Fixed an issue on CGT Final summary whereby unused clogged losses carried forward were being displayed twice in the carried forward section.
- NOTE: An issue in the calculation of unused clogged loss adjustments in box CGT51 is still being investigated. However, a validation has been added to warn when the adjustment may not be correct. This will be fixed in a future update.
- Corrected the SA100 TaxCalc Summary to include FTCR already paid on income from trusts and estates.
- Fixed an issue on Linux whereby application froze when trying top print a return.
Corporation Tax
- Updated messaging to confirm that TaxCalc has now been updated to use the 2017 CT600 (version3) form for periods starting on or after 1st April 2015..
- Added the ability to open the new Loans to Participators wizard from Forms Mode (previously only available via SimpleStep mode).
- Corrected a performance issue that could affect the speed of opening Client Hub for some users with larger client lists.
Client Hub
- Fixed a display issue whereby client email addresses were no longer appearing in the Contact screen when editing a client.
Accounts Production
- Fixed the following issues that were fixed in a previous update but regressed in the previous release:
- Creditor's note that did not need to be disclosed within the abbreviated statements has been turned off by default.
- Accountant's Report note that could have shown a blank box in some cases has now been fixed.
- The transactions with and loans to directors note now correctly displays a comma when figures used are above 1,000.
- Some posts update page numbering issues within the abbreviated statements have been fixed.
- An issue with the trial balance figures not appearing correctly when viewing comparative years has been fixed.
Version 5.4.080 - Released on 3rd April 2017
TaxCalc 2017
- TaxCalc 2017 is available! New 2017 forms available for: SA100, SA800, SA900 returns and R40 repayment claim form.
- Capital Gains pages improved to cater for the new CGT Supplementary page (SA108) as well as:
- Non-resident CGT.
- Employee shareholder status.
- In addition, the CGT summaries have been improved with a separate losses summary and streamlining of the other summaries.
- The intermediary summary now allows you to change the order in which losses and AEA (Annual Exempt Allowance) are used in the rare circumstances that it may be more beneficial to do so.
- Updated Class 2 calculation to handle a rare issue with the Class 2 restrictions, when Class1 NIC has also been paid.
- Clarified some wording relating to lifetime pension allowance to avoid confusion and added reduction in the lifetime limit.
- Other summaries throughout have been updated to streamline and standardise the layout.
- Corrected an issue with printing returns, where the return was not auto-saved and consequently the return status would not be updated.
- Handling of multiple trades (with multiple page 6/7 instances) added for SA800 Partnership return.
Corporation Tax
- New 2017 updates to the CT600 (CT version 3) tax return.
- Patent Box wizard added to assist in calculations of patent relief claims, using either the formulaic or streaming method, along with iXBRL computations.
- Loans to Participators wizard added to track loans year on year and automatically complete the CT600A supplementary page. Also added section to CT Computations.
- New CT600K Restitution Tax supplementary pages added.
- New capital allowances asset pools added for Zero Emissions Goods Vehicles and Enterprise Zones.
- Manual capital allowance entries now cater for property companies.
- Corrected a date display issue within the Tax Reconciliation section of the CT Computations.
- Updated calculation of ring fenced profits, to account for tax rate changes.
- New box added for bank surcharge.
- Fixed an issue with importing Accounts Production values into the CT600 (affecting codes 1870 and 1871).
- Importing Accounts Production values into a CT600 now caters for trading commencement date apportionments.
- Fixed an issue within the computations where total losses would not appear if trading losses were fully utilised in the period.
- General improvements to the computations.
SA900 Trust and Estate return
- Trust and Estate return enhanced to automatically include trustee, settlor and beneficiary relationships added from Client Hub and use this information to create R185 forms.
- Import from R185 into SA100 returns and R40 repayment claim forms.
- Wizards added / enhanced for Q12, 14 and 16 of the Trust and Estate return.
- Tax Pool computation summary added for trusts which are taxed at the trust rate.
Other Tax Production changes
- Client Questionnaire now includes student loan question, even if it was not present on the previous year's return.
- Fixed an issue with period dates not being imported from SNF (Standard Name Format) files when importing into Self Employment pages.
- Added support for the new HMRC transaction engine (to replace Government Gateway for HMRC submissions, in time).
Client Hub
- Enhanced the Relationships screen in the related wizard to allow better handling of multiple relationships and faster creation. You can now create new clients or contacts from within the Relationships wizard.
- Added the ability to create 'contacts' as well as clients, along with the ability to convert older non-clients into new contacts. Contacts allow far more information to be added when creating relationships to people and entities that are not clients. They can also be easily converted into full clients at any time.
- Fixed an issue where restricted clients could still be opened if a client was accessed from within the Companies House filing log window.
Tasks Enhancements
- Tasks can be linked to tax returns, accounts and VAT returns, and these returns and periods can be automatically created when applicable.
- Fixed an issue where the next task is not automatically created when the previous task is completed after the due date.
- Tasks can now be set to re-occur on specific days of the month.
- Added concept of Start Date for tasks, in addition to the existing Due Date.
- Added the ability to update task progress from the cog menu.
- Fixed some display issues and clarified some wording in the Tasks wizard.
Accounts Production
- Added the ability to turn off the Directors' Report and Small Company Rules note when using the FRS 105 standards.
- Fixed issue with the display of the Government Grants note in certain circumstances.
- Clarified the FRS 102 to state that the standard supported is FRS 102 Section 1A.
- Updated the balance sheet declaration statements on FRS 102 Section 1A and FRS 105 to better adhere to Companies House requirements.
- Corrected an issue with the code mapping when exporting trial balance import maps for others to use.
- Fixed an issue on the tax report whereby 'repairs and maintenance' (code 3140) was transferring to the wrong field.
- Various stability and maintenance updates
- Added manual backup limiting. In addition to daily automated backups, CloudConnect users will be permitted up to 10 concurrent manual backups.
- Added a warning when auto-save of tax returns fails, because of temporary loss of connectivity, to prevent potential loss of data.