How do I use Custom Fields?

TaxCalc allows you to create your own fields to appear within a client's record.

Getting Started with Custom Fields

To start using custom fields, you first need to create them within Admin Centre. Follow these steps to create a custom field:

  1. Select Admin Centre from the home screen.
  2. Click on Applications.
  3. Double-click on Practice Manager.
  4. Click on Custom Fields in the left-hand list.

You will now be presented with the Custom Fields screen. This screen allows you to create, edit and delete custom fields.

Creating a Custom Field
  1. From the Custom Fields screen, click on the Create Field button.
  2. This will open a new window where you can:

Once you have created a field, it will appear within a section called Custom Fields on the page you selected and for the relevant type(s) of client.

Editing a Custom Field

Using the above method, you can also edit a custom field and change anything you have already created. This will allow you to change any aspect of the custom field and its placement.

Deleting a Custom Field

While in Admin Centre, you can also delete a custom field. This will remove the field from all client records.

Please note: If the field is being used it will delete ALL data recorded in it, from ALL client records.

Importing a Custom Field

You can import custom field data when importing client data into Practice Manager. From Practice Manager, select Import Client and create your CSV file. Then open the CSV file you've created and manually add the custom field.

Please note: You must ensure the column name in the import file matched the custom field label you've created in Admin Centre and that the data is in the correct format. For example, text, date, number, tickbox, money, dropdown.

Once you've run the import process as normal, the custom field data in then updated in the client record.

Article ID: 2329
Last updated: 25 Feb, 2025
Revision: 10
Practice Manager -> How do I use Custom Fields?